I was listening to something on YouTube about business / goals today, and this was one of the points made. I think it was one of the Brian Tracy videos, about his work but not by him, it was on some kind of channel about Motivation.
It has been the only thing keeping me going since my children were very young and I was struggling to survive on Welfare. It was all I could do.
It was, however, strange to hear on a video about Brian Tracy (a compilation of some kind).
Years ago, I requested some materials from him. Somewhere along the way, I received a CD that I believe I still have. It became one of the treasures of my life. The title was, Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life. I listen to it when I feel the need to remind myself of what it shares.
Other books important through my life were:
Acres of Diamonds, by Russell Conwell, I believe. This is a very short booklet that is so worth your time. I think you can find copies to print out. I have given this to many people over my lifetime. I hope I still have my personal copy.
As A Man Thinketh, by James Allen. You can find a lot of YouTube videos about this short book. There are audiobooks on YouTube and in libraries. I also found an updated version at a Barnes and Noble bookstore, which I sent to one of my sons. I like the smaller classic edition.
I will have to look for my special collection of these kinds of books. I have most of my belongings/books in storage boxes because of my downsizing efforts.
I have been slowly collecting notes I have about making goals and the goals I have had over time. I am going to create a Master List again... or try to. I have quite a lot of goals, small and large.
In some of the materials I have read or listened to, the idea of deciding on an amount of money has been important. I have never been able to settle on any kind of amount because of my poverty and knowing there was little I could do without a decent amount of start-up funds. I am trying to decide on an amount this time. That will take time. It will be beyond anything I would ever expect to receive, which is not part of the faith equation. It could be I handicap my efforts before they begin. I will have to think about this as I try to decide on a realistic amount to begin developing Working Together. For my own goals, the amount would be smaller. :-)
That is the content of my life right now.
I have also considered re-doing a challenge I did many years ago... deciding what I would do with a million dollars (I say tax-free!). I am wondering what I would say this time. Would it be enough?
The government would take a lot of it for taxes and my school loans, so that is why I have to decide if it is really a whole million dollars. (This is why I only buy lottery tickets when the prizes are very huge... there would be money left over for everything else.)
What would you buy with a million dollars?
I say most regular people will buy a new house, new car, and share with their kids and other loved ones. After that, it becomes a personal focus... what charities they like, etc.
It's hard to separate money from all the things we want in our lives.
That why GOD tells us the choice is always between GOD and Mammon (money).
Well, that's about it for today. Talking about the effects money has on us is depressing for me. It reminds me of all the good things I wanted to do.
Until next time,
Deborah Martin