30 July, 2018

Mondsy, 30 July 2018

Catching up with the weekend, working on my August budget, and reading business articles as I plan some more changes.  I'm recovering from Sunday...

Picked more blackberries today... some are wonderful. I eat too many and wonder if it will mess with my body.  :-)  I'm freezing most of them right now.  Last year I tried storing them in freezer bags and they leaked when thawing out. What a mess.  I am trying to use 2-cup heavy plastic containers this year, ones made for freezing.  I see I will need to buy more!!!  I am hoping the 2-cup size will work out for smoothies and small batches of ready-to-use jam as the year goes by.

I was able to read the local paper, surprisingly.  It was sad to see the head of Chrysler died.  I read about him when he was in the thick of his effort to save the car companies he took on as leader. I was very impressed.  Something happened after a surgery and it caused him to die.  Only 66, I think they said.  I remember being surprised, but then I realized his heavy load must have taken a toll on his body.  I imagine he made a lot of money, but it doesn't help him now.  I really liked what I read about him, and was so impressed.  It is sad to lose him.

I caught part of a special news conference with the President and the Italian Prime Minister. The trade deficit was a big topic.  It is good that Trump was able to increase our country's income level through trade relationships.  We are as much in need of fairness as every other country.

Later in the day I heard the "Politics Monday" section of the PBS News Hour program where they were talking about the things our President was saying.  With elections near, everything is a political strategy.  In my view, a business man in the top office may not be normal for us, and it has its challenges, but we NEED new eyes in government.  I continue to pray and hope that he will be able to change the status quo that is killing our nation.  Our financials are the greatest issue, but that doesn't seem to be important now that an election is looming... farm subsidies, border walls, and who knows what else... we need to see our country in dollar terms that will protect our future.  I don't know if anyone who runs for office is going to be able to slay the dragon of greed here or elsewhere.

I continue to pray for change that helps America and its people... fairly.

It's my End-of-the-Month (EOM) time.  I am working on things that I have let go, trying to work out the details for August.

Still trying to find a solution for shipping.
Still trying to stretch my dollars.
Still trying to find the photo miracles for selling.
Still working on my monthly letters.
Still thinking...
Still planning...
Still praying, hoping, doing as much working as I can...
Still believing that GOD is able to do all that needs to be done, so I trust Him for what I can't do, don't have, want, and need.

It's a real one-day-at-a-time life I lead...
Sometimes it is a hard path, other times it is just OK.

I am only one person, and poor, and striving to do the best I can in my current situation.

So, now that I have said all that, I better get going before I really can't stop!! :-)

Until next time,
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

May GOD surprise us all and shower down blessings on those who are wanting to serve Him with their lives … naturally, that includes me.  :-)    Amen.

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