29 March, 2018

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Long day... and I am already wanting to get to bed and sleep... I do hope I can.

The construction guys are almost done... the weather has sunshine... the crafting supplies I ordered are beginning to arrive... I am continuing my effort to organize my space... praying for GOD's provision, protection, and pathway to my future... and getting some of my craft projects going.  Finally.  It is a good thing.

I watched some of the news today... in the early evening.  I am still feeling very sad about the death of all those adopted kids...

It  is hard to think when you are tired.  I will try to write again after I am rested.  Enjoy your evening.

In Christ,
Deborah Martin

May GOD grant our world freedom... from those who want to oppress us, who choose to do wrong, who lift themselves up by hurting others, and who don't know or understand the great love that GOD brings to us as individuals and families and countries.  Amen.

28 March, 2018

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Well, hello... I have been doing some more "creative financing" with my budget again.  :-)   How these things get me, I am not sure, but I keep working on getting better at these "issues" in my goal process.  haha   At my age, I will probably die still battling them.

I needed some butane for my crafting plans (metal clay).  In looking for the costs and other information, I discovered other supplies I have been wanting for some time.  I talked myself into getting some of them.  I'm not sorry for the purchase, but sorry I had to juggle my funds again.  I really just spent money I already had committed to these things... or something like them.

Now I have to wait until they get here, and I can try them with the projects I planned.

I made a new version of my paper mache "paste" and tried it out.  Not sure it is going to work as planned.  When it dries I will know more.  Right now some of the paper seems to be falling off the base I am trying to attach it to.  I may have to apply the newspaper in a different way.  I will try that tomorrow.

My little craft sewing machine for kids is out of it's storage space, and near being used... FINALLY!!  :-)  I have to find the instruction booklet to thread the thing again... and then I can try it out on some of the fabrics I have waiting for it.  It feels like I am moving forward, but the movement seems so small.  I am thinking about design options, still, so I am always working toward the future I hope to achieve.

Finished my black jelly beans today... and wanted a whole new bag of them to keep on eating!  I love licorice flavor, so black jelly beans are like a huge splurge for me!  :-)   Food... it means so much!!

What a day... I keep wondering what GOD is up to... how it will all turn out... who will suffer most... how to make things different...  I wonder about a lot of things.

I use to say I was a one-woman think tank... :-)  ... no funding though.  Sad....  You are welcome to donate to my cause... but you won't get a tax deduction.  haha

Time to go. I just wanted to check in.  I didn't finish my online order until about 11 pm... such a massive commitment of time I didn't want to spend.  I hope it was worth it.  (One of the items I purchased was to shred up paper for making paper pulp... totally dedicated to crafting.  I can use it for mixing plaster for other projects, too... when I get to that point.  I hope it works for these plans!)

Until next time,
May the GOD I love and believe in find a way to help me through the things I don't like about my current situation... may He watch over me and the ones I love and pray for... may He provide and protect as only GOD can do.  Amen.

In Christ,
Deborah Martin

(Prayer is above today.)

27 March, 2018

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

I just finished eating a dinner-like meal, so maybe (MAYBE) food won't be the topic of the day... (don't hold your breath!  haha)

I have been modifying my April budget already... I made a payment with a different account than I planned on, so now I have to move all the other budget categories around.  I will get a hang on this....

It has been a strange day... so tired... I got up after 7 and took a shower but it didn't wake my poor tired body up, so I went back to bed.  I am still tired... I want a nap!  Such a pain!

All of that means I didn't get to my list of things to do... and I am hardly motivated to start.  So, now I am trying to work my focus into getting started in those directions.  Once I get started, I'm fine... it's just the getting started that is the killer.  :-(

I found some of my little art projects to keep working on.  That is what I have planned to do today... to get me going.  It should work.  I will probably be busy the rest of the day, maybe into the night... if I can keep my eyes open.  haha   I want to do elephants and polar bears, learn some landscape painting someday, and I have some gold leaf I bought to experiment with it.   I have always wanted to try that stuff!  I think I will try to do a word like "Love" on a heart... I'm not sure.  Not today, though.

Taxes are the April theme... I need to make sure my taxes are not messed up because of my senior status and LOW income... I thought my son was claiming me so I didn't need to file, then I checked and my income was too low to require filing... This year I just want to get it all figured out...  This year....  year...  probably not in APRIL! 

APRIL is also Earth Day (22nd) and Arbor Day (27th)... I'm working on my plan for sales related to Earth Day, and want to do as many tree things for Arbor Day as I can... more each year, I hope. 

I love the effort to make new things out of old things.  It's called recycling, re-using, re-purposing, and more.  I have such a long list of recycling things to do, or try... I just need more money, so I'm working on that problem.  :-)

Trees are part of the reason our air quality is so bad... they suck up all the bad stuff and give us good stuff... with all the destruction of forests everywhere, the ecological balance is really off.  Pollution made it even harder for the trees to help us.  I always hoped to plant as many as I could.

MAY is Mother's Day month... I still owe my Mother a better Christmas present, a birthday gift, and whatever I will do for Mother's Day.  I may as well combine the shipping costs and send them for Mother's Day... Pray for me!!!

I have a birthday to do in May, an anniversary in June, and another birthday in July... these are all related to one of my sons.  The other two sons are in my September budget.  It all has to be figured out in the budgets.  Naturally, there are other events to consider, but my kids are the higher priority... everyone else just has to fit in somewhere or be left out.

JUNE is Father's Day... I don't have to worry about that one!

I guess this will be it for today... some days are harder than others... but we all just keep going forward the best we can.

Until next time,
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

May we all find the best answers to our goal strategies.
May life be more than work.
May our world remember the right priorities.
May GOD be kind and provide financial blessings to me... so I can get my "to do" list done better, faster, and sooner.

24 March, 2018

Saturday night, 24 March 2018

I'm here... thought about sharing on Facebook, but that is as unresponsive as this blog, so far -- still in prayer about the causes -- so I decided I might as well focus all my energy here.  :-)

I was just online looking for some info about books I saw in the latest ENTREPRENEUR magazine I got ... yesterday, I think.  Then I ended up at FORKS OVER KNIVES (.com) for a recipe... and that led me to a new website called  ::  thevegan8.com  --- which has recipes that have 8 or less ingredients.  It's easy to link from here to here to here to here to here... for hours!  I had internet problems or I would still be looking at some recipe choices.  I was at the VEGAN SOUR CREAM recipe when it all went away.  (It's made with silken tofu and white wine vinegar, salt to taste... interesting.  I don't like the push for tofu, but a little bit here and there might work.  I will have to try the recipe to see what it tastes like.)

They had a lot of sweet potato recipes and some chickpea variations.  I haven't figured out the foods that have the best bang for your buck yet... but I am fond of sweet potatoes in things.  (fries, side dish, and ??? )  Veggie and bean chili recipes are easy... a natural protein substitute for meat.  I'm getting to the point of making spaghetti sauce again... and I may puree it to make it smoother this time.  I'm not sure, I'm just kind of exploring the vegan difference.

The website doctor at Forks Over Knives had a post about overcoming diabetes with whole and minimally processed foods, whether they are carb-based or not.  I read the statement about most diabetics feeling they can't eat any (or few?) carbs to stay healthy.  I'm not sure how that all works, I just know good food is critical for good health... buy the best you can afford, it's all we can do. 

I am getting closer to figuring out my monthly allotment for "animal-based foods" in my current transition... I am at 2 bricks of cream cheese, trying for one pound of chicken, some kind of fish when I can -- I haven't decided if I will have one meat or a couple kinds of real meat.  I had a jar of herring snacks in wine sauce this month, and I just purchased some chicken tenders... I can't remember the weight on the package, but it was probably close to a pound.  No bacon this month.  I didn't eat out when I went shopping this month, so far...

I have been recording my oil and butter use and it is frightening to see it go higher and higher... those are some BIG calories. I don't know if the opinions against their use are because of calories or because they are "processed" -- so I haven't made a final decision about how much to use, and whether I want to go the no more fats route.  Changing our favorites is HARD!!!

I think I am getting a little bit smaller in my belly though.  That I like.  :-)   It can depend on the day still, but I am noticing some differences in my intake habits.  When I find the recipes I like, and want to eat, I will be better about all this.  Right now I am trying to decide what to buy each week and how to use the food to make decent meals.

It is true... when you eat a lot of fruits and veggies, you are full all the time.  I sometimes just eat because I want to eat that particular food at that particular time... not because I am hungry.  It was one of the things I noticed most when I started trying to eat better foods...  When you eat the right foods, you aren't hungry for a LONG time.  We have to figure this out and share it with the parts of the world that are starving.

I did take a small nap today... but I lasted until about 5pm!  It's a half win!  haha 
I am already ready to go back to sleep again... it's only 8pm.

The body is the thing we need to survive this life... finding a way to fit that sleep into our schedule is something important.  Everything rests and recovers when we sleep... I read somewhere that it takes years off your life when you don't sleep right.  I prefer to meet that battle without pills that turn into addictions, so I keep working on training my body to keep a schedule I can live with... TRY is the key word here.  :-)   Some things are beyond our control, so we have to just go with the flow.

I guess I really got into food again... sorry. Didn't plan that.  It is an ongoing effort in my goals, so it is always on my mind and budget.

The construction around here MIGHT get done next week... we have to wait and see.  :-(

Well, it's still the weekend.  I will head out of here now, but who knows when I will come back...  keep you guessing!  haha

I pray that GOD is watching over the people who love and trust Him for their care and life and happiness.

We are all struggling, but sometimes the Enemy seems to have more power than GOD... it isn't true, but you have to study the Bible to understand why GOD isn't a slave to our changing priorities... why free will is so essential to our relationship with Him and with our judgment and our forgiveness.

Someday I will get into all the deeper parts of my thoughts, I hope... until then, we just have to make it through today.

In Christ,

Deborah Martin

May GOD watch over the innocent and keep those who hurt others on a path to Him, to forgiveness, to restitution, to a better life.  Amen.

Friday night post, but after midnight!

I am still up, so I decided to add a few words to the blog.

YouTube captured my attention for hours tonight... I was exploring paper-making after I didn't like to original link I followed... so many videos, and so many ways to do that craft.  I have always wanted to get to the point of making my own art paper for my artistic creations.  I'm not sure what I will end up doing with the paper I make, but the screen I have for trying silk-screening might work better for making paper.  I will have to try that out.

I listened to some music videos, and subscribed to a bunch of Christian artists to see what happens when I do.  :-)  I listened to "Mary, Did You Know" again, but that acapella group - Pentonix.  Love their sound on that, but my very favorite is the original popular version when it first came out.  I haven't found that one yet.

Been eating too much... as usual.  Finished up my caramels today.  haha 

Updated some of my goal forms.

Been a day of catching up with my regular stuff and browsing around the internet.

Until next time,
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

May GOD let me sleep in this morning!  Amen!     :-)

22 March, 2018

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Yes!  I went food shopping tonight!  I will be eating too much all weekend!  :-)

These are the things that matter...

Other than that, most of the construction in my room is done... most, but not all.  I heard on the news that we are having some snow where I live, maybe.  I don't know how much, or if it will melt right away, but I'm ready for staying in if it comes!  haha

So, tomorrow will be food prep day... getting it all stored right.

I haven't been able to do much this week.  I hope to get something going (done) this weekend.  I guess I am really talking about doing my crafting projects.  :-)  I am looking over my goal pages every day so it keeps me motivated toward the right directions.  I may try to do photos of the things I already have available to put online... at eBay, I think.

So many things to overcome... and my weakness is GOD's opportunity to show His Power against my enemies.  It is all keeping my mind and spirit busy... trying to make meanings when only GOD understands what is going on.  But, that is our humanity... our Christianity.  Remaining faithful through our difficulties is what we are expected to do.  GOD is the boss, I like to say... not me.  I may not agree with everything, may not understand why things happen, but I know GOD is in charge... it will all become known when GOD's time is right.  My task... is always to trust and obey.

Next week I start working on my April budget.  That should be a challenge.  Yuk!

I continue to think about what I learned through the film Boom Bust Boom this week.  It is a big problem we are facing... how to survive as a nation with the debt load we carry right now, which can only go upwards as we try to make it through.  We are "max-ing out the credit cards" and our money is lowering in value as time passes.  Interest rates... I am not sure how they work in all this... seems like there is more to this than we know.  I just want GOD to provide the funds to make a better place for Christians to go, share, help each other... I have most of it planned, I just need Him to provide the funds... LOTS of funds, for lots of people.

Yes, you can pray for this.  Anything will help...   I learned a phrase some years ago called "time is of the essence" and it means time is a factor in the process... fast is needed... soon, now, quick... that's my human view.  :-)

I discovered CSPAN today... I may try to watch more of it.  It helped me to see how much time is wasted in government... I need to figure out how to see the things I am interested in... find out when they are on... and remember to watch them.  I need to understand more about the process and the people who control our lives.

Well, time to go...

Until next time,
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

May the GOD of heaven and earth and all creation find a way to bring us what we need.  Amen.

21 March, 2018

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

I listened to the film - Boom Bust Boom - several times before taking notes the last time through.  I scribbled down eight pages of notes about various topics, but the main theme is that we are in trouble.  The film is listed as 2015 or 2016 in origin, and one comment in the film said this cycle of the 2008 crash isn't really over.  If debt is the main source of financial instability in a financial cycle from boom to crash, our debt is heavy on the scales.  I would think it is about to tip over.

I guess one message that kept getting repeated in the testimonies of the economists that were interviewed was that all the projections we listen to, and depend on, are made without all the important parts in them... they are created with financial models that don't take the downside into consideration... they are based on no-fail models... best scenario perspectives... always hopeful, never real computations.  It really is a terrible thing to discover the truth, especially about our government... which will never tell us the real truth so we won't panic.

Panic sets in at the stock markets because all that money is tied to real lives... to people who depend on it like I depend on the government for the small amount I have to live on.  I assumed people who invested in the stock market only used their "extra" money.  I discovered the meaning of the word "margin" with this film.  In the desire to "win big" when the euphoric mentality is in play, people will borrow money to purchase stocks they think will bring them a big reward in cash... the ones "everyone" is buying because the rumor is it is the hottest buy of the season.  You can see where that leads... eventually the hot fad dies and someone loses out.

I think the TULIP example from the film was a good example.  All the way back in 1562 people were trying to make money fast.  The commodity then was a bunch of tulip bulbs.  They were promoted by being displayed in new and wealthy gardens, talked up by those who were in the middle of the growth cycle, and then in the end of the cycle there were all sellers and no buyers.  The film said this cycle started in 1562 and ended in 1637...  so it isn't a quick cycle, it is a long cycle that grows kind of like a PONZI scheme... with prices rising as the demand for the "asset" grows.

We see this every day, every season, every year... the economic cycle is more widespread and affects all of us even if all of us are not the ones buying and selling.

I was really disgusted by the example called the SOUTH SEA TRADING COMPANY crash.  This was a manipulation of the English government to deal with its debt.  They forced all the people they owed money to into accepting stock in a trading company for their debt payment.  They were suppose to get their money back with the profits it made.  The unspoken problem was that they didn't own the trade agreements with South America, Spain did... and both countries were at war.  This cycle didn't take as long as the tulips.  It was over in less than 10 years as far as I could tell from the dates mentioned. I think this was the crash that mentioned Sir Isaac Newton lost over two million pounds in this forced relationship and failure.  Government... is it really our friend?  Or is it more concerned with its own survival?

The housing crisis was spoken of as being equal, close to equal, with the 1929 Crash.  I don't think that is really a true statement when you think of the long-term devastation that followed the 1929 Crash... but, it seems to be that way to the economist/s that compared them.  In some of the discussions about the housing crisis (the Sub-Prime Crisis) of 2008, I learned about the FICO evaluations and how they were ignored, and how the government used the argument that the disenfranchised were able to purchase homes because the normal guidelines were set aside.  I also learned about NINJA loans -- No Income No Jobs or Assets.  That is scary.

I didn't like the continued reference to the people who were able to purchase homes as being destined to lose their homes.  In watching other coverage about the crisis, it was stated that many people who were able to make their payments suddenly lost their options when the Variable tax rate was increased beyond anyone's ability to pay.  If the banks really cared about the people and the homes they needed, all they need to do was renew that same contract, or make a better one.

I would love the option to do it all differently... according to GOD's Word... but that takes money I don't have.  I'm not sure what that lack of provision means in Christian/Jewish terms, but it has been a sad part of my prayers.

It is easy to pick up that people don't want to be warned, or listen to any warnings.  There were people who warned about the dangers for decades... decades!  Hyman Minsky seems to be the biggest example.  He was discredited, he was disputed, he was left out of the conversations, because his warning did not fit in with the popular message of the day... that the economy was sound and there were no possibilities of financial bubbles.  :-(   It sounds like the food issues we face today... if it isn't the "right" message, it gets destroyed... in the media, etc.  I suppose climate change could fit in this formula, and the oil crisis, and education, and all the other disputes we never get the truth about.

There is no way I can share all of the details about this film or the notes I took.  You have to watch it yourself.  Boom Bust Boom - a silly title, but that is what it is about.  I will say that I found it on the FREE movie list for Xfinity, but it links to Netflix for free viewing.  I wouldn't know how to link it that way.  Search the movies at Xfinity if you have that cable provider.

Make sure you listen for all the comments about a "Free Market" form of economy.  It might help you to survive our current GLOBAL economic dangers.

Until next time,
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

May GOD help us to prepare for the days ahead, as individuals, families, and nations.
May we set our priorities on long-term survival, on debt reduction and elimination, on less is better than too much.
May our churches start to see themselves as families, and figure out what resources they have to help each other when the times get worse, when persecutions rise, when the End Times become our times.
May we find fellowship with those who believe as we do, who believe in the true Bible, who believe in the true Christ, and who will one day be in heaven with us.

May GOD provide now for the needs ahead of us.

20 March, 2018

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Wow!  It was the first official day of Spring.  And the sun was out, and it was warm, and the dogs had fun being outside, and the grass got cut, and the workers got stuff done, and I watched some TV...

I have been thinking about one program I watch since I discovered it.  It was called BOOM BUST BOOM, and it was about the history of financial crises, or bubbles that popped.  I have had a hard time understanding the housing crisis since it happened.  I figured the banks could have avoided a lot of the problem by letting the loans continue, refinancing to lower payments, working with people -- especially those who were paying their loans off until the interest rate changed... but I didn't know if there were regulations forbidding them from doing that.

I kind of understand the process now... kind of.  The supply-and-demand relationship seems to be the place where prices get inflated and everyone is playing a game of "hot potato" -- trying not to be the one with the hot potato when the game stops.  Banks seem to be the winners, in the long-term, after all the dust settles... but I am not sure why they had to be bailed out.

The link to being a "free market" was repeated often... saying that regulations are not always going to prevent a collapse, but they seem to be part of the cycle.  The system crashes, so regulations stabilize the system, then people forget the risk involved in their choices, they speculate too much, and then the system crashes again.  I did see that DEBT is the core problem.  People would buy their investments using borrowed money, which was collectible on demand, and then fear would take over the banks and the slide into financial quicksand began.

I need to watch it again, but it might be better for you to watch it on your own.  It is hard to explain something that you don't really understand, and only caught pieces of information that seemed coherent to you.  :-)  I think it was on Netflix, but it may have been one of the free movies... I was exploring my options today.

Our debt issues are really serious.  They are like a crumbling foundation and ready to let us all fall into a financial disaster.  I keep wondering what will happen to my only source of income... the government via Social Security and food benefits.  How can I prepare for something like that?  I'm not sure.  I hope I find some way to get ahead soon.

I guess I am thinking twice as hard now.

I hope the construction gets done this week.  I am so tired of being in limbo with it. 

It makes me think of how to survive my old age... and where.

May GOD be kind to me and grant me financial blessing to accomplish the things that need to be done... soon... as soon as I can.

I think about the End Times a lot these days.  What is persecution going to look like?  How bad will it be?  How will we all survive it?  The Bible says our world will become like the days of Noah... which means there will only be ONE righteous person... that's a hard world to be in.

Since I was not able to stay in my room for most of the day, I did take my homemade bread project upstairs with me, and my soup.  I may use the mushroom soup path again. It tasted pretty decent mixed with everything else.  I still need to work on the bread recipe.  :-)  I want to find a one-loaf, easy-to-make, recipe for bread.  I am starting with 3 cups of flour as the base amount.

I know French bread is just flour, yeast, and water, maybe a little salt.  I haven't figured out baguettes yet.  I used some of the bread loaf in part of the soup today... so I may try it as a soup bowl.  When I get the recipe I like, I may try rolls as a small sandwich option.

Food is still a big issue.

I think I may get to bed early tonight... and try to sleep more in the night.

I heard some of the news tonight... about more bombs in Austin, TX. 

I heard one report about Trump in relation to social media and bullying.  The reporter turned an announcement about Melania crusading against kids who torment other kids, often into suicide, and made it a media crusade about Donald Trump's comments against the media... calling the adult use of comments as equal to the bullying topic Melania was talking about.  Made me really disgusted.  That is not the purpose of news or journalism.  The bitterness of the media is threatening the future of our nation.

Tomorrow, I hope to make up for today... or at least by Thursday and Friday.

I will try to clarify the points I was making about the financial film... after I watch it again.  It is only about an hour long.  And it had a lot of points to consider.  Boom Bust Boom at Netflix, I think.

Until next time,
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

May our lives become better.
May our hearts love more.
May we always think of ways to make the world nicer, cleaner, more kind, more fun.
May we see that each person has the right to make their own choices, as long as their choices don't hurt others.

19 March, 2018

Monday, 19 March 2018

I heard that tomorrow is the first day of Spring.  I hope that means more sun, but I keep remembering the little song we grew up with ::  April showers bring May flowers... I think that means more rain.  :-)

I tried to watch a movie called "God's Not Dead" today, but it wasn't on Netflix anymore.  I will have to wait, see if it is on another viewing option.  It was on the UP channel on my son's cable, but I wasn't able to see it.  I couldn't figure out a search option for the guide they have on their TV, but I will keep looking.  It was a 2014 movie.  Instead, I watched one called God's Club (or something close to that), which reminded me of the ridiculous oppression we face as Christians in our new "normal." 

There are construction workers still at the house I live in.  I tend to go upstairs to watch TV when they are here.  It helps keep the dogs a little bit more settled... not completely, but a bit less prone to bark at every noise.  :-)   This was one reason I was at the TV.

Then it becomes a long-term time investment.  Not good. 

We are getting better at this stuff, but still learning.  :-)

I tried some of my paper mache projects the other day... and they dried.  Not quite what I hoped they will be.  I watched a YouTube project awhile back and they said you needed three layers, at least, so.... I will fix my "paste" formula and try another layer or two and see if it helps.  I'm exploring these craft options, trying to decide if I want to make something out of them as an ongoing craft to sell.

I also am working on a screen to use for painting like a screen print, but it hasn't been very successful that way.  I'm still trying to decide what it can be used for, and still trying to get to the art store for some real screen printing fabric.  :-)  I have other paint options to try, too... like freezer paper stencils.

I am exploring something called Diamond Glaze, which is shiny like resin, but water clean up.  It has some interesting effects so far.  I can make it thin or thick...  It isn't resin, but it has possibilities.

I have a long list of things to try, from exploring YouTube videos and other sources.  I think I must be a "mixed-media artist" as I don't like to do just one thing.

Time will have to show us the way to my artistic future, if I live that long!!!  haha

I am happy to report that I ate all my caramels, except the ones I plan to mail.... SOON!   :-)  I hope I don't eat those, too!

I'm going to try to get the digital candy thermometer by next month... then I will try making caramels again, but a little bit more firm.  I like soft caramel, but this batch was too soft.

That's about it for now... I am fighting a growing headache right now.  Will try to write again tomorrow sometime.

Until next time,
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

May GOD help us to overcome the evil that Satan uses to turn our hearts against GOD.
May we find our joy in what is good.
May we love to the best of our ability.
May we share with others the best we can.
May we always be thankful for the blessings we have, and not always focus on the terrible parts of our lives... even when they hurt more than we can stand.

16 March, 2018

Friday, 16 March 2018

Isn't it interesting what each day brings us.

I thought some construction in my room was going to be finished on Thursday, but nothing happened.  Nothing happened today, either.  I had all my things, well... as many as possible, covered with towels and blankets to try to avoid the dust from cutting holes in that chalk board they use on walls...  Instead, I ate too many caramels.  :-)  haha  What a way to wait!  I think they will be gone by Monday, and I will have to start my food challenge all over again.  :-)

I watched some HGTV as I was trying to wait.  Today I prepped a lot of veggies into fried rice, chili, and salad.  I have my "Sabbath food" for this weekend !!   :-)   (Plus my recently purchased fruit and veggies.)

I love how they change a building into something new.  I am always impressed.  Lots of ideas for the future.

My computer, not attached to the internet, seems to have a problem with Excel so I can't revise one of my forms.  This happened before, when I was attached to the internet, I think.  The button to color the text shuts it down.  Not sure what to do.  It isn't "protected" from viruses via the internet.  It just happened the other day... Wednesday.  I was working on it fine all morning and afternoon, then when I went to use it in the late afternoon or evening, it wouldn't work anymore.  I just shut it off.  I will have to try it again over the weekend.

I watched a great video clip somewhere on Facebook as I was checking pages and posts and groups... I shared it with some of the Christians on my page...  The guy that was on the video had a container with a bunch of orange styrofoam-like ping-pong-sized balls for his visual effect.  He was sharing how keeping in the Word will keep you filled with GOD and prevent the ills of the world from taking space in your life again.  It was great how he poured one pitcher of water (representing GOD and spiritual goodness) and only half of the little orange balls left the life of the "person" in the example.  :-)  At this point, he shared how being half filled with the goodness of GOD's Word and Presence left you looking "lukewarm" and more like the world.  Then he poured in a second pitcher of water and all the things of the world left that person in the example.  He then showed how being filled with GOD meant that the attacks of the Enemy might attack us again, but they wouldn't be able to take up residence... they could only float on the surface and be rejected.

I was impressed.  I don't know if you can find it on my page, but I think my Facebook address is ::  facebook.com/DeborahMartin.2014  I checked the name of my account, and that is the right one, but I am not sure of the exact web address to link it to.  It has been a LONG time since I shared it like this.  I am also a member of a women's Christian group, where I posted it as a link... the group is called Women of Faith ... you might find it there.  It is worth the search




 -- Hopefully, this will be the right link.  I will check it.


I have created another photo message that I might make into a series... I am considering it.  I will try to post it here... hopefully, it will work right.  It is titled ::  HAPPINESS is...  -- and I would try to make a single statement about being happy, then I would write a short paragraph about the topic.  :-)  I am experimenting with ideas to post.  I didn't get any response from my fiverr.com/work2gather gig about making posts for others, but that is also a work-in-progress.  :-)

Who knows what I will find to do this weekend.  I have tons of things on my "list" to get done, but who knows what will actually be accomplished.  I have an unusual life with its own set of challenges.

I need to answer a letter from one of my sons, and do a few more of the letters on my monthly list.

I am really wanting to work on my art, start some craft projects, and find a place for everything.

Now, to decide what is allowed on GOD's Sabbath...

Until next time,
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

May GOD reach the hearts of all those I love with the message of the gospel for their lives, for their salvation, for their future.

May all those searching for Truth, for Peace, for Love, for Rest, and for all the good there is in this life, find their way to GOD through Jesus Christ.

May all of us be good, find good, and love what is good in this life so our world will be a better place.

May we be the best kind of person there is.


14 March, 2018

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

I guess today's theme is "SUCCESS!"  I was struck by a Facebook post I read this morning, and it moved me to create a photo message with an app I am trying to learn.  I hope it will print here, somewhere in the post, but if it doesn't you may have to follow this link... try to remember I am learning this process all over again. I use to be able to insert photos anywhere I wanted to.  I haven't figured out yet why I can't still do that.


Success seems to translate to "winners and losers" instead of personal goals.  In the Body of Christ our only success is in doing our part for the larger group... becoming the part of the Body that GOD makes us to be.  All of us will not be the movers and shakers that the world calls "success."  Some of us will be the people GOD calls weak, dependent, in need, poor, abused, imprisoned, slaves, hurting, ignorant, alcoholic, and other less desirable situations.  In my ponderings with GOD on this topic, I realized that the weak, the needy among us, those who depend on others for their very survival, keep the less tangible attributes of MERCY and COMPASSION alive in our societies... they make us all better people.

I know I have shared this thought before.  It was quite a moment for me, like when I realized that FORGIVENESS and CONSEQUENCES are two separate issues.

I don't think I ever heard sermons on these topics.  It was the result of a long search with GOD for answers to those big questions we ask about suffering and pain when there is a GOD to believe in.

I could write a lot of things about these issues, but it would go on forever...  I don't feel that need right now.  It would become a soap box.  I just needed to share that our version of "success" is not GOD's definition of success.  We must remember that.  It changes our entire relationship with each other when we see that WE are a single BODY of CHRIST, not individual Christians who are valued according to our blessings.  Somewhere there has to be a meeting place to make sure our needs get filled and our resources don't get abused. 

I hope you don't mind my thoughts today.  I may be back again later, but I don't know for sure.  I am still thinking about this issue, my reactions to other people who have different ideas of success, and the best way to integrate these thoughts into Working Together.  As our persecutions increase, the topic of blessings and success and need are going to get more important.  How can we make a way to survive as a Body of Christ in the midst of what is coming... I don't know.  I'm the poor one.  GOD has to move His people to care about each other and prepare what will be needed.

What is success?
Survival may be one definition... but whose survival... one, or many.

Until next time,
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

May the Body of Christ become what it was meant to be. Amen.

13 March, 2018

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Another day... and lots of calories!  I made my caramels... so good.  Maybe a bit soft... I'm deciding.  I need a better candy thermometer.  It is so hard to read them.  I may go for a digital one.

Still working on my food challenges.

My March letter list is being done... sent out three today.  I wish my life was more exciting... it's just the same old day-to-day life that everyone else lives... just my version.

Crafting is in-process... I tried out a glaze today.  I'm stock-piling some paper supplies.  Still working out my design options... I have to find the right tool to make holes for jewelry findings.  I checked out some supplies online... so I need more money!!!  :-|

Checked Facebook... and may create another message box.  After I take my own photos, I might be able to create much better ones.  :-)  Inspirational messaging is part of my goals... what format? not sure yet.  I'm experimenting -- until I win the big lottery prize!  haha

Not much to say today... I just wanted to check in.

Until next time,
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

May GOD be with us all, those who love Him, and provide for all our needs.  Amen.

12 March, 2018

Monday, 12 March 2018

Here we are, another week to overcome!  :-)

It looks like rain is heading our way again... the sun was so nice.  Everyone is longing more and more for the warm days of spring and summer.  The weatherman said our normal March is rain and cool.  :-(

I hope your day went well.

I sent off my first letter to Dylann Roof today.

My monthly letter list has grown by one, maybe even more.  :-)  I found a list of relative names to add to it.  Sometime this week.  If I live a relatively long time, I may even have letters in my mailbox to read.  I hope so.  Facebook is nice for some things, but it isn't real relationships.

I still have to figure out the best way to organize my social media... pages, likes, photos, privacy, etc... it is a big challenge to keep up with all of it.  I'm trying.

I was able to get to a grocery store and take care of some business (bill payments) and some food shopping. I didn't do a full shopping trip, but have enough for now... cream cheese for my veggies! :-)  YES!!!!  I also got a small ice cream... cookies and cream flavor.  It is so good... I love ice cream... in sugar cones.   My new healthy food effort includes the elimination of all animal foods... including their food products like eggs and cheese.  The reason is they all include animal proteins, which has been shown to excite cancer cells... to make them grow more and faster.  I hope to reduce these in my diet as much as possible, and have them as treats, occasionally (spelling?)... maybe when I go somewhere, like shopping days or other excursions.  I'm working toward that goal.  I am beginning to feel the weight of guilt when I have those treat moments.  :-)

We shall overcome.... both the food challenge and the guilt challenge.  :-)

I am working on some food crafting as I also work on some craft designs for selling.  The ingredients for some caramels is in the pan waiting to be cooked.  I was making bread when I started the process... I don't know if I want to stay up late to finish it.  Caramels can take a long time... it all depends on your recipe.

I have been thinking about GOD alot today... about how we are all equal in His view, and the "rules" apply to every one of us... no one gets away with anything, they just think they do.  Payment day always comes due.  I was thinking about a lot of things today... heavy and serious things.  I think the letter to Dylann may have set it off.  Some of us make very bad choices, for whatever reasons, and the consequences are hard to bear.  But GOD is willing to forgive us when we are truly sorry for the things we have done to hurt GOD, hurt others, or hurt ourselves.  I told Dylann something and it has stayed with me as well... I said ::

No one is too bad to be forgiven.

I have imagined how difficult that would be for anyone to hear when they have suffered the effects of another person's bad choices... but GOD tells us that is His gift to us through Jesus Christ... we have all done terrible things to people... maybe not murder that gets in the news, but things that hurt others, sometimes forever.  We are all guilty, we all need to be forgiven... we just seem to think other people's sins are somehow worse than ours.  In GOD's eyes, all sin is equal, all sin is bad, all sin needs to be atoned for in the way GOD has provided... through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross for them.

I hope Dylann finds a way to GOD and a way to redeem himself before he dies.

I sometimes feel my death is near, but I don't fear the end of this life... I know where I will be going.  I also know I won't be going to hell or the Lake of Fire forever.  I hope you will meet me there.

In Christ,
Deborah Martin

May GOD lead us all to heaven, help us to make ammends for our sins, and bring us peace that only GOD can give us.  Amen.

11 March, 2018

Sunday, 11 March 2018

What a morning to wake up early... very early!  :-)  I thought it was 3am when a pet was in sudden distress and I got up to see what was wrong... later, I realized I hadn't moved my watch and clock ahead yet.  I've had to wash my blankets, eaten what I could find, and am ready to get back to sleep... but I was here at my desk so I thought I would add a blog post.

Christian radio is on.

It is Sunday.

I am planning to get my driver's license again, as soon as I can, so I can go shopping, get my mail, visit my son in prison, find a church, and do so many things non-drivers can't easily get done.

2018 is a big year for me.  I have made decisions that I have been praying about for a long time, looking for GOD's answers, His path, His wisdom.

Discovering the evil that is in our world, that affects our lives, is a difficult transition for each person to make.  I have seen how vulnerable we are.  I have seen how evil likes to isolate the good people who cannot fight against them.  I have wondered how we can change the way the enemy of our souls too often wins the battles we don't even know we are in the middle of.

This is the goal of Working Together... to make places of safety to turn to... where we can find GOD's people, find help, find fellowship and protection and some kind of earthly safety in this spiritual battle.

It is a daily war.

It never goes away.

There is no place I can go to hide from it.

I am still looking for that Body of Christ that was created to overcome some of these human challenges in our world.

I am not talking about prayer.  I pray all the time.  Prayer is our seeking GOD for these answers we search for.  It is the answer to prayers that I am looking for.  Answers have to come from human sources, most of the time.  :-) 

In some of my prayers and searching for GOD's answers, I think about the consequences of Christians NOT doing what GOD asks them to do... I wonder how to be sure we are doing OUR part, what GOD wants US to do... What happens when we don't do what we think the Holy Spirit is telling us to do? 

I had one experience in my life that showed me one way the Holy Spirit works... I was in a group study class on a Sunday and I felt the Holy Spirit rise inside me - telling me to share a certain thought with the group.  I often speak too much in groups, which causes other problems.  I don't recall all the details, but this time I decided not to speak.  In just another moment the comment I declined to make was uttered by another person in the group.  To me, that was the Holy Spirit finding another way to reach HIS goal.  Since then, I have wondered what happens when there is only one person to do a task that GOD wants done... and they don't do it.

There isn't any way to know for sure, but we have the story of Jonah as one example.  I guess Moses is another.  If Mary said no, would we be lifting up some other female name?  I'm not sure who would best show the consequences of saying no to GOD's promptings... in the Bible.  In our daily lives, those consequences are hard to discover, too.  I see the issue as being what GOD calls ME to do... not what everyone else may want from me.  Finding and doing GOD's Will is not an easy task.

These are the things I am thinking about in this season of my life.

For now, I will go back to bed and try to rest.  When I wake up, the world may look better.

Until next time,
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

May we all be able to discover GOD's special tasks for us to do... and choose to do them.  Amen.

09 March, 2018

Friday, 9 March 2018

It's Friday!  We made it one more day!

I am working my way forward to some food crafting...

It is a dreary day... but the sun is suppose to come out tomorrow...and stay until Monday.  That is great.

I am getting impressed with eating more veggies and fruits.  They fill you up more than other foods... and you stay full longer.

I made my (modified) cornbread, but still have regular bread to get done... probably tomorrow, maybe... or maybe this afternoon.  I am still trying to get my Sabbath figured out... this modern-day version of it.

I guess it was eating the cornbread with the butternut squash I baked at the same time that has me thinking about the meal options I have, and how different they are.  How filling real food can be.  When I added lentils to my vegetable soup effort, it also was amazingly filling... for hours and hours.  I don't know how all this works out in science, I just know I am learning to eat less food and better food.  I think this will have an impact on my food shopping (costs) once I figure it out.

Food issues are big for me because of my very low government-based budget... and my interests in healthy eating... and my hope to transfer this learning to Working Together decisions.  I hope you are thinking about your food choices as I share my own learning process.

Well, I just wanted to check in, so I will be going for now.
I hope everyone has a great weekend... remember the Sabbath... wherever you are on that learning curve.

Until next time,
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

May everyone be full, have cupboards with choices, and enough to share.  Amen.

08 March, 2018

Thursday, 8 March 2018

It is Thursday... finally.  :-)
Today was a household chores kind of day...

Did anyone see the news story about the black man being beat up by the police for jaywalking?  I saw it on Lester Holt's news program here in Oregon... sometimes they have "western editions" so I don't know if this was one of those.  The police cam footage was hidden away until now... and the policeman who was "training" a new policeman got fired.  I hope he gets a lot of money!  (The black man.)  He was reported to be walking home from his job after a long shift. 

It's hard to know about video these days... it is so easy to create, at home, anywhere, by anyone.  It can happen in one place and be shared as being in another place.  It could be 15 years old, we wouldn't know it. 

This is the growing problem when the society we live in doesn't want the boundaries of godliness... It is becoming a different world.  We always have problems because human nature is what it is... without GOD as the guiding force of our decisions, there is no boundary, people have nothing to stop them from doing things that hurt others, on purpose.

Technology is deceptive.  We think of it as being the greatest addition to our lives in the history of Man.  It is also the most dangerous and destructive, in the wrong hands and heart and mind.

I hope we can find a way through this...

I have been praying for some time about writing to Dylann Roof, the young man who killed a lot of black people in a church in South Carolina.  I decided to write  him this week.  In looking for his mailing address, I explored some of the articles written about him.  It was difficult to see the things that made him what he became, how his family was also traumatized.  What has changed in our world to make killing the solution for our pain?  We need to figure it out.  It is horrible what he chose to do, and it is horrible what pushed him into doing it.  Society had 21 years to care, no one did.  He brought himself to our attention in the only way he knew.  We are just as much to blame as he is.

Well, that is probably not going to go over well.  It is much easier to blame these kids who seem to focus on this violence as a solution to their problems.  Tragedy is not something any parent or reasonable person wants to be involved in.  Blaming guns is not the solution either.  It is a societal problem, a moral problem, a broken family problem, a broken society problem, a human problem... making a law will make some people feel better, but it won't make the problem go away.  Only a real relationship with GOD, through Jesus Christ, through salvation, will change the heart and mind and life... that is the permanent solution we need.

In Christ,
Deborah Martin

May GOD help us to care about each other.  Amen.

07 March, 2018

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Nice day... got my craft supplies and have been trying to learn what I can do with metal clay... and what other supplies I will need.  :-)  I have been watching teaching videos and looking at the designs they show on the website I bought my supplies at.  I guess I will just have to get through my first package of metal clay and see what happens!  :-) 

I have been really inspired by the ideas I have seen, remembered, and have been thinking about for my own approach.  Christmas will be a great selling season (I hope!) once I get this all going.  I have to figure out how much inventory I can create for my Christmas season, and where to store it!  haha

I needed some of the supplies I got in the starter kit, and can use them for lots of other projects I have planned.  I also have some  supplies and tools that will work with metal clay, so I don't have to buy them. 

A kiln is still on my list, but it is about a thousand dollars from them.  There might be a local option that is less (and no shipping!). 

I have wanted polishing tumblers for years... now I found some, and will be working harder to get at least one, probably more.  It seems the metals have to have mixed shot to get polished, and I want to do sand polishing, and maybe small smooth stones as a polishing tool.

I discovered something called cork clay to use in kiln designs... that will be a great option for me!

It is all a process.  A long process, like doing 12 years in public school, but it is worth it.  All the years of learning combine to let me discover my own way of doing things... my "style" and design goals.

No food shopping yet... but soon... I miss my fresh fruit and veggies.  I made my last onion into oven baked coated onion rings... not quite the same as the deep fried ones, but edible.  I also made one of my last two sweet potatoes into fry wedges, with the last of the coating spread over them before baking.  I made up my own horseradish sauce to eat with them, but had ketchup as an option, too.  It was better than I expected.  Now I have to figure out how to use up the rest of the horseradish sauce!  :-)

I am currently deciding whether I want to keep living on what I have, or make it to the local market for a few things, or make it to the big shopping area and spend everything I have.  Some choices, huh.  :-)  I can always walk down to the nearest market, so I will probably try to make it through without spending everything I have for the month.  We'll see.  I am craving some good foods... like salad and cream cheese and chicken and veggies and oranges and whatever else I can fit into a budget amount (yet to be determined!)  :-) The Bible warns us that the flesh is weak!  :-)

Well... tomorrow is going to be busy.  I have been I.N.S.P.I.R.E.D !!!

Until next time...
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

May we all flourish in the things that our hearts desire that are good and from GOD.  Amen.

06 March, 2018

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

I finally checked my Facebook...
I already checked my emails...
I am trying to schedule my shopping trip.  :-)

I suppose my life seems meaningless... but not to me.  haha
I do my best every day, within my limitations, and with a LOT of prayers.
I doubt anyone believes me, but I was suppose to be a billionaire by now... on paper, I say... in stock value.
I'm not sure what GOD is doing, but it's not my call, it's His.

I am waiting for something I didn't know existed until fairly recently... a crafting option that will help me understand working in metal clays.  I thought you had to have a kiln.  Then I discovered some kind of microwave kiln so I was going to try that.  Now I discovered a way to experiment/create in metal clay with a small butane torch!  I am excited.  My bigger goal is to create in real silver.  I love silver.  So this will help me grow in those directions.

I am figuring out my space issues. That is getting me nearer my other goals of selling crafts online.  Once I figure out my shipping problems, I will be able to get going.  I'm not sure what I will do, but I am considering several options.

I am happy.  This is good.  I hope it stays that way.  :-)

What else is happening in my world?
Just the regular stuff.

Washing my dishes.
Doing my laundry.
Writing my monthly letters.
Vacuuming my carpet.
Making food to eat.
Trying to budget and plan.
Looking for answers.
Praying for blessings.
Hoping that GOD will help me.

And, probably, watching too much TV.


That is my life today.
It could change tomorrow.
We all operate in the boundaries we face in our lives.
If I won the big prize in the big lottery,
my life would really change...
and that is what I have been waiting for.

I decided a long time ago that GOD provides for the things He puts in our hearts to do... but He doesn't do it according to our calendar.  Whatever GOD is doing, my life belongs to Him, to His will for my life, to His plans and goals and destiny for me.

I often wish it was different, but I only see what I think is going to happen.  I don't really know what would happen if I got what I expect GOD to do.  I think there is a verse somewhere in the Bible that says we are not to strive, that GOD lifts us up into His Will for us.  So, I try to rededicate my choices to GOD every time my flesh rises up and wants to make the future my vision of His dream for me.

My food situation is still progressing... I may not have all the foods I would like to have, but I have food... which is more than many in countries too far away for me to share with.  I think I will have to go for at least one more day without shopping. I'm not sure.  It depends on what happens tomorrow.

I watched a program called CHOPPED JUNIOR today... four kids compete against each other in making a meal out of surprise ingredients.  I was amazed at what they did with the food in their 30-minute limit.  They love making food, so they seemed to be very familiar with foods I had never heard of... especially something called a moon cookie, or something like that.  I saw my first Cayenne pepper, the real food that the red ground stuff I know about came from. They had candy sushi in one box... another thing I never knew existed.  :-)  And there was a certain kind of persimmon in a box.  I am still thinking about some of their creations.  I would never be able to think of meals like that.

Well, it's time for me to go.  I will talk to you again tomorrow, GOD willing.
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

May the GOD that knows our every thought, our every dream, our every challenge, and our futures, help us to keep our eyes and hearts and minds and trust on Him.  May we take our lives one day at a time, not looking back, not worrying about the future, and just seeking GOD and doing our best today.  Amen.

05 March, 2018

Monday, 5 March 2018

I almost added a post here several times over the weekend... I was deep in thoughts about the changes that will come, prompted by the activities surrounding the funeral of Billy Graham.  I decided to wait, then I got distracted by other things... now we are here, at Monday morning, and I thought I would get this done for the day.

It is impossible to recapture our emotions.  We have to just reflect how we are right now.  The death of Billy Graham is a signal that GOD is moving us into a new era in His Word, in prophecy, in the existence of our world.  We are heading toward the Antichrist.  Persecution is rising.  The life we have known will not be what the future holds.

I can't say that Working Together is the next step for us, but I do think there is some purpose for it... bigger than me.  When the Nazi's took over, they took everything they could from the Jews, the weak, the poor, the opposition... and that is what conquerors always do.  The biblical spoils are the same today... only the enemy is the one taking.  I guess my poverty is the motivation for creating a way to help us through all these changes.  I know they were devastating for me.  I expect they will be devastating for other Christians... who often see blessings (financial blessings) as God's approval of their choices... and the lack of approval of those who don't have them.

I wasn't planning to go in this direction this morning, but I guess it is on my mind. 

I have been trying to go as long as I can without food shopping right now.  This has made me remember harder times, made me wonder why I don't just go to the store and get some fresh supplies, and made me think of what matters most... where will I need to head in my goals (which I am working on this week).  I am finding foods to make.  Thank GOD for what I have... there were time when there was NOTHING left to be creative with.

I am making my shopping list.  I am working on my goal pages.  I am getting some of my crafting started and flowing and going forward.  I am doing what I can, planning what I want to do.  I let my budget go so I could order some supplies I really wanted to get, for some crafting I didn't know I could even do without more money and equipment.  Now I have to figure out how to make the rest of the budget work.  I am still happy I made that order, so -- whatever happens this month -- it was worth it.  :-)

These are the choices we have to make.  Our government has to make them, too... and deal with the consequences, just like every American household and business has to.  I am organizing my goal strategy to start working on my other blogs and their individual topics.  One of them is our government... Political Rehabilitation is the name of that blog.  We really need some of that, don't you think.

I'm studying as much as I can about the skills and strategies I might need to create more income this year... for me, and for Working Together.  They are related.  Until Working Together has its own income, I'm all there is.  My lack of income means WT suffers.  I don't even know how we made it this far, but I prayed the whole way... and did my best.  I hope GOD will bless it finally, there is so much to get done.

I guess that's enough for now.  I will probably come back later to write a different kind of blog post, but this is where we are now.

In Christ,

Deborah Martin

May GOD provide for the Body of Christ.
May we see ourselves as ONE BODY, not denominations, and in need of unity to survive the coming trials.
May GOD's people begin to gather and prepare for the needs of their communities.
May we stop building programs to lift up individual churches and begin to see our need to provide for each other... as families of GOD, as Christians, as people who will be alone in the divisions prophecy tells us are coming.
May our lives find a way to stay true to GOD, to the Bible, and to our salvation.
May life be valued over money, in our lives, in our churches, in our countries.
May we discover the true priorities we need to live by.
May we find the strength to stand for what is right in the middle of social and media pressures of our age, many of which are serving anything but GOD.
May our hope be in our eternity with GOD in heaven.

01 March, 2018

Thursday, 1 March 2018

My new March beginning...  :-)
Well, I'm working on it.

I spent a lot of the day re-doing my GOAL REVIEW page in my goal notebook... I still have to do it over again tomorrow.  It just wouldn't work for me.  So, now it is going to become a monthly review, and it is three pages long!  (Each page is for a different part of my life.)

I did decide on two of the three things to make sure I got done... late in the afternoon.  :-) haha... that's the way some days go.  I actually made myself do one of them a little bit ago... it was a crafting necessity.  I still have another one to do, but it can wait.  I ended up doing another craft project while listening to the blogging course I am following now.  (It's the free introductory one at the Elite Blog Academy... and is the basics of starting your blog adventure.  :-)  I thought I would check it out and see what might help me in my blogging adventures... all eight of them! 

It is hard to keep track of all the things I do... I try, but I never get it all written down.  I am looking forward to getting a smartphone and hoping it has a recording option for notes... to be viewed, noted, and deleted later!   That would be so great for food issues, too... keeping track of your food intake and choices.  I always figure they have these things already, somewhere, but I don't really know.  I am just at the point of trying my son's Xfinity audio search... one of these days.  It looks interesting on the commercials.

I have wanted to do a lot of things I have seen for years, but haven't been able to get to that economic level yet.  It is still my goal... so one of these days I will try to discover things like video conferencing, video chats, Facebook Live is nearly in my list!  :-) , Skyping, GoPro camera, those things that fly and take videos... I can't remember what they are called, and more... LOTS of things I would like to try out.  :-)

I barely checked my social media tonight... I did link to a few YouTube videos on craft topics... I was able to see some of my craft programs on PBS today... usually I forget they are on.

I have been thinking a lot about what I want to spend my time on, how I can save more money, how I can get the supplies I need, and what to do first.  It is amazingly hard to decide what I want to make a commitment to... that's why I only put two of my three goals down for today.  I hate it when I don't get things done.  :-)  I do lots of other things, but I forget about the things on my list.  This must be a psycological block... what do you think?!  haha

I found this thing somewhere, an "inspirational" statement graphic.  I am using it for my letter insert with my monthly letters this month, and then I decided to put it in the plastic sleeve on my goal notebook.  Someday I might take a photo of it... :-)  The main part of it is ::

DO > talk    and under the DO is :: Priorities are what we do.     under the talk section is ::  Everything else is just talk.
Great, huh.  I wish I could remember where I found it... I love it.  When I get my laminator out again, I may just keep it for posterity.

One concept I heard years and years ago, that has stayed with me, is that we do what matters to us.  Our priorities are seen in the actions we choose to take.  And they aren't always obvious... like the motivations behind being a workaholic or perfectionist... or the effects of homes where addictions live... or abuses... and all those hidden things.  I remember I was deeply impacted with those thoughts... because it can be hard to say no, and it can be even harder not to be able to do what you want to be doing.

I am a deep thinker... for reasons I don't want to go into.  I often wonder if it was part of my survival efforts.

Tomorrow will be better.  I have decided to spread the things I need to put on my GOAL Calendar into the next few days and see how that works out... meaning, I have already put some of my planned goals for Friday and Saturday and maybe even Sunday onto my calendar.  I have several projects I am trying to get done, so they fit into this plan great! 

I have already seen the benefits of doing this, so I hope to get better at it as I go along.  It adds that deadline pressure I need to have.  I normally am a last minute person, but I have been learning how to "plan ahead" for these goals.  I wish I had known a lot of things as a child, but this is my life... I have to make the best of what I have.

Sorting through my goals is always a good exercise for me... It allows me to revisit the ideas that get lost in the day-to-day mess of life.  I think that may be why my GOAL Review is such a pain to get done... but it is helping me find those TOP THREE goals to focus on first.

Well... I am very tired and ready to sleep.  If I get back up in the wee hours, I will have things to do... LOTS of things!  :-)  That will be great.  Many of my crafting projects are quiet projects.

Until next time,
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

May the GOD of love and life and mercy and grace and wisdom and creation be kind to us "little people" who love Him... and lead those who are searching for the answers to their miseries to His Word (the Bible), good Christians, good churches, and the Truth.  May GOD protect the innocent and the lost from those who prey on people with real needs.

May our world find a way through all the problems we face... caring for each other.

May life be good, may we use our resources wisely, may we help the earth to heal so it will care for us, and may our priorities be on what is good and right and holy and helpful to all of us.

And... may GOD provide what is needed for each of us to do His Will for our lives.