29 May, 2018

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

I was amazed to learn, from NBR, that today is 529 Day, after the education savings account... has this naming a day thing gone too far!?  Every day seems to have a lot of themes to celebrate.  I never would have thought there was a day to recognize 529 accounts.

NBR tried to clarify what a 529 account was, but I still have questions.  Over the years I have heard and read different information about the education account.  I think you can start an account, add money that will be used later for education, and pay it directly to a school for anyone's education expenses.  I think it use to be a separate account for each person that will go to college or another education program... now, I think you can have one savings account and use it to pay anyone's qualified education expenses.  I don't know for sure yet, so don't depend on my statements.  Find out from someone more qualified.

I was further amazed that the presenter on NBR said $100 a month saved from the time a child is born might create somewhere between 25-30K for possibly ONE year of college.  This says something about what kind of colleges they are even thinking of.  I went to about three years of higher education a long time ago and ended up with about 30-35K in debt... which is much larger now.  Major colleges can be 50-60K for just one year... of the Bachelor's degree programs.  Go longer and the debt rises.

Public colleges are the least expensive.  I realized too late that I could have attended a junior college for the first two or three years doing the basic classes, then transferred for the classes that were required for a specific degree.

I also wish I would have taken on less debt, tried to work more to keep my debt down, and stayed the full four years until I got the "paper."  Finishing college is a problem for many... life happens, so you can't quite get there.  After a great deal of thought about it, I decided it would be a good idea to forgive school debt when some student groups complete the degree program.  It might encourage more to fight their way to the end of the struggle.  It would be better for the country.


I discovered a lending group that is Jewish in the Portland area yesterday.  I am trying to find out how loans are handled in the Jewish community, according to GOD's directions.  I have trouble with the details of loan forgiveness.  How do you set up a lending program that is required to forgive the outstanding debt after a specific time.  I am wondering how much people allowed to be borrowed.

The Bible tells us that there were secured loans, with specific changes for the needs of the poor.  As I have stated before, I found a place that said GOD allows people to borrow on their tithes, but they also have to repay 20% more than they borrowed.  It says that you are not to alter your lending practices because the year of forgiveness is near. And, I am not sure if the seven year periods are already decided or if it could begin on the day the loan started.

GOD is very exacting.  It is not an easy thing to honor GOD with your decisions... those little grey areas seem to rise up everywhere.

I will figure it out, eventually.


It is the end of the month again.  I already figured out my budget for June.  Now I need to see if I can make it through the whole month with it still my budget.  Dave Ramsey materials say it takes a few months to get through this new process, so I am considering this new format like a new budget... and giving myself a few months to work out the problems and change my habits.

I am heading toward my selling accounts this week, to make sure they are updated and functioning.  I need to gather all the listing details I will need, like photo sizes.  It is a long process for me, but I am getting further toward my goals.  I still need to work out my shipping issues.

I hate to eliminate anything because I worry about other people taking my site names and pretending to be me.  I don't know how this is going to work out in the future... for everyone.  And when I die, who will take it over... I am trying to figure those things out, before I die.

Well, I am falling asleep sitting up... I will be going for today.

Until next time,
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

Remember... I made a new PayPal link to order the TRIAL Memberships... Only $10 a year for quarterly email updates (newsletters).


May GOD uncover those things that need to be made open and protect the innocent.
May GOD provide for His people.
May GOD separate the guilty from the innocent.
May GOD help us to all find His path to the future.
May GOD show His goodness, His love, His mercy, His joy, to those who are searching.
May GOD bless those who love Him.

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