07 September, 2024

Keep Going. Trusting GOD. Looking for Miracles.


I woke up this morning and realized I didn't write my Friday post, so here it is.

I guess everything is the same.  

Sorting and shredding papers.  

My food quest to use up the supplies I have so I can replace them with new items.  

Working on my budgets. 


Listening to sermons and music on YouTube. 

Downsizing even more.  

Looking for answers to my lifelong prayers before it's my time to leave this earth.

I always have more than I can do, and not enough money to do most of the items on my list.

Trusting GOD for the end of the story, for the details, for the path.


Not hungry, thankful for that.

Looking toward this Christmas.  Hope to make it a good one.

Going through the records of my past brings up a lot of memories.  We all wish we could change some of the parts of our lives.  I am glad the ones GOD has forgiven will not be held against me when I get to judgment.  Those will be covered by the blood of Christ.  GOD will not see them anymore.

I will just say that trying to use up the food supplies I already have is a huge challenge.  I am wondering how long things last, what I can make out of what I have, and if I should go to the store JUST for the missing items I need to make more foods out of what I have... like ketchup for my homemade dressing, baking powder for pancakes, and things like that.  

The problem is, if I go to the store I will break down and get a lot of things and that will change the challenge.   :-)   This is what I do.  Debate things like this with myself.  Not going to the store forces me to find other answers, uses up my old foods, and helps me to see what emergency foods can do in real life.  

I have more pasta than I want to eat.

Lots of dry foods like oatmeal, rice, quinoa, beans, lentils, peas, barley, and more.  I barely eat these foods when I have other things instead.  I can make my own bread, even tortillas if I have to, and have bouillon to substitute as part of my proteins.  

I am slowly eating less and hope to lose just a bit more weight through this.  I would like to get down to two meals and a snack -- maybe -- and need to eat more soft foods for my aging body.

These are a lot of issues wrapped up in this small challenge.

I hope nothing catastrophic happens while I am doing this.  That would really be a huge problem.  Not a good thing.  I would never recover.  

I guess I will work on my solution/s and let you know where I am in the process next week.

PRAY FOR ME !!!   :-)  

05 September, 2024

My place in God's Kingdom

My theme song.

Today I found a list I started years ago.  It doesn't have a date on it, so I don't know exactly how long ago.  It is a list of what we won't have when the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast get here.

I don't think it will happen in one moment. I think there will be a slow oppression on the way to that point.  We will suffer more and more on the way.  It's like the frog in the kettle story -- the frog is oblivious to fact it is getting cooked alive because the water gets hot slowly.

I don't know all the history of Hitler, but it seems he took power slowly... until the violence became his biggest tool.  We can see the changes happening in our own world.  More and more government controls, mandates, hidden actions, aggression against the church (all kinds of churches and denominations), and the falling away of those who cannot suffer the abuse of those who fight against us.  I remember there was alarm after the United Nations was formed because it was a sign of a one-world government. 

Here are some of the things on the list I found... 

No internet

No phones

No money

No electricity

No fuel for cars, heating, cooking

No water for showers/baths, clean clothes, clean dishes

No water for drinking and cooking

No food

No jobs

No income

No savings

No retirement

No stocks

No bonds 

No houses

No cars

No stores

No clothes

No laundry machines

No beds

No blankets

No sheets

No sleep

No medical options

No medicines

No dental

No travel

I could add a lot to this list.  I just wanted to share what I found with you.  

Life without money, without the ability to buy and sell, is something we cannot conceive of in the US.  I used to go to churches and wonder how the people there would survive.  We tend to believe we are blessed to be Christians and cannot think of suffering. 

I know we do suffer, but it is not something we talk about. 

I have been homeless and without money.  Sometimes with only mission meals.  Sometimes with only food benefits from the government.  Without preparations of some kind, the people of GOD will suffer needlessly.  Many will be alone.  I understand bartering is considered income for tax purposes.  We become criminals if we trade anything.  In the future we will be the enemy of the government and that will be a tool used against us. 

I don't know how we will survive in our communities without becoming ONE BODY in CHRIST.  We need each other.  I hope we can create something for as many as possible, starting with gathering our families together.  There won't be a lot of transportation options when those days get here.  Or communications to find out how our loved ones are.

Think about what happens when there is no money or food.  God has warned there will be droughts and famines (caused by water issues) and pestilences (caused by droughts and famines).  I think He also warns of earthquakes and wars.  

I realize I need to study this all over again.  I am trying to get that done so I can quote some verses that relate to the statements I bring up.  You are welcome to comment on these things and I will try to reply to them.  I studied for years before I even thought about Working Together.  Some things I remember easily, others are more general in my mind.

Technology has changed more than we know.

What do we need?  Everything.  And some way to deal with government forces when we must survive without any money.

Think about what you will need, what you might have, what you will definitely lose.  Make your own list.  Think about where you might be when the crisis happens, and if you are not with the people you love.  

GOD will help us, as individuals and churches and communities, but I don't think He will create manna for us every day, or increase our food like He did with the fish and bread.  We will be all over the world.  He could, but I don't know many Christians with that kind of faith.

I am sure Working Together has a purpose in our lives still.  I just don't know what it is, what GOD wants to happen right now.  I assume He will let me know when it is time.  Until then, I will keep trying to reach the people who love GOD and are saved by Christ.

04 September, 2024

Waiting for GOD to be GOD.

This is the best quote.  I really like it.

Trusting God is the thing.  It is not easy.  I have done battle with all my fears many days.  We can say we trust God, but when it gets to the hard parts of our lives, we expect God to make our lives easy... to protect us from every possible harm.  If He doesn't, we lose our faith in Him and wonder if He even exists.  

I have gone through this battle pretty much all my life.  I have changed over the years, but it took a long time.  Being homeless was not a good time.  I wondered where God was many times in those days.

I have a love for the "One day at a time" mantra as well.  It's all we can do.

I watched several videos tonight about the landslide in Palos Verde (California) and felt so sad for the people who are losing their homes.  There is nothing we can do when the Earth devastates our lives.  

It made me want to go through all my things even faster. 

Another winter is near.  What would I take if I only had a small amount of time to grab things?  I don't know.  I think I will sort out what matters most.  

We are having extreme heat days this week.  I will be inside.  I hope to get a lot more done.  

I have had Joel Osteen videos in the background for a while... overnight, then today.  His sermons make me think of Working Together.  I think about my personality, not being quite so forceful as preachers (or people in business) that make it big.  I wonder about a lot of things, again.  

Do you have a calling?  I agree with Osteen that nothing can keep us from God's Plan for our lives.  Not even Satan.  GOD overrides everything and everyone.  Because God did not do what I thought He would, I wonder if God has used my life for something I didn't realize.  

There's no way to know.  So, we have to thrust God for all those details.  

The other thing I know about God is that He doesn't start things He isn't going to finish.  There is always a purpose in what God does.

Joel Osteen makes me think that God is not done with Working Together.  

Writing every day is different.  I am beginning to think about topics to write about every day.  I am trying to write out notes... and references.  I am heading into Bible topics and what they mean to me.

This should get to be a very interesting project for me.  I wonder if anyone will actually listen.  I need to get better with my writing -- maybe then there will be something worth listening to.  I'm not sure that is the only problem.  We have to see what God does about things I can't control.

03 September, 2024

Finding a lot of memories today...


Today I have been sorting through my many saved records.  It has been another walk down memory lane.  

So many things to think about.  Dreams that didn't work out.  Failures.  Pain.  And God through it all.  People I knew through all those years are remembered in notes and photos.  Ministries I care/d about.  Information I kept for different reasons.

A lot of things don't matter anymore.  I am shredding everything that is too old to keep, or something I won't ever use in the future.  I have already filled 6 or 7 paper shopping bags, I think.  I didn't count so I can't be sure.  It will be a full container for pick-up this week!

Normally I would share my old ministry materials with local missions.  I'm not sure what to do anymore.  There seems to be hostility towards sharing things that are good if they are about GOD, even at Christian missions.  Oregon is a very active LGBT state.  The whole west coast maybe.  

Years ago, I discovered all the Bibles disappearing from the Salvation Army Thrift Stores.  I knew there was a problem back then.  I didn't know what it was, but I think it was the volunteer staff.  The Salvation Army is struggling to stay alive now.  I suspect there is activism we know nothing about and cannot fight.  The Sweet Cakes bakery was around here somewhere.  

Their community is very aggressive and deceptive and hidden.  I suppose it would be a hate crime if they were found out.

It is a very huge battlefield for Christians.  GOD is the only opposition they have.  It makes the war very focused on us.  I don't know what their logic is, or their rationalization for their actions, but it is like any sin -- we justify whatever we want to do.  

I have been finding reminders of many things I always hoped to do.  I am saving some of these reminders for the GOAL book I am putting together.

I am also going to be going through most (maybe all) of my Working Together records.

The goal is preparing for my death.  I am hoping to sort out the most important records for when I die.  

Who knows what GOD might provide for the end of my days.  :-)  I am always hoping for more.

This seems to be a month of change.  I am still working on my budget and food plan.  I need to get my decisions done.  It is quite a challenge.  

There is a channel on YouTube called The Biblical Nutritionist.  I have been watching a few of her videos that come across my feed.  This one I discovered today.  It is kind of scary to see a lot of the foods you eat in her lists.  I have been trying to go organic/non-GMO for years.  I just cannot afford it.  I am trying to check more labels, but I tend to forget when I am at the store.  I don't want to go completely meat and dairy free.  

Finding that acceptable place in the middle of all the food issues we face is very difficult, especially when you have to deal with poverty budgets.  At my age it doesn't matter as much, but there are many people who still have their lives ahead of them... depending on how fast the End Times reach the Antichrist.  

This is a link to the video I watched:  https://youtu.be/x31_u9cpnZQ?si=XLyLWAz8KfW7gJpi

Watch it an decide for yourself what you think.  Try to explore your food choices and financial options.  If you find any good answers, share them as comments so we can all find a better path.

May GOD help us to find our way through the world as it changes.

02 September, 2024

What I think : About the popular Rapture theory.

I started to watch a video by John Hagee about the End Times.  I couldn't watch the whole thing.  I was having computer problems again, but I could hear the audio.  I worry so much about what I see as a false teaching about a Rapture that is suppose to save us from any suffering of the Antichrist.  

LINK to the one I started watching: https://youtu.be/j8-Cj5bMGYk?si=Ijy1at1R1y42AVwS

I understand all the believers will be gone, but my understanding of this time in history and prophecy is that we will be killed by the Antichrist when we refuse to take the Mark of the Beast.

The reason I chose this graphic for today's post is the theme ::  TEST GOD. Trust God.    

I have never understood why this belief became so popular.  Since I have been aware of information sources being altered, I have wondered if that has been part of the problem.  It would have to be very manipulated, but people with money (who hate GOD and all He stands for) might be able to accomplish it.  It's hard to think about.

One time I noticed that a major Christian Bible source was sold to a non-Christian company.  Later I discovered it belonged to a different company.  The issue is that all the details we depend on for our faith could have been changed without us knowing it.  With so many different versions now, who would know the difference?  Not many people know every word of the Bible, and they would only know their one chosen version.

It took years for me to study what I did.  I chose the King James Version, which is not the easiest to understand.  I used other Bible versions to compare the way they had been translated.  

I have noticed that most Bible references are missing now.  I don't know if that is because of so many translations, or to avoid having a specific verse to check.  We live in an age of Bible hate.  The powers we have to deal with would rather confuse everyone then share a theology that differs with their own... or that conflicts with their own.

When the opposition becomes the only power that exists, these issues may be fully controlled by them.  No one will even know there is a Bible, GOD, or anything that says there is sin and judgment for it.  

I have said the only "Rapture" in the Bible is way at the end of our existence, when fire destroys us.  It is only the people who are alive when that happens that get taken to heaven in the form of what we call a rapture.  Other than that time, and the two who were taken to heaven alive, the requirement is to die.  "It is given unto man once to die and then the judgment." - my paraphrase, unless I remembered the KJV well.  The two who went to heaven without dying are expected to be the two witnesses in the End Times. 

I have wondered why GOD would have to take men early like that.  I imagine it is because they lived their FAITH different in their time.  We would never be witnesses like that.

I try to tell everyone that they MUST read the Bible for themselves and make a decision for themselves.  Every denomination has their own interpretations about the controversial things in the Bible.  Once they have a specific definition, you can't really go against it.  This is why we are not ONE Body of Christ.  We need to fix this problem.  I had hoped to try.  

Study this topic.  Pray for GOD to show you His Truth.  You have to find your own answers.  NO ONE WILL BE WITH YOU AT JUDGMENT DAY!!

I hope we will be ready when the Antichrist shows up.\\

30 August, 2024

Made it through the week!


I am amazed I made it through this week.  It's been a long week.  Getting better has helped.  Now I am looking toward September.  I need to see where posting every weekday will lead.  Just trying changes your future.

I have been watching some survival videos.  I end up seeing a lot from foreign countries.  It is strange to think of people in places so far away from us doing these things in their own lives.

Christians are everywhere.  We may all need to know how to do these things in the future.  Knowing how is half the battle.  It allows you to think about what you can do in any situation you find yourself in.  In the forest, in the snow, in cities, and things like that.

I watched a lot of snow survival videos awhile back, from a channel called The Outdoor Boys.  I would never have known how to dig a shelter in the snow to survive.  The Bible warns us to pray our escape will not be in winter.  There's a reason for that.

In survival videos you need to have a certain number of tools with you.  The bug-out bag may be the best thing you have prepped if it has basic tools.  Think about having to dig out the snow with your bare hands, or the ground for any reason.  A hatchet is essential for collecting firewood and building materials.  I am not that prepared... yet.  :-)  I am wondering how I would survive if I'm on my own.  I am old.  I can't do the things these young healthy men (and some women) can do.  

I was hoping to have Working Together communities built already, to deal with the needs of the elderly and the fragile and the alone.  

I don't think there is a simple answer to what is coming.  Each of us has to find a path where we are, and back-ups for if we aren't together when the time comes.  We don't know what will happen first, what we might need.  Prepping for the Antichrist is a serious challenge.

August is over tomorrow.

I have to finish up all my records for August and get my September pages ready.

I will make it through to September without going to the store, but my cupboards are kind of bare.  I guess fresh produce and my favorite foods are what I miss most.  :-)  I end up getting ill when I have them again.  I'm not sure how to change that yet.  

It's going to be an expensive food month.

I saw a video of an Asian man making large amounts of mung sprouts.  He made it different than the jars I use.  I assume they sell it for their income.  We could never produce it the way he did, and sell it.  But it is edible.  I like mung bean sprouts but am not able to grow them as good as this man did.  

Sprouts are like fresh produce in winter.  I am trying to make them and eat them more.  French green lentils are really good as sprouts.  I also like alfalfa sprouts.  I would like to grow more of them all.  I would be able to eat them as my salad food, especially in winter.

Maybe this winter I can find a way to do that.

This is one example of changing my food choices and changing my food budget.  It makes me healthier and will hopefully help me to age better.

I don't know what GOD has planned for my future, how long I still have to live, but I am praying for health enough to keep going every day, every month, every year.

Because my choices are getting more limited, I have been going through my papers/records to downsize even more.  It is the strangest part of aging.  So many dreams have to be let go.  You have to figure out what you might be able to keep doing.  Lots of projects will be let go.  I won't need those supplies anymore.

It's good and it's bad.  I will be able to do more art and clays and resins, but not the bigger projects I hoped to get to.  I may be able to do baby quilts still, maybe some of my recycling projects that I have been waiting to get to.  

I just don't know where this will end up.  I am trying to get to that answer by the end of this year.  It is one of the goals I made in January.  Downsizing what I can't do will make more room for what I can.  It may be the best thing for me.

In the end, we can't take anything with us to heaven.  That helps me to keep it all in perspective.  

29 August, 2024

What I discovered today.

News.  I find it's a mixed "blessing."  Since the Democratic Convention I haven't watched a lot.  I noticed the "headlines" at YouTube and haven't wanted to hear the liberal themes.

The media has been pushing Harris pretty hard.  One "poll" result I found said she was ahead by the margin of error percentage.  That is amusing.  I wondered if they used the margin amount for her and the non-margin amount for Trump.  

It is a very sad topic for me... the media and our information sources.    

I studied Journalism in college because I wanted to write.  Not writing you would do with an English major, which I would think was books.  I am really bad at grammar.  I have never been able to overcome this problem.  I didn't pass a required test the first time, and I lived in fear of taking it again.  You couldn't continue in Journalism if you didn't pass it in two tries.

I wanted to do more magazine style writing, so that made Journalism as a major the best option for me.  Then LIFE happened, again.

I think the integrity of Journalism has always been an issue.  We depend on our information sources.  It use to be the media was our watchdog, protecting us from the government and from criminals.

I grew up with news personas that had large reputations.  It's hard to remember names.  I was more interested in the news when I wanted to watch it.

I wasn't political or discerning about truth and media issues when I was young.  I formed my current opinions over the years of my life by seeing how topics I knew about were handled.  

We all know that our world has changed.  We are not the same people or nation we once were.  Our media sources have also changed.

I don't think I have missed a lot.  I check the descriptions of some of the YouTube news channels to avoid the bias.  I haven't chosen to watch too many of the stories listed.

I have found other videos to view.  One I discovered today was about a private corporation using Eminent Domain to legally take the land of farmers from Missouri eastward.  It seems they want to build power lines.

Later I watched a "Yanasa TV" YouTube channel video about Eminent Domain being used by the government to take more small farm lands for water issues.

I think it is a warning bell for all of us.

This week I have been discovering clay and pottery videos.  I never realized the small and the big of making pottery - globally.  It is so amazing what we can discover at YouTube.  Food channels, art channels, pottery channels, from people everywhere.  I wish I could do all these things right now, but I am not young enough anymore.  I also need my own property to do both personal and business goals.  If I won a BIG lottery prize, I would try to finish all the things I have wanted to do over my life.  It's a very long list.

Lots of food issues today.  I am going to try to make it to September using what I have right now -- my back-up foods, my garden foods, my regular foods.  Figuring out what to make has been quite a challenge.  The side-effect of being ill and recovering, too weak to walk to the store or even get a ride, then the challenge to make it through... this is what I am doing this month.  It has been helping me with making menus.

I tend to start each day asking myself what I have to eat first, so I don't have to waste any food.  I still do that, but I am more focused with my challenge.  I am using up foods I need to go through and replace, getting more organized, and trying to make a list of what I will need to buy in September to get my pantry back in shape.  It's a good thing if you look at it that way.

I find that aging is changing a lot of my food options.  It's hard to change.  This will let me rethink my food choices.  

The last time I did this, I ended up spending way too much the next month.  I MUST NOT DO THAT AGAIN!  This is why my shopping list is so important.

I am beginning to feel better.  September may be a great month for me.  I hope so.

28 August, 2024



This seemed like a good graphic to post today.  I hope it inspires you to think deeply about America's past and future.  We are heading into a very difficult time spiritually, something we never expected to see, maybe forgot was coming.

I am scared.  I hope you are, too.

I don't know how much we can affect what prophecy has already warned us is coming, but I hope to try.  I am praying that you will also want to do all you can to save the best things we have known, in a godly way, in a way that will honor GOD.

I am trying to post more, maybe every weekday.  I was actually in bed already and was reminded I forgot to post, again.  :-)   I am also praying and deciding about where to focus my income efforts.  Probably here, but I am not sure yet.  

Online has so many options, but it also has a real link to crime.  We have no way to know what isn't on our screens, how tech works, if we get real activity on our screens.  It's getting to be a digital world and we have less and less alternatives.  If China can control their nation's internet, I imagine there are people already controlling ours.  What can we do about it?  Nothing.

I finally left it in GOD's Hands.  Whatever is coming is beyond our ability to control.  I trust that GOD is able to protect, help, provide for, and uncover whatever we need to survive.

This is what happens when I write late at night.  ha ha  

Is this part of GOD's Hand?  I think the Bible tells us it is.  

Pray for all of us.

27 August, 2024

Planning for next month. Planning for a better future. Seeking GOD for the right path.

Thinking about everything this month has been a difficult process.  I tend to seek GOD until I get a clear answer.  That can be once or it can be years, many years.  I can almost see the path clearly now.  


This change probably has a lot to do with beginning to feel better and starting to do more things now.  Today I am very sore from doing more than I have been.  By September I may be more flexible.

Praying is hard to do when GOD doesn't answer quickly, or the way you want Him to.  I have had sermons playing in the background for days.  When I hear certain parts of them, it makes me think about all the issues in our current life.  I am looking for our place in GOD's Plan, in our world, in this life.

This month has me thinking about my health.  How much longer do I have to even try?  What do I need to keep going?  When will I not be able to live fully on my own?  

What are the things we need to be independent as senior citizens?  In the place I am it is too hard to survive alone.  I can't get around easily on my own.  A change in location would change my life.  I am seeing all these details in my own life and wondering how many others have already passed through this learning curve.

In watching a lot of YouTube videos, I see a lot of people with no real help to deal with their issues surviving.  The loss of a home because of increased rents or mortgages has a consequence of homelessness for people of all ages, including seniors.  The unnoticed reality is that there is no one to help.  No family.  Pride.  No savings.  No one to turn to.  I don't know if it is just an economic problem.  Our society has become isolated, families are now separated by miles, states, lifestyles, and more.

I look at my life and there are many different issues that created it.  I have always said that GOD could have blessed my efforts at any moment on the path, but He didn't.  I have never understood why.

I know GOD put my special dreams in me for a reason.  

I know He accomplishes His Will.  

I know nothing can stop GOD from finishing what He starts.  

Now, I am not sure what my part in His Plan is.  That is the problem.

Writing down all the details I have so far, about Working Together, has been one of my thoughts.  It may be my most important goal right now.  I guess I wonder if it's too late.  Our world is quickly becoming a place where critical prophecies about the Antichrist are coming true.  Global rule seems imminent.  

To build anything as big as Working Together would take years.  I have been struggling to create Working Together, officially, since 1987.  That seems like a lot of lost years.  I was willing, but GOD seems not to be.

For now, I can only worry about surviving September.  It is all the money I have.

26 August, 2024

Getting Better.

Here I am again.
Almost forgot, again.

I decided to share my newest design.  I signed up for Canva Pro before I got sick and this is the first design I tried out.

I plan to do a lot more.
I am just not sure what sizes I will focus on.  This is my small art concept.  I am also working on t-shirt sizes.  I may do some poster sizes, but I am not sure yet.  It depends on what I create.

My faith in GOD and His plan for my life has been a major thought in my days and nights for some years.  We can't really tell GOD what to do.  We follow Him.  He is the Boss.  I just keep thinking that He is doing something, I just don't understand it.

I hope it means my sons will be OK and meet me in heaven one day.

I have been watching some serious videos at YouTube.  Water issues and housing and food supplies and politics.  More than that, but that is all I can think of right now.  I don't do so well when I wait until the end of the day to enter my posts.  I am trying to do something about that bad habit.

I hope to be back to normal by September.

I have been living on my emergency supplies.  It's a good practice run but will be very costly to replace.  I'm working on my September budget and shopping list this week.

Winter is getting near.  I harvested my tomatoes already, today I dug out my potatoes.  I got more useable potatoes this year.  I will be eating them this week.  I had the biggest one right after harvesting it.  Micro-baked.  Really good.  I may make oven fries with some, maybe fried potatoes with the rest.  The chickens will get some too. 

I am trying to find a good way to share my concerns about our Christian dangers in the world right now.  There really isn't a good way to say things that are frightening.  I will try.

May GOD help us all to prepare for what is coming.  In every city.  As one Body of Christ.

Deborah Martin


22 August, 2024

Trying to get back on track. Update.

It's been a long month.

I'm not sure when I will get back to normal.

I have been thinking a lot during all these days of getting better.

Aging seems to have its own agenda, different for each of us.

America is struggling to survive.

I don't know what this election will do to us.

I can't imagine what will happen if the Democrats win.

I wonder how much longer we can survive without some financial changes.  Even the Republicans can't save us alone.  Our debt is is too high.

I think about prophecies in the Bible.  About what they mean to us as a nation, as Christians, as a world.  The Antichrist is the main problem we face, and what leads up to the world asking him to save us.  A global government isn't going to honor freedom.  And the entire North American continent is one region in the future plan.  Everything we think is going to happen is not.  

I know it is already known to GOD, but it is hard to deal with as a Christian American.

My life is meaningless in the larger realities.  I suppose all of our lives are meaningless at the individual level.  I wonder how much we can do to affect what is coming.  I have nothing to even try with.  

Have you considered what GOD has warned us about?

Right now, I am still trying to recover from my sudden illness.  I will do what I can to find a path I can do in my life and health.

I just wanted to check in again.  I may enter more posts as I go through all the thoughts I am having about us and America and how evil will overcome good.  I'm trying to find GOD's path for me right now.

May GOD help us all to see His Will for us in this time of history and prophecy.

12 August, 2024

Still recovering from a sudden illness... sorry.

It has been a long week.

I couldn't have rallied last Monday, but let last Thursday go by.

Not much to say.

I hope to be better by next week.

01 August, 2024

Starting my 90-minutes-a-day challenge this month


Some days are harder than others.

I don't know why that is, but it is the reality of our lives.  In faith we have to trust that GOD has a part in all that happens to us.

The Bible tells us He puts a hedge of protection around His people.  It also shows us GOD allows Satan to test us.  We also know there is Free Will in the formula.  This means GOD does not stop us from sinning.  We are promised the ability to choose our path in this life, and those choices lead us to our eternal home.

I have shared before that I believe our suffering comes from other people's choice to sin.  We don't know the far-reaching impact of those choices, but GOD does.  We have to keep our eyes on Him and let the rest go.

We also cause the suffering of others because of our sins.  It isn't something we can blame on others, or GOD.  No one likes to suffer.

I started my 90 minutes a day challenge today.  I have listened to some of the newer people offering advice to succeed.  This was one of the tips.  It's taken me awhile to reach this point.  After today, I don't know how much help it will be.  I have been trying to start since last month some time, maybe before that.  I decided this month has to be the time to try it.

I have a yearly goal to use up my collected supplies, so I am working on my art options right now.  I need ten thousand hours to improve.  It takes me awhile to get back in the flow of creating art.  :-)   This month may help that process.

When I was homeless in my van in the desert in 2002, I started painting again.  It took many days to finally get into a style I liked.  I am now wondering if that is the style I want to keep.

I also want to work on my resin designs, and some polymer clays. 

I may put some of these items at my ETSY shop, or my PATREON page.  Selling is the goal.  I need money!  Increasing my income what the goal of being online in all these spaces.

It's been a long journey.

I am finally going to try out CANVA pro, too.  I need to be able to make vector designs and I understand they have that ability.  They are also supposed to have transparent backgrounds for making t-shirt designs.  So, I will be trying those this month as well.

I have been listening to a Brian Tracy recording at YouTube recently.  I have one of his old CD recordings called CHANGE YOUR THINKING, CHANGE YOUR LIFE.  I love it.  It is a treasure for me, among several other special books, VHFs, CDs, and DVDs.  The recording I have been listening to is called NO EXCUSES.  I just catch parts of it as I play it in the background, but it is reminding me of things I have forgotten from all the years I have been listening to this kind of materials, or reading books like it.

Today I noticed a portion of the recording about investing in yourself, your personal development.  The suggestion is to spend 3% of your income on things that will improve your abilities.  It isn't much, but it is still a part of your income.  That can be a challenge for low-income people.  

Personal development would be going to seminars, taking classes, buying books about the work I am doing or want to do.  For me, it is using YouTube to learn.  The videos I find at YouTube and other places online are the classes I take.

I already spend over my 3% of income for improving my life.  I am still waiting for my return on investment.

Everything in a struggling budget gets moved around, every month.  It is a matter of surviving... this month.  Next month is a dream, a hope, a different goal that doesn't exist yet.

I am wondering if this is what the government is doing.

29 July, 2024

Another day...


When we think the world can't go on without our help, we have to remember how little we really matter in the long story of creation and eternity.

25 July, 2024

Where do they go?


I heard on the news tonight that the Governor of California has ordered all the homeless people living in tents in public spaces to be "cleaned up."  Where will they go?

I know how hard it is to start with nothing.  All those tents are not what public officials want to see, especially when their tourist income is suffering.  Homeless people are a problem, but destroying their very hard efforts to survive on the streets isn't going to help the problems.  The homeless need a safe place to start rebuilding their lives.  Street sweeps, which just put all their belongings into the trash, means they have to start all over... which means they find a new place for their tents.

What do you expect them to do???  Human beings have to sleep, have to eat, have to have a place to use a restroom, and then they need a place to shower so they can be clean, a place to do laundry so they can wear clean clothes, and everything else any human being needs to live from one day to the next.  

I don't know the property options in every city fighting the open issues with the homeless, but there has to be a place they can stay.  Starting over doesn't help anyone.  It makes the problem last longer.

I hear news reports all the time about the costs of dealing with homelessness.  Maybe we need a new way of handling the problems.

I remember seeing historic photos of the Great Depression.  They may have been of New York City, but I don't remember that detail.  What I remember was cardboard or some kind of material like cardboard being used by entire families who were forced out of housing onto the street.  They built whatever they could along the streets of a large urban space and that was their home.

I remember, when I grew up in Los Angeles, seeing news stories about Tijuana (a "city" along the border of Mexico).  It was a huge space where Mexican families lived the best they could, with "homes" made of whatever materials they could find... like plywood, cardboard, metal sheets, etc.

If you watch Gone with the Wind you will see the shanty towns that existed in that time of history.

Today, in other parts of the world, there are people struggling to survive in housing that is not the best, but it is all they can afford.

My point is that poverty is not ever going to be "solved."  There will always be poor people, homeless people, struggling people.  Even the Bible tells us this is the reality of living.  But I always hear political messages about solving the problems associated with poverty.  In my own thinking about these issues, I believe it is because there will always be a next generation of people with their own groups of poverty families.

It is a better idea, in my mind, to create permanent options to meet the needs of poor people.

We have housing, but being government run has its problems.

We have food options, both with government and charity sources, but they also have problems in the delivery.

I have always talked about the need for stability in the paths we create.  Housing is the primary form of stability for homeless and poor individuals and families.  Government programs work on the basis of obedience to the "rules" or you are gone.  That is not stability.  It takes years to overcome the problems of poverty and homelessness.  Each person's path needs to be stable for years.  When they are ready, they will move on.

Today, I was riding on the public transit in my city.  I saw the tents of people trying to survive here.  This city is also on the verge of cleaning the streets of homeless people.  Where will they go?  They will end up going through the same cycle of loss, wandering around while the government does what it does, and look for a new place to sleep, eat, spend their days, try to settle again in a new space.  The problem is not solved, it is "kicked down the road" again.

I have tried to suggest alternative strategies for many years.  

I have prayed for the funds to create these options as demonstration projects, to figure out the details, but GOD has not provided for my efforts.  Working Together is all about finding solutions for all these problems, but for Christians.  It is why I look for possible solutions.  And what my life experience has been about.

I hate to think of all the pain that is going to happen because of the government's view of these issues, and what they see as the solutions for their cities.  It's really a complicated issue, especially with media coverage pushing the problems to a different space.  What is being done is not solving the larger problem.

What are your solutions for the individual people who are the homeless?  Who are poor?  Who are not able to become self-sufficient tax-paying citizens in a day?  Who have handicaps, disabilities, substance abuse issues, other abuse issues, no money, no skills, prison records, can't get a job, are too old to work, have children with them, and more.

They need stability.  Will street sweeps help them?

What can we change about how we see this problem?

Maybe this is an example of that saying about insanity... something about doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.

22 July, 2024

A lot seems to happen in a short amount of time these days

I spent a long time today going through my ETSY listings.  (https://etsy.com/shop/work2gather)  I have been trying to decide the direction I want to go, changing my content, thinking about a better future.  

I deactivated all my listings except for four of them.  Then I updated each of them.  Then I explored some of the suggestions ETSY has for its sellers.  I will have to return to my shop and look at my keywords again.  

I can see how I need to review my listings, not just put them up and leave them.  How often to do that is the question.  

I am seeking GOD for money to change all the things in my life that need to be changed.  I have been praying for the way to do that.  My part: to do what I can.  GOD's part: to bless my efforts.  (I hope.  After all these years of trying, it is hard to have a strong faith that GOD will provide what I think He should.)  

I have been listening to Joel Osteen sermons.

I have been listening to old books about faith issues.

I have been thinking about what I should do to change the way things are.

I have been seeking GOD for direction. 

This is another starting point for my efforts to make things better. 

We will have to see what the rest of this month brings.

I watched some of the news programs for today after working on my ETSY plans.

Kamala Harris is now officially going after the Democratic bid for President.  It is the expected path, but I am not sure what it means.  I don't follow all these politicians that closely.  I think about our nation, about the battles between the main political parties, about the needs of the poor more than other income groups.

I suppose we will all find out where our nation is heading now.

What the news showed us tonight was an ordinary woman calling the police for help and ending up dead because of the policeman that answered the call.  Video in our lives is filled with real pain in the lives of others now.  Her life is over.  She has no option to recover from what a policeman has done.  She was murdered, he was not protecting himself from a dangerous person.  

When you watch the video, you can sense his need to kill someone, anyone.  I don't know what they call that, but it happens all the time.  I think it could have been a Black issue or a GOD issue.  He got mad when she called on GOD to help her.  The policeman was agitated, she sensed the need for protection.  He is charged with murder.  He should be. 

It's a very sad situation.  We see what happens in the video, but we have no idea what made these people the way they were at this moment in time. We don't suddenly become a killer.  Our lives change us into good or bad people.  Every day, every month, every year.  We slowly become different people.

What keeps us good people?

What makes us turn into people who do things that hurt us and others?

In my life, it was my faith in GOD, my salvation, my hope for the future that kept me from becoming a person that would hurt others.  I looked toward GOD in my hard times, in my pain, in my struggles to become better. 

The death of this innocent woman made me think about my own death.  We never know what a day will hold.  GOD warns us that the only time we have is right now.  

I hope for much, but I don't know what GOD is going to provide.  GOD provides for His Will, His Plan for us and for the world.  GOD lifts one up and lets another fall.  Everything is heading toward the fulfillment of prophecy in small and large steps. 

This is a very important election year.  It will decide the direction of our nation.  The goals of the Republican and Democratic Parties are very different.  This election is now, what happens after the election may change everything again.  

I can't support the Democratic agenda, but I don't agree with everything the Republicans stand for either.  Mostly, I hope America survives.  Mostly, I hope I survive. 

18 July, 2024

The Republican Convention is over. My thoughts.


I thought I would share this graphic today because the topic of taxes is a repeating issue.  This is really a very important video to see.  I never realized that the amendment passed was not limited.  It's a scary thought, but we know someone will try it one day.  Maybe the Antichrist.

The Republican Convention just finished.  I was waiting to post until it was done.  I tried to make some notes about things to write, but I would be here for hours if I went into detail.

Politics is like an old vinyl record that is scratched and plays the same part over and over and over again, until you fix the problem.  Every year the same issues are cited.  

The Republicans are big on oil, coal, and fracking/gas.  The Democrats are big on green energy, like solar and wind, like electric vehicles.  We really need both.  With the threat of global crises, increasing wars, terrorism, natural disasters, and more, we have to find a way to make sure we have what we need on our own soil.  I see a different world if we get low on fuel for the military and police.  Ordinary people won't have access to fuel for their cars if there is (when there is) a real crisis.  That could be grid failure or some other disaster we don't know is coming.  If terrorist hit, you know they are going to hit our supplies, our weak points.  It takes a lot of fuel to fly planes, military or commercial.  Commuters have to get to work.  Emergency vehicles need fuel.  Our commercial trucks bring us all the food and supplies we need to keep going.  How much fuel does our nation need just to survive?  I have no idea.  Do we have enough?

Immigration is a big issue for both political parties, for our nation, for our safety.  In making their points, the Republicans cite every terrible event, all the crimes, all the pain caused by any immigrant that exists.  It is repeated so often that we think every single illegal immigrant is a threat, a terrible person, an evil force trying to hurt us.  The Democrats act like there is no problem, everyone should be able to come here, no one is a threat or a criminal.  What is the truth?  Many of the people seeking a new life in America are trying to get away from the poverty and violence in their home country.  They think we are still the country that will solve their problems, help them to provide for their families and find the dreams they have in their heart.  All the hate created toward illegal immigrants makes them targets, even when they are good people.

This is the same battle waged against the poor.  Everyone attached to any government program is seen as killing the nation.

Taxes are another battleground.  My view is in the graphic I made.  This was before I even realized there was an amendment about taxes, the one in the video above.  I am not a political fanatic, I am a concerned citizen.

The two main political parties that rule our government also have different views on what taxes are for.  The Republicans want less taxes... which is realistic in my view.  The Democrats are working for a future that has the government controlling everything, like socialism.  I see that as the government controling all the resources and deciding how much every citizen gets for their needs. 

What is a fair tax the government should receive to pay for the services it provides?  That is the main issue.  

The Democrats keep creating more mandates.  It's like we are slowly losing our freedoms and becoming acclimated to having our lives ordered by the government.  It's a way of seeing our lives.  We cease to make our own decisions and accept the "right" of the government to decide for us.

Trump is finding solutions from the life he has lived, what he knows about.  Everyone around him is part of the process of finding solutions within the government process.  I don't know if they are good or bad, but they seem to work.  That's what I hear from all the speeches, all the faith in his way of doing things, the results of his actions.

We don't know what the future will hold for us, as people or as a nation.  We are going to have to live through it.

One thing I know is how close we came to chaos.  I keep thinking about what might have happened if Trump had died.  It would have devastated our country, maybe the world.  Trump is a strong man, and he uses the power he has to "win" the battles he faces.

It has a lot to do with wealth.  People who are rich are different than regular people.  They can solve a lot of problems with money.  They aren't afraid of problems.  I say this because I know how it feels not to have money... the problems it causes.

I hope GOD will protect him for as long as it takes to help our nation recover from the problems we must overcome to survive, and then help us to build a better future.

The DEBT is our primary crisis because it affects every other thing we face.  Maybe a man like Trump will find the answers we need.

15 July, 2024

Republican Convention on Day One. Who will save America?

Been listening to the Republican Convention on YouTube today.  I missed the first part.  I don't set alarms for these things, so I started late.  I hope to view some of what I missed through other videos.

It is quite a speaking event.  I haven't seen others, except (maybe) some other years when Trump was in it.  Maybe the first time.  This time I listened mostly, while playing a word game.  Am I a multi-tasker or just waiting to hear something important to me?  :-)  

I am wondering what they do at a political convention.

I am at CSPAN's YouTube channel.

I think the VP choice looks good.  He might be a good president in the future.  We have seen that Trump is danger.  We need to think about those possibilities.  

I don't think I want to see a Harris presidency.  I hope Trump wins this election.  He's our best bet.  It seems like a very long election cycle this year.

We are facing decisions where we need to pick the least harmful option.  I keep wondering if this is what the Bible means when we become a world that is evil.  Day by day, election by election, law by law, global vs national vs state vs county.  It is hard to see this all happening.

I keep listening to two older videos about politics.  You may know what they are because I have shared them before.  The main one I love is the Ripple speech by Bobby Kennedy.  The other one is a Reagan speech for Goldwater's campaign for President.

The Kennedy speech is about ideals.

The Reagan speech is about finances.

Both issues are important to our nation.

We don't hear speeches like these anymore.  And I wonder why.

https://youtu.be/BeqY2oMiwx8?si=ifFco489FR36R-0D   Kennedy's Ripple of Hope speech

https://youtu.be/qXBswFfh6AY?si=a71MWTpBUlqdSHjW   Reagan's Time for Choosing speech

They talk about character.  And more.  I wasn't political at all back then.  I wonder if I ever saw anything like these speeches on the news.  I doubt it.  I don't remember anything about them.  It is amazing what the brain recalls and what it doesn't.

The view of poverty programs from people who never needed or survived by them is always something to think about.  In my years of Welfare and other poverty issues, there were many efforts by people to get more money to live on, even moving state to state because they didn't understand that the costs to live were higher also.  There are movies about what it was like to live on Welfare in the early years, before my experience started.  I couldn't believe people went through what they did, just to get help from the government.  

The Reagan video mentions another example.  It was about getting more money if you were divorced rather than staying married.  I vaguely recall this issue, but I have always been single on government benefits so I wouldn't know about it.

When you listen to the Reagan video the amounts are amazing.  I think this is what inflation is all about, and the national debt is the link to inflation.

One part of the Kennedy video that hits me every time I hear it is the list of problems all over the world.  And the connection to humanity.  The problems we face, everywhere, all the time, are often from people without a moral base.  I would say they aren't Christian or biblical, but these countries have some kind of faith base and still have serious problems.  

There are some amazing statements in the Kennedy speech.  I think that is why I listen to it over and over again.

What will happen to America?  This is a more important election than the last one.  Our problems have gotten worse.

There is no guarantee any political party can save us from the economic threats we face.  I hope, again, that Trump will be able to guide us through to a better place because of his experience in business and his past term as President.  He could be in office for two terms, I think.  It's going to take a huge effort to save us.

Let's hope GOD is really trying to help us survive what history has created.

08 July, 2024

Finding GOD's Truth in the Bible

I am always thinking about how GOD works out His Plans.

I guess I am just trying to figure out what He is doing in the world, in my world, in the lives of others.

We all have interpretations about what the Bible says.  That is why we have so many denominations, why we are divided, why we think our ideas are the right ones.

I guess I do the same thing.

When I was searching for my answers about GOD, I made my own decisions about what GOD was trying to show us.  Nothing big, just the conflicts we seem to have.  I needed to decide which view I thought was the right one.

I listen to a video sermon from Adrian Rogers called the Final Judgment.  There are points he makes about the two places called HELL and DEATH, the GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT, and the LAKE OF FIRE.  I understand the concept of Death and Hell being temporary spaces we go to when we die to wait for the big Judgment, the Great White Throne Judgment.  Death is for the saved, Hell is for the unsaved.  The Lake of Fire is the final place for those who are not saved, not in the Book of Life.  

And then there are all the Martyrs -- the souls who wait under the Throne for the Day of Judgment - to be avenged.  They seem to be a separate group.

In the sermon about the Final Judgment, Adrian Rogers makes one statement about the White Throne Judgment that I don't understand.  He says that anyone who is saved will not have to stand before that final White Throne Judgment.  I am not sure that is the right way to see our future.

I say this because of the martyrs.  They are the only ones I have found who will never face the second death at the Great White Throne Judgment.  

I think we will still face the White Throne.  My view of our sins is that when we confess and repent of our sins, accepting Christ's substitutionary offering for them, they are removed from our "book" in judgment.  Christ's sacrifice covers them.  They are no longer part of our judgment process because we have confessed and repented and accepted Christ's death as our atonement for them.  

This is how I understand the process of forgiveness. 

Consequences of our sins never go away.  Forgiveness is a different thing.

This is what I decided when I studied the Bible to find answers.

Every denomination has their own definitions of what the Bible says.  I think we have to search for our own understanding.  We are all just humans.  Only GOD really knows what He means.  Some parts of what He says are hard to know.  It takes many years to go through all the different passages about any topic, and there are things I will never know about history that is related to some of the Bible's stories.  BUT -- I am still responsible for seeking out these answers myself.  

We have to find a way to become One Body.  Talking through all these differences is the only way I see this happening.  

I hope we can create a global effort, one the world will be able to access and be a part of.  It may be the only good thing the internet can accomplish, for all of us.

I hope GOD allows us to do that.

04 July, 2024

Where is America going?


There are fireworks going outside.  The neighbors do their own.  I haven't done anything with fireworks since my kids grew up.  

The 4th of July is now about America to me.  Our nation.  What is happening to it.  How it has changed over my lifetime.

I used to think everyone wanted to be an American.  Then I realized that everyone loves their country, they just don't like their government.  I think that is happening to America now.    

I suppose this is part of getting old... or seeing prophecy become reality.  I'm not sure what happened.  I know that our government has changed.  It is becoming more about mandates and control.  Of course, I didn't really pay attention to everything the government was doing.  Now that I have discovered some serious topics and the part the government played in those topics, my respect for our national leaders has become jaded (I think that is the right word.) - less trusting.

I learned a lot about government through my years of poverty and Welfare.  

Other issues happened after I was alone, no longer a mother, and had more time to even think about things.

I have been watching more YouTube videos about poverty, housing, and economic issues.  My feed seems to bring up a lot of videos from Australia, some from the UK, and others from all over the US.  It lets me see that these problems exist all over the world.  

When you are the one that is suffering, it seems like the place where you are is the only place in the world something exists.  People in the UK feel the pains of struggling to survive as much as the people in Australia.  We haven't had the ability to know about each other's lives before.  The internet is changing this.  YouTube is changing this.  

I really don't know where America is heading.  I hope it will survive, but there are no guarantees.  The world government we are heading into has the entire North American continent as one region.  I am wondering if our Constitution will matter when that time comes.  All these issues that reach the Supreme Court may not even exist in a world government.  We will all be ruled by the global format.

Immigration will not be an issue if we are all one region.  No borders.  One economic ruling force.  Will we need a wall then?  It is a strange thought.  What will a one-world government look like?

Everything America has stood for, in its best sense, is very great.  I hate to think of it going away.  I am glad I was born an American.  I love my country's historical meaning.  Freedom is a wonderful thing to have.  Morality is why America became so great.  Biblical morality.  And GOD's protection for our faith in Him.

We don't have that protection anymore.  Maybe that is why we are facing so many difficult problems now.  I have often thought about that question of GOD's protection.  We expect Him to keep us from harm, but there is a two-way relationship with that promise.  We haven't done our part.  

People in the church want us to have a revival.  It would help, but it won't solve all our problems.  

Atheists want GOD to be dropped from all things, eliminated.  I don't think they have considered what the world will be like without godly people.

Most people don't want to give up their sin.

I don't think we will be able to solve this part of our problems.

Let's pray hard to try to change GOD's mind.

In Christ,

Deborah Martin
