08 November, 2018

Thursday, 8 November 2018

I guess I am still thinking about the election, and some of the aftermath.

It has been a long day.  I went to the nearby store last night and got enough food for now.  It is much better today than it was yesterday.

Christmas is still on its way, and I am trying to work on my part of the festivities... gifts, goals, and praying for a better 2019.  My biggest thought is :: How much can I really do to make this world a better place?

I had to nap today, and I am just getting my body going again after getting up.  I will have the evening to get to my list of things to work on.  We have 24 hours, right?  When we work is different for all of us.  Some work gets done in the day, some in the evening hours, some at night.

When I was binge watching Christmas movies last weekend, I stayed up all night... something I rarely do anymore.  I was surprised to see that HGTV has infomercials on in the wee hours of the night.  :-)   I just assumed the reruns kept going all night long.  haha  Who thinks of what happens in the dark hours of the night... not too many.  But, they are the people who need GOD most.

That is one reason I hope to build 24-hour Respite Centers for WT someday.  I have seen the need... a LONG time ago.

It gets frustrating for me when I start wondering why GOD hasn't provided for WT... and why other things have happened... and what is happening in our world... and to me.  I think of sin, and free will, and judgment.  I wonder about my sons.  I wonder who will get into heaven and who won't.  I think about all the suffering there is.  I think about all the different solutions we deal with, coming from someone somewhere, and wonder where my ideas would fit in and how to make them part of our future.  I think a lot.  All the time.  But I can't do anything.  This is how the world will be as the Antichrist rises... less good, more evil.  I don't like what I think about, what I see, what I can't change.

We think about people who have made the world better and we admire them, lift them up, and only know about that one part of their lives.  Is that what it means to be a hero?  Chosen for history?  When we look deeper into their lives it is a more difficult story... lots of personal suffering.  I guess it isn't easy to make a difference.   :-)

My thoughts are wandering today.  The election result and the next two years... what will become of America?  I have come to understand that news reporters are often reading off a prompter... I don't know how they go so easily from tragedy to tragedy...  And then I read the news, mostly the headlines, and I go from tragedy to tragedy without much thought.  These are events I can't do much about, or change, or make any better for those who suffer.  I see rising abuse with crowdfunding and worry about its future... to me, it is the only blessing people in real need have access to, and I want it to be used to help them... probably, even more, the ones who don't have regular access to the world.

I read one comment about Oregon's results as I checked online to see what happened... and discovered the Democrats have a "supermajority" here... the comment was they could pass as many taxes as they wanted to and the Republicans couldn't stop them.  I don't know if that is a good view of our governing power.

It will be something we, as citizens, will not be able to do much about.

How can we save America from its government?  I don't know.

I guess that is all I can share right now.

Pray for all of us... we need help.

Until next time,
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

Working Together Inc
Building for the End Times

Pray that GOD will help us to understand the impact of our choices and to make better decisions for our country.  Amen.

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