03 November, 2018

Decided to add some thoughts - Saturday, 3 November 2018

The past couple weeks and my blogging have been unusual, but not against the idea of blogging when I want to.  Finding a schedule or just adding a post whenever the time and inspiration hit is the big question I still haven't answered.  So many things get involved in our daily lives, some we can't control.

I have been messing around with my November budget today.  I as suppose to go food shopping tomorrow, so I decided to figure out what I can afford to get this month and what food I have to buy first... like the things I am nearly out of or have to replace.  Holiday needs are going to have to fit somewhere... and what to make is also an issue.

Things change as you get older, too.

I spent a long time in front of the TV over Thursday and Friday this week... there isn't much on that I care to watch, but I forced myself to deal with the new way commercials are presented on Hallmark channels so I could veg out with Christmas movies.  I was trying to remember commercials when I was younger... I think you had about 2-4 3--second commercials way back when.  I have counted the commercial sets a few time already and, now, they have changed into 10-12 "short" versions, with a few that seem like infomercials about medical plans and politics.  I have noticed at YouTube kind of places that you don't have the choice to "SKIP" the ads anymore... or, most of them... maybe it's a difference in the ad placement costs... probably.

Today is a Sabbath day... and I am trying to catch up with my life after "binge-watching" all those holiday movies... the old ones, not the new ones, which start soon.  I am eating, reading, planning, updating, checking emails and will probably end up watching some YouTube videos later, or playing some online games like Solitaire and Sudoku.  I am still not at the peaceful place about the Sabbath.

Some people turn off all their internet activities, and TV, etc., for their Sabbath.  I am not that strong yet, and haven't decided if that is important.  Food is another Sabbath issue... today, however, I am just trying to make it through with the food I have.  There isn't much in my fridge or my fresh produce, but there is enough to use up before it gets spoiled.

We all like to grab something already done, ready to eat, something we like... I am finding food prep is hard to get past.  Making coffee in the coffee maker is against some people's idea of Sabbath rest.  I don't think GOD is that involved in the process, but I am aware that in biblical times there was a lot of firewood needed to "make a fire" for food prep... so there is an admonition against it.  Pushing buttons on a microwave don't seem to be in that category.

Religion has so many different issues associated with it... even for those who hate GOD, or Christianity, or Islam, or other controversial faiths.  We have to live in a global environment now, because of the internet, so our religious issues will have to change... I think it will have to become an individual issue... which is hard for countries where the man is the dictator.  In the Bible, GOD says each person must decide their faith, find their own way to heaven, make a decision about Jesus as their Savior... and that is important because we are individual souls.

No one will be with us at the Judgment... no wives, no children, no spiritual leaders, no one.  We have to find our own way, and let others find theirs.

This is where the battle gets sticky... sharing our faith, talking to others about spiritual issues, is different than forcing people into submission to our faith.  This is the true meaning of separation of church and state... that the government cannot say that everyone has to be one denomination.  GOD will judge each of us by our own choices.

This is what "free will" means... we are responsible to choose, and we are held accountable for our choices... good and bad.

I can see I am heading into rambling.  I will end here.

Until next time,
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

Working Together Inc
Building for the End Times

We are commanded to remember the Sabbath, so it is important to GOD.  I pray we can all find our own peace with that requirement.  Amen.

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