The last day of May... Hard to believe almost half of the year is gone already.
I am going to try to make it to Monday to do my shopping for food and household necessities...not sure I will make it, but I am going to try.
I think I am now getting my "overview" of what is happening when I start up my internet access and a page of revolving (repeating) news briefs appear... I start scrolling down to see what it says, and it is mostly gossip, with a few vaguely news stories. I realized today that this is becoming a habit because I don't have a daily newspaper to read anymore, and hardly watch TV except in semi-marathons... which isn't the news. When I do watch the news programs, they are not the greatest stories. I have to watch local to find out the weather and anything in the area happening; national is a larger scope with a ZILLION commercials, especially at the end; and PBS news and BBC new and DW news and internet searches. It is really a pain to want to know these days. :-)
I sorted more of my reorganizing piles today... had to take a long nap... and worked on my shopping plans... trying to make it all last and grow.
I can see why people who work at home need separate areas for the two. It is hard to focus when the day to day stuff is right there... I go to search for supplies and don't get back for hours. I am still trying to find a way to deal with this.
I have one more letter to write for May... tomorrow starts my June letters...
The future is really going to be a terrible place when we all become someone's robot... I remember seeing an old Star Trek show about mind control... the terrible evil alien had Captain Kirk prisoner and was attacking his mind with his evil technology. It won't be long... Matrix will become true, too. A very scary thought... but we won't be called humans anymore....I suppose that will be more about laboratory evolution.
I am more and more glad I won't be here, but the knowledge of others having to suffer this is also hard to bear...
When the government rules, people don't have rights. I guess it would be called something else, maybe a dictatorship, maybe not. Global government will make our country less free, but there is no way to combat the global evils without a global government authority.
Knowing where the world is heading is a challenging goal. It's all guessing based on what is happening now.
Morality is the only boundary that keeps us all safe... it is the personal guide that refuses to hurt others unless there is a huge need for self-preservation...or family preservation... loved ones... somewhere beyond ourselves only. If we were all moral, would we need laws?
Even more challenging, where do we get our moral values from... who's morals rule over everyone else?
It gets messy trying to find answers to global questions.
I think I have been thinking too long today. It has been a long and hard day... mentally and emotionally and other ways.
I hope next week is not as draining as this week. Could it all be tied to the "end of the month" need to get through? I wonder.
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May GOD provide what we need to live in ways that honor Him. Amen.
Don't forget to sign up as a TRIAL Member of Working Together... only $10 for one year. Let's get these resources created and available... many need them now.
This is my personal blog space, the one where I can include my personal interests, views, activities, goals, experiences, and ideas... with GOD included.
31 May, 2018
30 May, 2018
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
I can't believe how the time gets away from me... I sat down to get this done, and was lost in my Facebook checking until now... I can't believe it is after 9:30pm already...
I was able to work on my art and crafting spaces today... and it seems better. I keep trying to create a miracle, and only get sooooo close to it. ;-) I keep trying... that seems to be my theme song.
I think I will try doing this earlier tomorrow...
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May the GOD of all creation help me to accomplish my goals... Amen.
(My goals are BIG, and seem to have problems bigger than me, so GOD is the only hope for me!)
I was able to work on my art and crafting spaces today... and it seems better. I keep trying to create a miracle, and only get sooooo close to it. ;-) I keep trying... that seems to be my theme song.
I think I will try doing this earlier tomorrow...
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May the GOD of all creation help me to accomplish my goals... Amen.
(My goals are BIG, and seem to have problems bigger than me, so GOD is the only hope for me!)
29 May, 2018
Tuesday, 29 May 2018
I was amazed to learn, from NBR, that today is 529 Day, after the education savings account... has this naming a day thing gone too far!? Every day seems to have a lot of themes to celebrate. I never would have thought there was a day to recognize 529 accounts.
NBR tried to clarify what a 529 account was, but I still have questions. Over the years I have heard and read different information about the education account. I think you can start an account, add money that will be used later for education, and pay it directly to a school for anyone's education expenses. I think it use to be a separate account for each person that will go to college or another education program... now, I think you can have one savings account and use it to pay anyone's qualified education expenses. I don't know for sure yet, so don't depend on my statements. Find out from someone more qualified.
I was further amazed that the presenter on NBR said $100 a month saved from the time a child is born might create somewhere between 25-30K for possibly ONE year of college. This says something about what kind of colleges they are even thinking of. I went to about three years of higher education a long time ago and ended up with about 30-35K in debt... which is much larger now. Major colleges can be 50-60K for just one year... of the Bachelor's degree programs. Go longer and the debt rises.
Public colleges are the least expensive. I realized too late that I could have attended a junior college for the first two or three years doing the basic classes, then transferred for the classes that were required for a specific degree.
I also wish I would have taken on less debt, tried to work more to keep my debt down, and stayed the full four years until I got the "paper." Finishing college is a problem for many... life happens, so you can't quite get there. After a great deal of thought about it, I decided it would be a good idea to forgive school debt when some student groups complete the degree program. It might encourage more to fight their way to the end of the struggle. It would be better for the country.
I discovered a lending group that is Jewish in the Portland area yesterday. I am trying to find out how loans are handled in the Jewish community, according to GOD's directions. I have trouble with the details of loan forgiveness. How do you set up a lending program that is required to forgive the outstanding debt after a specific time. I am wondering how much people allowed to be borrowed.
The Bible tells us that there were secured loans, with specific changes for the needs of the poor. As I have stated before, I found a place that said GOD allows people to borrow on their tithes, but they also have to repay 20% more than they borrowed. It says that you are not to alter your lending practices because the year of forgiveness is near. And, I am not sure if the seven year periods are already decided or if it could begin on the day the loan started.
GOD is very exacting. It is not an easy thing to honor GOD with your decisions... those little grey areas seem to rise up everywhere.
I will figure it out, eventually.
It is the end of the month again. I already figured out my budget for June. Now I need to see if I can make it through the whole month with it still my budget. Dave Ramsey materials say it takes a few months to get through this new process, so I am considering this new format like a new budget... and giving myself a few months to work out the problems and change my habits.
I am heading toward my selling accounts this week, to make sure they are updated and functioning. I need to gather all the listing details I will need, like photo sizes. It is a long process for me, but I am getting further toward my goals. I still need to work out my shipping issues.
I hate to eliminate anything because I worry about other people taking my site names and pretending to be me. I don't know how this is going to work out in the future... for everyone. And when I die, who will take it over... I am trying to figure those things out, before I die.
Well, I am falling asleep sitting up... I will be going for today.
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
Remember... I made a new PayPal link to order the TRIAL Memberships... Only $10 a year for quarterly email updates (newsletters).
May GOD uncover those things that need to be made open and protect the innocent.
May GOD provide for His people.
May GOD separate the guilty from the innocent.
May GOD help us to all find His path to the future.
May GOD show His goodness, His love, His mercy, His joy, to those who are searching.
May GOD bless those who love Him.
NBR tried to clarify what a 529 account was, but I still have questions. Over the years I have heard and read different information about the education account. I think you can start an account, add money that will be used later for education, and pay it directly to a school for anyone's education expenses. I think it use to be a separate account for each person that will go to college or another education program... now, I think you can have one savings account and use it to pay anyone's qualified education expenses. I don't know for sure yet, so don't depend on my statements. Find out from someone more qualified.
I was further amazed that the presenter on NBR said $100 a month saved from the time a child is born might create somewhere between 25-30K for possibly ONE year of college. This says something about what kind of colleges they are even thinking of. I went to about three years of higher education a long time ago and ended up with about 30-35K in debt... which is much larger now. Major colleges can be 50-60K for just one year... of the Bachelor's degree programs. Go longer and the debt rises.
Public colleges are the least expensive. I realized too late that I could have attended a junior college for the first two or three years doing the basic classes, then transferred for the classes that were required for a specific degree.
I also wish I would have taken on less debt, tried to work more to keep my debt down, and stayed the full four years until I got the "paper." Finishing college is a problem for many... life happens, so you can't quite get there. After a great deal of thought about it, I decided it would be a good idea to forgive school debt when some student groups complete the degree program. It might encourage more to fight their way to the end of the struggle. It would be better for the country.
I discovered a lending group that is Jewish in the Portland area yesterday. I am trying to find out how loans are handled in the Jewish community, according to GOD's directions. I have trouble with the details of loan forgiveness. How do you set up a lending program that is required to forgive the outstanding debt after a specific time. I am wondering how much people allowed to be borrowed.
The Bible tells us that there were secured loans, with specific changes for the needs of the poor. As I have stated before, I found a place that said GOD allows people to borrow on their tithes, but they also have to repay 20% more than they borrowed. It says that you are not to alter your lending practices because the year of forgiveness is near. And, I am not sure if the seven year periods are already decided or if it could begin on the day the loan started.
GOD is very exacting. It is not an easy thing to honor GOD with your decisions... those little grey areas seem to rise up everywhere.
I will figure it out, eventually.
It is the end of the month again. I already figured out my budget for June. Now I need to see if I can make it through the whole month with it still my budget. Dave Ramsey materials say it takes a few months to get through this new process, so I am considering this new format like a new budget... and giving myself a few months to work out the problems and change my habits.
I am heading toward my selling accounts this week, to make sure they are updated and functioning. I need to gather all the listing details I will need, like photo sizes. It is a long process for me, but I am getting further toward my goals. I still need to work out my shipping issues.
I hate to eliminate anything because I worry about other people taking my site names and pretending to be me. I don't know how this is going to work out in the future... for everyone. And when I die, who will take it over... I am trying to figure those things out, before I die.
Well, I am falling asleep sitting up... I will be going for today.
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
Remember... I made a new PayPal link to order the TRIAL Memberships... Only $10 a year for quarterly email updates (newsletters).
May GOD uncover those things that need to be made open and protect the innocent.
May GOD provide for His people.
May GOD separate the guilty from the innocent.
May GOD help us to all find His path to the future.
May GOD show His goodness, His love, His mercy, His joy, to those who are searching.
May GOD bless those who love Him.
28 May, 2018
Memorial Day, Monday, 28 May 2018
I have to share that I was deeply moved by today's Focus on the Family program for Memorial Day. It is about a woman who lost her husband in one of our wars... One very interesting thing that caught my attention was that her husband nearly died many years prior to his final death... what struck me was the way she said there was no expectation of him dying because he was just going to the swimming pool for training. We just never know what our days will bring, and that is why it is so critical to be ready to leave this world.
I am now in my latter years, so I see the possibility of dying any day... and I am already a Christian, so I don't worry about what happens after we die. I do fear for the eternities of those I love, and those I don't even know. If you don't go to heaven, the consequences are horrible.
In the night hours I was praying about the issues between those who are saved and those who are not. I always remember the saying I heard years ago... something like this ::
The only joy the lost will know is in this world;
The only sorrow the saved will know is in this world.
It really impacted me... and continues to do so. The mantra of the lost is the "joy" they have from sin. They don't think about the consequences. They don't discover the pain it causes until later on in their lives, and it is too late to stop the consequences.
Now that I have been committed to GOD for so many years, and remembering those years of searching and suffering and consequences, I know the difference between the lies of the world, the deceptions of Satan, and the goodness that GOD brings with our commitment to Him. We may still suffer after becoming a Christian, but the process is so very different than when you don't know the Lord, don't see the wisdom GOD shared with us in the Bible, and the benefits of learning how to hear the Holy Spirit.
I am aware of the potential deceptions that the Internet brings into our daily lives, but I believe GOD has the final Word in how the world will impact us. We belong to Him, and what happens to us becomes His decision... even when it may seem terrible. I am not talking about the evil choices of men... they are the result of their free will as an individual soul, an individual person. We suffer, I believe, because of the choices of others the same way others suffer for our bad choices. There are things GOD allows in our lives because they are part of His Will for us and for the others who share our lives.
I prayed for someone recently and it led me to share a thought I believe... that sometimes these things that happen to us take us to people and places who need a witness for Him... for Christ... for salvation. I guess diseases can be the product of other's poor choices (greed, etc.), but they can also be a tool GOD uses to move us around in our existence, so we can witness of His goodness. We don't have to be deceptively "holy" in our mission, but real enough to go through the process with Him and share the difference it makes to have Him as our GOD, and Christ as our Savior.
In my own life, I am meeting each day as though GOD is in charge. Leaving the details of my length of life to Him. Doing what I can each day, and not worrying about what doesn't get done. I don't know all the reasons why people die in different ways, including war, but I think it is true :: nothing happens without its attachment to GOD's Will for us and the world we share. I think we say, no one dies until it is their time.
Whatever is coming for us as Christians, heaven is the main goal. Keep your salvation, it is all that matters. We cannot save anyone else... they must believe on their own. GOD knows their heart, knows how to reach them. My prayers these days are for GOD to do all that is needed to save the ones I love, and as many others as He can.
I pray for a lot of people who are not saved... how many do you pray for?
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May GOD save all those we love, without too much trauma and battle.
May we do our best to keep our faith in GOD to the end of our lives.
May our world find the goodness that GOD brings to this life.
PS... I updated my website over the weekend... I had some problems with the updating process, but hope that it is going to reach the world and be responded to. I made a new PayPal link for ordering a TRIAL Membership for only $10 USD, with the option of giving one as a gift. The TRIAL Membership is a quarterly communication by email only... an update newsletter to keep people informed of how we are progressing and things they may need to know. I hope you will join this effort to get the growth process going. Thanks.
I am now in my latter years, so I see the possibility of dying any day... and I am already a Christian, so I don't worry about what happens after we die. I do fear for the eternities of those I love, and those I don't even know. If you don't go to heaven, the consequences are horrible.
In the night hours I was praying about the issues between those who are saved and those who are not. I always remember the saying I heard years ago... something like this ::
The only joy the lost will know is in this world;
The only sorrow the saved will know is in this world.
It really impacted me... and continues to do so. The mantra of the lost is the "joy" they have from sin. They don't think about the consequences. They don't discover the pain it causes until later on in their lives, and it is too late to stop the consequences.
Now that I have been committed to GOD for so many years, and remembering those years of searching and suffering and consequences, I know the difference between the lies of the world, the deceptions of Satan, and the goodness that GOD brings with our commitment to Him. We may still suffer after becoming a Christian, but the process is so very different than when you don't know the Lord, don't see the wisdom GOD shared with us in the Bible, and the benefits of learning how to hear the Holy Spirit.
I am aware of the potential deceptions that the Internet brings into our daily lives, but I believe GOD has the final Word in how the world will impact us. We belong to Him, and what happens to us becomes His decision... even when it may seem terrible. I am not talking about the evil choices of men... they are the result of their free will as an individual soul, an individual person. We suffer, I believe, because of the choices of others the same way others suffer for our bad choices. There are things GOD allows in our lives because they are part of His Will for us and for the others who share our lives.
I prayed for someone recently and it led me to share a thought I believe... that sometimes these things that happen to us take us to people and places who need a witness for Him... for Christ... for salvation. I guess diseases can be the product of other's poor choices (greed, etc.), but they can also be a tool GOD uses to move us around in our existence, so we can witness of His goodness. We don't have to be deceptively "holy" in our mission, but real enough to go through the process with Him and share the difference it makes to have Him as our GOD, and Christ as our Savior.
In my own life, I am meeting each day as though GOD is in charge. Leaving the details of my length of life to Him. Doing what I can each day, and not worrying about what doesn't get done. I don't know all the reasons why people die in different ways, including war, but I think it is true :: nothing happens without its attachment to GOD's Will for us and the world we share. I think we say, no one dies until it is their time.
Whatever is coming for us as Christians, heaven is the main goal. Keep your salvation, it is all that matters. We cannot save anyone else... they must believe on their own. GOD knows their heart, knows how to reach them. My prayers these days are for GOD to do all that is needed to save the ones I love, and as many others as He can.
I pray for a lot of people who are not saved... how many do you pray for?
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May GOD save all those we love, without too much trauma and battle.
May we do our best to keep our faith in GOD to the end of our lives.
May our world find the goodness that GOD brings to this life.
PS... I updated my website over the weekend... I had some problems with the updating process, but hope that it is going to reach the world and be responded to. I made a new PayPal link for ordering a TRIAL Membership for only $10 USD, with the option of giving one as a gift. The TRIAL Membership is a quarterly communication by email only... an update newsletter to keep people informed of how we are progressing and things they may need to know. I hope you will join this effort to get the growth process going. Thanks.
26 May, 2018
Notes to the world...
Hi... I was checking my emails and noticed that my copy of Thursday's post was not there...
So... I tried to re-publish it, but that didn't do any good.
So... I copied and pasted the text to see what happened. Still no email copy, so far.
I am just entering this post to let you know I am working on this issue, and if you get some extra notifications about it, sorry.
Weekends are a challenge on some sites... I haven't had this issue happen like this before. I will share my experiences next week... if I don't forget the trauma by then. :-)
Happy Memorial Day weekend... if you get to do something special with friends and family, that is a blessing. Treasure it.
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
So... I tried to re-publish it, but that didn't do any good.
So... I copied and pasted the text to see what happened. Still no email copy, so far.
I am just entering this post to let you know I am working on this issue, and if you get some extra notifications about it, sorry.
Weekends are a challenge on some sites... I haven't had this issue happen like this before. I will share my experiences next week... if I don't forget the trauma by then. :-)
Happy Memorial Day weekend... if you get to do something special with friends and family, that is a blessing. Treasure it.
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
reposting Thursday blog to get email copy
Thursday is my "Friday" so I love it more and more as I want to rest! :-)
I tackled most of my ivy-removal activities this morning and went back again to do some weeding in the afternoon. It is beginning to look better... by the end of June it should look a lot better. I will try to take a photo, though I realized I should already have been posting them... to share the agony of the project! haha
Been trying brewer's yeast on other foods today... it does have its own taste when you use enough of it. This is an interesting food I have been trying to figure out for some time. I am also working on using other seeds and flakes I am learning about... chia, flax, sesame, wheat germ, and whatever else I have.
Sent off five letters today, and a birthday postcard. Need to finish my monthly list in a week's time, with no mail on Memorial Day.
My weekend will be again devoted to making some space for my art and crafting projects, and getting some done... plus the Sabbath rest goal... so hard to do still. I may watch some YouTube videos, or listen to podcasts, or watch a movie to force myself to do as little as possible. Still, not sure that is resting. Every single thing I do can somehow be attributed to work of some kind in my life. That is the problem. :-(
I guess writing letters will have to do.
I am getting better at checking my new Facebook organization... and I am beginning to like it a lot. I still have to figure out some of the connecting issues, but that will eventually get done. It is beginning to be a good social media space for me... finally. I hope I get it to be just what I need it to be.
I heard that Donald Trump and the leader of North Korea are waging word wars... hope that gets figured out.
I didn't see any TV today... just the news page that you have to see when you open the internet access page... I may look at it more, again... but maybe not. Just reading the headlines is a challenge to my mind and morals.
Well, I am off to figure out what to do about my food supplies for the weekend.
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May the Lord of our existence find a way to touch our lives and hearts and minds and goals so that we will find the happiness and joy He promises.
May GOD watch over our country, and our earth... and help us to make good choices.
May we see the blessings that are ours because of GOD's provisions.
May our eyes be kind to others, our wallets generous, our hearts merciful.
NOTE... This blog was RE-published, with this note, because it didn't send a copy to my files. I hope this won't be a problem.
24 May, 2018
Thursday, 24 May 2018 - republished
Thursday is my "Friday" so I love it more and more as I want to rest! :-)
I tackled most of my ivy-removal activities this morning and went back again to do some weeding in the afternoon. It is beginning to look better... by the end of June it should look a lot better. I will try to take a photo, though I realized I should already have been posting them... to share the agony of the project! haha
Been trying brewer's yeast on other foods today... it does have its own taste when you use enough of it. This is an interesting food I have been trying to figure out for some time. I am also working on using other seeds and flakes I am learning about... chia, flax, sesame, wheat germ, and whatever else I have.
Sent off five letters today, and a birthday postcard. Need to finish my monthly list in a week's time, with no mail on Memorial Day.
My weekend will be again devoted to making some space for my art and crafting projects, and getting some done... plus the Sabbath rest goal... so hard to do still. I may watch some YouTube videos, or listen to podcasts, or watch a movie to force myself to do as little as possible. Still, not sure that is resting. Every single thing I do can somehow be attributed to work of some kind in my life. That is the problem. :-(
I guess writing letters will have to do.
I am getting better at checking my new Facebook organization... and I am beginning to like it a lot. I still have to figure out some of the connecting issues, but that will eventually get done. It is beginning to be a good social media space for me... finally. I hope I get it to be just what I need it to be.
I heard that Donald Trump and the leader of North Korea are waging word wars... hope that gets figured out.
I didn't see any TV today... just the news page that you have to see when you open the internet access page... I may look at it more, again... but maybe not. Just reading the headlines is a challenge to my mind and morals.
Well, I am off to figure out what to do about my food supplies for the weekend.
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May the Lord of our existence find a way to touch our lives and hearts and minds and goals so that we will find the happiness and joy He promises.
May GOD watch over our country, and our earth... and help us to make good choices.
May we see the blessings that are ours because of GOD's provisions.
May our eyes be kind to others, our wallets generous, our hearts merciful.
NOTE... This blog was RE-published, with this note, because it didn't send a copy to my files. I hope this won't be a problem.
I tackled most of my ivy-removal activities this morning and went back again to do some weeding in the afternoon. It is beginning to look better... by the end of June it should look a lot better. I will try to take a photo, though I realized I should already have been posting them... to share the agony of the project! haha
Been trying brewer's yeast on other foods today... it does have its own taste when you use enough of it. This is an interesting food I have been trying to figure out for some time. I am also working on using other seeds and flakes I am learning about... chia, flax, sesame, wheat germ, and whatever else I have.
Sent off five letters today, and a birthday postcard. Need to finish my monthly list in a week's time, with no mail on Memorial Day.
My weekend will be again devoted to making some space for my art and crafting projects, and getting some done... plus the Sabbath rest goal... so hard to do still. I may watch some YouTube videos, or listen to podcasts, or watch a movie to force myself to do as little as possible. Still, not sure that is resting. Every single thing I do can somehow be attributed to work of some kind in my life. That is the problem. :-(
I guess writing letters will have to do.
I am getting better at checking my new Facebook organization... and I am beginning to like it a lot. I still have to figure out some of the connecting issues, but that will eventually get done. It is beginning to be a good social media space for me... finally. I hope I get it to be just what I need it to be.
I heard that Donald Trump and the leader of North Korea are waging word wars... hope that gets figured out.
I didn't see any TV today... just the news page that you have to see when you open the internet access page... I may look at it more, again... but maybe not. Just reading the headlines is a challenge to my mind and morals.
Well, I am off to figure out what to do about my food supplies for the weekend.
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May the Lord of our existence find a way to touch our lives and hearts and minds and goals so that we will find the happiness and joy He promises.
May GOD watch over our country, and our earth... and help us to make good choices.
May we see the blessings that are ours because of GOD's provisions.
May our eyes be kind to others, our wallets generous, our hearts merciful.
NOTE... This blog was RE-published, with this note, because it didn't send a copy to my files. I hope this won't be a problem.
23 May, 2018
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
It's Wednesday... I'm checking things, so I decided to post now... yardwork is ahead of me, and there won't be any energy after that!
I'm down to my last week of the month... working on my food strategies. This is how things are.
I watched a video on (Twitter?) about a TEDx being planned for a huge refugee camp... I think they said there were 185,000 people in the one camp, for over 20 years I think... some of the residents, anyway. This is how temporary becomes permanent, but they don't plan for it. I keep advocating for new camps to be made like a small city from the beginning... so the residents can have their own space and build their lives back up...
Temporary to permanent is a taxing device, too.
I find it hard to deal with liberal media sources and how they handle conservative views. Trying to decide how much is true becomes a major challenge.
My Facebook issues are beginning to get figured out... except the ways to increase a group's membership. I eliminated all but one friend from my main page... she is deceased now, so I wanted to hang on to her for a little bit... to remember her... post a thought about her every now and then. I moved my family members to a separate group. I still need to figure out how to do my real friends, but that is getting there.
Checking everything is very different on a computer, as compared with the tablets. I haven't been able to find the link to my "liked" pages so I can check on them... I need to see if that is a mobile-only option. It was much easier to control the flow that way.
I had to unfollow my food groups to see any other posts. Not good.
I went over my "who to see first" choices and discovered you only get 30 pages to make "first." Not sure how often I will change that, or how to see what is on the other pages regularly.
When I went back to my feed page, all the ones I didn't check as first showed up... makes you wonder about Facebook, or interference by uninvited "guests" in your life. Not sure what I will do about that either.
The Bible says that people choose their lives... and when you don't want GOD in your life long enough, He stops trying to reach you. I think it says He gives you what you desire and it leads to a "leanness in your soul." Something like that. It means you become spiritually bankrupt, I think. It's like getting what you want and discovering you don't really want it... without the ability to see the link to GOD has been broken.
It is really a sorry life without GOD. I think that is when money is the only measure of your happiness, why people compete to be the richest instead of the most caring, involved, and generous helper of human beings.
When we seek the wrong things, it makes our world get worse. I am concerned for the world... for how prophecies will become realities... cold hearts, no love, violent, wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes and droughts, and more.
I can only do so much. I try to do my best with what I have. That is my effort toward change.
If GOD provides more, I will try to do more. Until then, it's one-day-at-a-time.
I suppose a lot of people are doing that.
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May the eyes of many be opened and their hearts be changed by finding their purpose in GOD.
May we discover that every action we make affects everyone else.
May our goals be good for others, not just for ourselves.
May we all uses our resources to change the world into a better place.
I'm down to my last week of the month... working on my food strategies. This is how things are.
I watched a video on (Twitter?) about a TEDx being planned for a huge refugee camp... I think they said there were 185,000 people in the one camp, for over 20 years I think... some of the residents, anyway. This is how temporary becomes permanent, but they don't plan for it. I keep advocating for new camps to be made like a small city from the beginning... so the residents can have their own space and build their lives back up...
Temporary to permanent is a taxing device, too.
I find it hard to deal with liberal media sources and how they handle conservative views. Trying to decide how much is true becomes a major challenge.
My Facebook issues are beginning to get figured out... except the ways to increase a group's membership. I eliminated all but one friend from my main page... she is deceased now, so I wanted to hang on to her for a little bit... to remember her... post a thought about her every now and then. I moved my family members to a separate group. I still need to figure out how to do my real friends, but that is getting there.
Checking everything is very different on a computer, as compared with the tablets. I haven't been able to find the link to my "liked" pages so I can check on them... I need to see if that is a mobile-only option. It was much easier to control the flow that way.
I had to unfollow my food groups to see any other posts. Not good.
I went over my "who to see first" choices and discovered you only get 30 pages to make "first." Not sure how often I will change that, or how to see what is on the other pages regularly.
When I went back to my feed page, all the ones I didn't check as first showed up... makes you wonder about Facebook, or interference by uninvited "guests" in your life. Not sure what I will do about that either.
The Bible says that people choose their lives... and when you don't want GOD in your life long enough, He stops trying to reach you. I think it says He gives you what you desire and it leads to a "leanness in your soul." Something like that. It means you become spiritually bankrupt, I think. It's like getting what you want and discovering you don't really want it... without the ability to see the link to GOD has been broken.
It is really a sorry life without GOD. I think that is when money is the only measure of your happiness, why people compete to be the richest instead of the most caring, involved, and generous helper of human beings.
When we seek the wrong things, it makes our world get worse. I am concerned for the world... for how prophecies will become realities... cold hearts, no love, violent, wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes and droughts, and more.
I can only do so much. I try to do my best with what I have. That is my effort toward change.
If GOD provides more, I will try to do more. Until then, it's one-day-at-a-time.
I suppose a lot of people are doing that.
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May the eyes of many be opened and their hearts be changed by finding their purpose in GOD.
May we discover that every action we make affects everyone else.
May our goals be good for others, not just for ourselves.
May we all uses our resources to change the world into a better place.
22 May, 2018
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Well, sorry I didn't get to this yesterday... I let it go to evening and then I got too ill to do anything but go to bed. It's not the end of the world, but I am trying to find a routine.
Today was more yardwork... I am trying to get all the ivy out of a section of the yard. What a massive undertaking. I tried to clear out the little waterway created during the rains last year, and that didn't work. This year I started taking out the ivy by the place it connects to the grassy space and it turns out those vines go on for yards! I changed my plan to take out the ivy this year, and see how it grows back next year.
I have already cleared out a lot of the overgrowth. It is the space where my yellow plum tree grows. Now it is getting to be a space with some light for better growth. Still there is a lot more to do, but it could be a wonderful resting place for enjoying the nature and food. :-) Who knows... maybe it will turn out really good after a few years.
It takes a lot out of me to do this stuff, and I hate to stop when it isn't finished, but I'm getting better at the "long haul" of yard upkeep. (If I win the big lottery, however, I will HIRE help! :-)
I am changing around my Facebook pages these days... forming groups to separate my activities and contacts... eliminating my "friends" - for the most part... to keep my main page filled with the topic I am interested in. I comment when I want to, and discovered how to share to my group page today. It may work out better... we'll see.
I am still recuperating from yesterday, and did too much today, so I will get going. I already checked my email, did most of my Facebook, checked my Twitter... not sure I have much to do online tonight. I need to get some of my monthly letters done... but not tonight. I'm done.
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May the GOD that created this universe and every other universe be kind to us... may He show us how to love each other, to cherish our lives, and make the world better for us having been here. Amen.
Today was more yardwork... I am trying to get all the ivy out of a section of the yard. What a massive undertaking. I tried to clear out the little waterway created during the rains last year, and that didn't work. This year I started taking out the ivy by the place it connects to the grassy space and it turns out those vines go on for yards! I changed my plan to take out the ivy this year, and see how it grows back next year.
I have already cleared out a lot of the overgrowth. It is the space where my yellow plum tree grows. Now it is getting to be a space with some light for better growth. Still there is a lot more to do, but it could be a wonderful resting place for enjoying the nature and food. :-) Who knows... maybe it will turn out really good after a few years.
It takes a lot out of me to do this stuff, and I hate to stop when it isn't finished, but I'm getting better at the "long haul" of yard upkeep. (If I win the big lottery, however, I will HIRE help! :-)
I am changing around my Facebook pages these days... forming groups to separate my activities and contacts... eliminating my "friends" - for the most part... to keep my main page filled with the topic I am interested in. I comment when I want to, and discovered how to share to my group page today. It may work out better... we'll see.
I am still recuperating from yesterday, and did too much today, so I will get going. I already checked my email, did most of my Facebook, checked my Twitter... not sure I have much to do online tonight. I need to get some of my monthly letters done... but not tonight. I'm done.
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May the GOD that created this universe and every other universe be kind to us... may He show us how to love each other, to cherish our lives, and make the world better for us having been here. Amen.
17 May, 2018
Thursday, 17 May 2018
Hello for today...
I am still so sore that I decided not to do what is left of my yardwork clean-up today... it will have to wait. Naturally, there were other things to do... I got quite a few of them done, including my first effort at making gingerbread. :-) I ate way too many of the finished cookies! That tells you they were good enough to eat. :-)
I decided to try to make them all uniform size by using a cookie dough measuring device... a scoop thing, like the ones people use for ice cream, but smaller in size for cookie dough. I wanted to make the scoops into little dough shapes to squish with a glass, but discovered I didn't have a flat glass. I have to say I was shocked. I then decided to go for the peanut butter cookie look, with the fork squish, but that was a problem, too. I finally found a jar with a big enough flat top (lid) that I could use and tried that. Dough kept sticking to it, so I went back to the fork. Then I remember the sugar trick, and I was in cookie heaven. :-) That worked great. The uniform size helped with the cooking time, too. Now I have to decide if I like the flavor in this recipe. An whether I want to try decorating them with icing. So many decisions.... :-)
I listened to a Focus on the Family radio program this week, more than one day for the same person. Today they shared a statement that was nice to remember...
I was a teen in the sixties... the start of the great sexual freedom campaign. It makes you wonder who wants us to ruin our lives and destroy our society. We know it is Satan, but he works through people. We are so lost in the mess they have made. I know it all leads to the fulfilling of prophecies, but it is still a hard life to live. We don't know that until after we have experienced the pain that comes with "sharing" our bodies with people who don't really care about us.
It might be a good idea to go listen to the program/s for yourself, to see if you think there is any wisdom in what is said.
I was able to listen to NBR today... and heard that Walmart and Macy's are finding a way to the future with their business decisions. I was sad to hear that Sears and Penney's are struggling still, in jeopardy. One comment made by the person acting as a guest commenter stayed with me... He was sharing that Sears wasn't focusing on who their real customers were (mostly tool buyers) and were trying to please customers that might buy other products they want to sell. It is a real statement of priorities... about focusing on the right things. I don't follow the minute details about retail stores, just the bits and pieces I get along the way in news media. I have family working in the Kroger family of stores, so I was interested to hear they are moving toward a robotized warehouse model.
All of these small things lead to big effects in the future... I have been warning people that they will lose their thousands of dollars invested in their homes because there are no 30-year guarantees... no one knows the future except GOD. We have to do what we can to prepare for it.
Being debt-free will help to get you through almost any problem you may encounter in the future... almost... no guarantees, but there are more options if you have no debt.
I started my allotment of grated cheese today. So far, I am trying to reduce my intake to one 8oz package. I did have a package of sliced swiss cheese already this month, but this is not the norm... or not what I plan to do on a regular basis. I'm still working on my limitations and flexibility. I use smaller amounts at a time than before... so it lasts longer, too. It is quite a challenge so far. I think this is my second month trying to decide how much to have and not have. Over time I will be able to find my "happy place" in non-veggie/fruit foods. :-)
I also roasted my pan of veggies this morning... onions, carrots, potatoes, mini-peppers, and for the first time I made some oven-roasted mushrooms... three of them... and they were pretty good. I may try one of those portabella mushrooms one of these days... they are suppose to be like having a burger.
I end up using the oven here every now and then. I may try for once a week. I need to get more organized for that... not sure I am that good at it !!!
I am still tired. I fell asleep watching TV after NBR was on... so sad. (haha) I need to do a few more things and then try to go to bed early... PRAY for me! :-)
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May the GOD of all goodness reach into our hearts and keep them good... help us to find our place in His Plan... and let us know how much He loves us.
May our choices always be right.
May we find the strength to say no to those who really want to hurt our future.
May we all make it through the hard times so we can reach the blessings waiting for us ahead.
My the world find its way back to GOD and all the blessings He wants us to have.
I am still so sore that I decided not to do what is left of my yardwork clean-up today... it will have to wait. Naturally, there were other things to do... I got quite a few of them done, including my first effort at making gingerbread. :-) I ate way too many of the finished cookies! That tells you they were good enough to eat. :-)
I decided to try to make them all uniform size by using a cookie dough measuring device... a scoop thing, like the ones people use for ice cream, but smaller in size for cookie dough. I wanted to make the scoops into little dough shapes to squish with a glass, but discovered I didn't have a flat glass. I have to say I was shocked. I then decided to go for the peanut butter cookie look, with the fork squish, but that was a problem, too. I finally found a jar with a big enough flat top (lid) that I could use and tried that. Dough kept sticking to it, so I went back to the fork. Then I remember the sugar trick, and I was in cookie heaven. :-) That worked great. The uniform size helped with the cooking time, too. Now I have to decide if I like the flavor in this recipe. An whether I want to try decorating them with icing. So many decisions.... :-)
I listened to a Focus on the Family radio program this week, more than one day for the same person. Today they shared a statement that was nice to remember...
One Man, One Woman, One Lifetime
... the topic was marriage the way GOD planned it. I couldn't believe some of the things they shared about current trends among our young unbelievers... with young being a relative term. I am shocked at what I see on TV... online versions of Satan's lies are really sad. I thought about my own view... that it is always too late to do GOD's way by the time you try out the world's versions of having a relationship... still, you have to start where you are. I was a teen in the sixties... the start of the great sexual freedom campaign. It makes you wonder who wants us to ruin our lives and destroy our society. We know it is Satan, but he works through people. We are so lost in the mess they have made. I know it all leads to the fulfilling of prophecies, but it is still a hard life to live. We don't know that until after we have experienced the pain that comes with "sharing" our bodies with people who don't really care about us.
It might be a good idea to go listen to the program/s for yourself, to see if you think there is any wisdom in what is said.
I was able to listen to NBR today... and heard that Walmart and Macy's are finding a way to the future with their business decisions. I was sad to hear that Sears and Penney's are struggling still, in jeopardy. One comment made by the person acting as a guest commenter stayed with me... He was sharing that Sears wasn't focusing on who their real customers were (mostly tool buyers) and were trying to please customers that might buy other products they want to sell. It is a real statement of priorities... about focusing on the right things. I don't follow the minute details about retail stores, just the bits and pieces I get along the way in news media. I have family working in the Kroger family of stores, so I was interested to hear they are moving toward a robotized warehouse model.
All of these small things lead to big effects in the future... I have been warning people that they will lose their thousands of dollars invested in their homes because there are no 30-year guarantees... no one knows the future except GOD. We have to do what we can to prepare for it.
Being debt-free will help to get you through almost any problem you may encounter in the future... almost... no guarantees, but there are more options if you have no debt.
I started my allotment of grated cheese today. So far, I am trying to reduce my intake to one 8oz package. I did have a package of sliced swiss cheese already this month, but this is not the norm... or not what I plan to do on a regular basis. I'm still working on my limitations and flexibility. I use smaller amounts at a time than before... so it lasts longer, too. It is quite a challenge so far. I think this is my second month trying to decide how much to have and not have. Over time I will be able to find my "happy place" in non-veggie/fruit foods. :-)
I also roasted my pan of veggies this morning... onions, carrots, potatoes, mini-peppers, and for the first time I made some oven-roasted mushrooms... three of them... and they were pretty good. I may try one of those portabella mushrooms one of these days... they are suppose to be like having a burger.
I end up using the oven here every now and then. I may try for once a week. I need to get more organized for that... not sure I am that good at it !!!
I am still tired. I fell asleep watching TV after NBR was on... so sad. (haha) I need to do a few more things and then try to go to bed early... PRAY for me! :-)
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May the GOD of all goodness reach into our hearts and keep them good... help us to find our place in His Plan... and let us know how much He loves us.
May our choices always be right.
May we find the strength to say no to those who really want to hurt our future.
May we all make it through the hard times so we can reach the blessings waiting for us ahead.
My the world find its way back to GOD and all the blessings He wants us to have.
16 May, 2018
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
My goodness... am I sore! I can barely move after three days of yardwork... and still have more to clean up! I guess I am getting back into shape after the winter, but I keep wondering if a heart attack is imminent! It is hard to slow down as you age... I want to just keep going, but my body tells me I can't... retirement money is so you can hire help !!! :-)
Right now I am trying to enjoy a cup of coffee... it tastes good when it is freshly brewed and you want to sit down.
My screen saver went to the technology netherland… I have no idea why. My computer sits here idle and then things disappear. So, I had to search all over again for the place I accidentally found the first time... and finally got that done.
I don't know why this is becoming such a difficult thing to do... just use my computer to do what I need to do.
I created my goal notebook this morning... sorted through all my goal pages and put most of the current pages into the daily book. I still have more to do, but at least that part is done.
I finally cut off some of the red roses that are blooming in front. They smell so good. I love to have fresh beautiful flowers somewhere I can see them, and smell them, whenever I can. I found some little yellow poppies when I was doing yardwork in one part of the yard (yesterday, I think)… you can't put poppies into a vase... they just fall apart. Someday I want to plant them inside so I can enjoy them in bloom as I do the roses, and daisies, and a few other flowers.
The weather is a bit overcast, so that makes it easier for outdoor work.
I discovered the sun comes back on Friday... so I better get my clean-up tasks done by then.
I'm a bit out of energy today, so I will let you go until next time.
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May GOD help my sore body to feel better, and give me the energy to get the rest of my piles cleaned up by Friday. Amen!
Right now I am trying to enjoy a cup of coffee... it tastes good when it is freshly brewed and you want to sit down.
My screen saver went to the technology netherland… I have no idea why. My computer sits here idle and then things disappear. So, I had to search all over again for the place I accidentally found the first time... and finally got that done.
I don't know why this is becoming such a difficult thing to do... just use my computer to do what I need to do.
I created my goal notebook this morning... sorted through all my goal pages and put most of the current pages into the daily book. I still have more to do, but at least that part is done.
I finally cut off some of the red roses that are blooming in front. They smell so good. I love to have fresh beautiful flowers somewhere I can see them, and smell them, whenever I can. I found some little yellow poppies when I was doing yardwork in one part of the yard (yesterday, I think)… you can't put poppies into a vase... they just fall apart. Someday I want to plant them inside so I can enjoy them in bloom as I do the roses, and daisies, and a few other flowers.
The weather is a bit overcast, so that makes it easier for outdoor work.
I discovered the sun comes back on Friday... so I better get my clean-up tasks done by then.
I'm a bit out of energy today, so I will let you go until next time.
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May GOD help my sore body to feel better, and give me the energy to get the rest of my piles cleaned up by Friday. Amen!
15 May, 2018
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
I actually did a lot of yardwork today... thought I was going to pay for it with my body, which I kind of did... a small heat-caused headache (which I took aspirin for) and sooooo sore! But, maybe I can get this old body into a moving shape again... for the heat of summer. Yuk! More clean-up to do tomorrow.
Been busy with my goal forms all evening. Finally made a dual use page the I will try out tomorrow. So many categories and processes to track... it is not easy to find room for everything on ONE page! I keep trying though. :-)
Didn't get to any of my baking, well... except some tater tots, and I succumbed to a double ration today... so good! I think I was extra hungry from my yardwork.
I better get going... have to check the weather for tomorrow, some of my social media pages, and get to bed soon... tomorrow will come too fast. Hope I can still move my body tomorrow... it's going to be a challenge!
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May GOD help me to make it to my goals... physically, financially, and spiritually intact. :-) Amen!
Been busy with my goal forms all evening. Finally made a dual use page the I will try out tomorrow. So many categories and processes to track... it is not easy to find room for everything on ONE page! I keep trying though. :-)
Didn't get to any of my baking, well... except some tater tots, and I succumbed to a double ration today... so good! I think I was extra hungry from my yardwork.
I better get going... have to check the weather for tomorrow, some of my social media pages, and get to bed soon... tomorrow will come too fast. Hope I can still move my body tomorrow... it's going to be a challenge!
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May GOD help me to make it to my goals... physically, financially, and spiritually intact. :-) Amen!
14 May, 2018
Monday, 14 May 2018
Monday is almost over... I get carried away when I finally get online some days. This is one of those.
I found old photos of my sons on different Facebook pages.
I watched the following video at one page and decided I would share it even though it is a little strong for the Christian ear.
Today was a long day of little things that needed to get done.
Tomorrow will be another one of those days. :-)
I hope the video link posts good... I am still learning how to do a lot of this online sharing.
I signed up for a bunch of Vegan and Vegetarian and WeightWatchers groups over the weekend and they have taken over my Facebook feed. I'm watching the process, but will need to turn off the notifications and then just check the groups when I can. All my normal groups seem to be suffering, but I haven't been on FB a lot this weekend... I don't think so, anyway... it all becomes a blur!
I'm in the process of making my very first batch of gingerbread cookies... so I need to get them done tomorrow. I hope they turn out well. I need something for my sweet tooth!
I'm rationing the tater tots I finally bought at the store... I am tempted to make more than one ration every time I make them!
I went shopping over the weekend, so I purchased my allotments of "forbidden foods" -- the herring snacks are gone, but they lasted longer than the ice cream! I hid my grated cheese, and my single serving of packaged smoked salmon. I made my chicken tenders last week. I ate half of the package and froze the other half, as I did with my banana bread effort. I am getting a system working... figuring out my maximum allotments of these animal foods.
== I hope to learn how to do sorbets so I can try to eat them instead of ice cream.
== I eat less of the cream cheese block by only making a small part of it. I tried a new version of cream cheese made with greek yogurt, and it is good... but it is still dairy. I am trying to find out what "non-dairy yogurt" is... I don't want to eat a lot of tofu and soy products. I think they have hidden problems in the body...
== I can't find smaller jars of my favorite herring snack, but I am rationing my purchases.
== My butter and oil uses are going down. I still buy one back-up of each, but I use to buy two. If I find I don't need them anymore, they will go to the local mission.
One good thing about the veggie/food groups is the photos of what other people consider meals... how much they eat, what they put in a salad, how they make regular food into veggie food.
It is a strange thing how you begin to see a lot of veggies as a meal, without meat. I have had baked potatoes with other roasted veggies and been very full, sometimes for a long time after eating. I am learning the secrets of which foods are best for my lifestyle and food goals. Shopping is a very different process anymore.
With my smaller refrigerator, shopping is even more of a challenge. I have to be careful how much food I buy because I only have a limited amount of space... so, I buy lots on non-refrigerated food, and tend to eat most of the ones that have to be refrigerated first, with some going into the freezer for future dishes.
It is a good thing.
Now, I need to work on my exercise... still. :-) -- It is my NY goal this year to figure out an exercise plan I can actually enjoy... and keep doing... for the rest of my life, or as long as possible.
I was thinking today, as I was planning to eat a forbidden food, that I also believe eating can be enjoyed as we get to the end of our life. I'm there. Reasonable boundaries in my food choices is more important than rigid boundaries that make you feel guilty and miserable. If I want to eat chicken, I am going to eat chicken. or ice cream. or cream cheese. or grated cheese. etc. They are treats to me right now. If my heart kills me one of these days, I don't want to go without enjoying my favorite foods.
Of course, my goal to find new favorite foods is also good. :-)
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May we all find a way to balance our lives with moderation and joy and good memories. Amen.
I found old photos of my sons on different Facebook pages.
I watched the following video at one page and decided I would share it even though it is a little strong for the Christian ear.
Today was a long day of little things that needed to get done.
Tomorrow will be another one of those days. :-)
I hope the video link posts good... I am still learning how to do a lot of this online sharing.
I signed up for a bunch of Vegan and Vegetarian and WeightWatchers groups over the weekend and they have taken over my Facebook feed. I'm watching the process, but will need to turn off the notifications and then just check the groups when I can. All my normal groups seem to be suffering, but I haven't been on FB a lot this weekend... I don't think so, anyway... it all becomes a blur!
I'm in the process of making my very first batch of gingerbread cookies... so I need to get them done tomorrow. I hope they turn out well. I need something for my sweet tooth!
I'm rationing the tater tots I finally bought at the store... I am tempted to make more than one ration every time I make them!
I went shopping over the weekend, so I purchased my allotments of "forbidden foods" -- the herring snacks are gone, but they lasted longer than the ice cream! I hid my grated cheese, and my single serving of packaged smoked salmon. I made my chicken tenders last week. I ate half of the package and froze the other half, as I did with my banana bread effort. I am getting a system working... figuring out my maximum allotments of these animal foods.
== I hope to learn how to do sorbets so I can try to eat them instead of ice cream.
== I eat less of the cream cheese block by only making a small part of it. I tried a new version of cream cheese made with greek yogurt, and it is good... but it is still dairy. I am trying to find out what "non-dairy yogurt" is... I don't want to eat a lot of tofu and soy products. I think they have hidden problems in the body...
== I can't find smaller jars of my favorite herring snack, but I am rationing my purchases.
== My butter and oil uses are going down. I still buy one back-up of each, but I use to buy two. If I find I don't need them anymore, they will go to the local mission.
One good thing about the veggie/food groups is the photos of what other people consider meals... how much they eat, what they put in a salad, how they make regular food into veggie food.
It is a strange thing how you begin to see a lot of veggies as a meal, without meat. I have had baked potatoes with other roasted veggies and been very full, sometimes for a long time after eating. I am learning the secrets of which foods are best for my lifestyle and food goals. Shopping is a very different process anymore.
With my smaller refrigerator, shopping is even more of a challenge. I have to be careful how much food I buy because I only have a limited amount of space... so, I buy lots on non-refrigerated food, and tend to eat most of the ones that have to be refrigerated first, with some going into the freezer for future dishes.
It is a good thing.
Now, I need to work on my exercise... still. :-) -- It is my NY goal this year to figure out an exercise plan I can actually enjoy... and keep doing... for the rest of my life, or as long as possible.
I was thinking today, as I was planning to eat a forbidden food, that I also believe eating can be enjoyed as we get to the end of our life. I'm there. Reasonable boundaries in my food choices is more important than rigid boundaries that make you feel guilty and miserable. If I want to eat chicken, I am going to eat chicken. or ice cream. or cream cheese. or grated cheese. etc. They are treats to me right now. If my heart kills me one of these days, I don't want to go without enjoying my favorite foods.
Of course, my goal to find new favorite foods is also good. :-)
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May we all find a way to balance our lives with moderation and joy and good memories. Amen.
10 May, 2018
Thursday, 10 May 2018
I received an email about NYC's Times Square and I decided to look for some of my Bucket List details... which lasted a lot longer than I expected... I checked on hotel options, prices, locations, and other places I want to see when I get there.
Trying to find a room with a view of the New Year's Eve Square is a challenge from this distance. I have to find out where everything is, how much it costs, how to make reservations, how to travel there and back, etc. It is becoming a very expensive Bucket List item ! I had no idea.
I sent for some brochures and maps and materials to help me... so this will get my process going. I am thinking it will take until 2020 or beyond to make it there. :-) I guess I have a little time.
The weather has been cold and rainy, maybe some hail... tomorrow it is suppose to be sunny and warm... this is how it is here. I wonder how the rest of the country is doing.
I suppose that is all there is to share. I was on the computer a long time.
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
My we all find a way to do the things on our Bucket Lists...
to make memories, to accomplish dreams, to find joys in our lives.
Trying to find a room with a view of the New Year's Eve Square is a challenge from this distance. I have to find out where everything is, how much it costs, how to make reservations, how to travel there and back, etc. It is becoming a very expensive Bucket List item ! I had no idea.
I sent for some brochures and maps and materials to help me... so this will get my process going. I am thinking it will take until 2020 or beyond to make it there. :-) I guess I have a little time.
The weather has been cold and rainy, maybe some hail... tomorrow it is suppose to be sunny and warm... this is how it is here. I wonder how the rest of the country is doing.
I suppose that is all there is to share. I was on the computer a long time.
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
My we all find a way to do the things on our Bucket Lists...
to make memories, to accomplish dreams, to find joys in our lives.
09 May, 2018
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
It's the start of the day... I have been trying to plan my day. The sun can be seen on the bushes outside my window... and I have already been outside to deal with the chickens and let the dogs run. I have a pile of yard debris to finish, and more yardwork to get to. My food options are pretty much decided because there are foods I have to use up or throw away. Trash and recycling go out tonight, so that has to be checked. Many of the duties on my daily lists are already decided... then I have to fit in more, and rest. I figure people with more money than I have would be able to "delegate" the things that others can do. I always hoped to do that someday, too.
Well... I better get going. :-)
I will return later, GOD willing, and write more about the deeper things that are going through my mind these days... if I get them to the expression level. When we are trying to work out the issues of living in this world, it is hard to define where we get our details... society is a big mix of media, including books, movies, radio, TV, conversations, and more. We don't always see the effects of these media, but they are part of our decisions.
I am trying to process some of the things I have viewed lately.
Until next time...
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May GOD guide us in the right directions.
May our choices be good for everyone.
May we find the path that helps us heal and learn how to help others heal.
May our goals always be for a better world.
May we understand that we are only one person, and there are billions more on this planet who are searching for their future also.
May our hearts be filled with kindness and compassion.
May our choices be merciful and giving and wise.
May we see beyond the obvious, to discover the hidden pain that each person hides.
May we do our best to make our decisions about all of us, not just us.
Well... I better get going. :-)
I will return later, GOD willing, and write more about the deeper things that are going through my mind these days... if I get them to the expression level. When we are trying to work out the issues of living in this world, it is hard to define where we get our details... society is a big mix of media, including books, movies, radio, TV, conversations, and more. We don't always see the effects of these media, but they are part of our decisions.
I am trying to process some of the things I have viewed lately.
Until next time...
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May GOD guide us in the right directions.
May our choices be good for everyone.
May we find the path that helps us heal and learn how to help others heal.
May our goals always be for a better world.
May we understand that we are only one person, and there are billions more on this planet who are searching for their future also.
May our hearts be filled with kindness and compassion.
May our choices be merciful and giving and wise.
May we see beyond the obvious, to discover the hidden pain that each person hides.
May we do our best to make our decisions about all of us, not just us.
07 May, 2018
Monday, 7 May 2018
It was a longish weekend... I ended up watching some movies... and thinking about what they said about us. I cried a lot over the ones that had tragedy in them... for families, for individuals, for the human search for love and meaning.
One was about Christians living through a connected event that brought sorrow for one family, joy for another, change for another...the way GOD weaves our lives to bring about the future.
Another one, the last one I watched last night, I think, was about crime and how it affects us... how it affects those who belong to the policing forces we depend on... how no one is above committing crimes... and how we justify our actions because "they are bad" and "we are good"... something we lose in the fall from our higher goals of service. I guess I haven't digested the film yet. It is still in my thoughts.
When I watch so many movies at one time... one weekend... I forget all the names and details. I have to keep notes to remember. I don't always remember to write the titles down. I did focus on ones with ties to prisons, and poverty, and the battle to survive and change. Some had better endings than others.
The internet, Wi-Fi, and technological advances, are changing our lives in ways we never considered. I don't know how we will deal with the criminals who want to take advantage of these benefits for their own uses...and our abuse. It has been a prayer concern of mine for some years. There are things we will not be able to fight... at least for awhile... that means suffering, and trying to find solutions, and hoping to win, and wanting a freedom and independence we can't have. The old movies I watched as a kid are coming true...
I don't know how to make my own path through them, especially without funds... so how will everyone else survive? I'm trying to figure that out.
In the rest of my life... I have to make gifts for my mother and one of my sons... need to do other things I am in-progress with, and still need to find solutions to my ongoing problems with shipping and income. That is my day today.
I may have to take a break and do some yardwork. :-) Those weeds and vines are growing fast with the warmth of the sun!
I hope to feel better about the world by tomorrow. I think I will stay away from the TV today.
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May GOD help us find the solutions we need as individuals and nations... to choose good, to fight against bad, and to trust GOD for all the details we don't know. Amen.
One was about Christians living through a connected event that brought sorrow for one family, joy for another, change for another...the way GOD weaves our lives to bring about the future.
Another one, the last one I watched last night, I think, was about crime and how it affects us... how it affects those who belong to the policing forces we depend on... how no one is above committing crimes... and how we justify our actions because "they are bad" and "we are good"... something we lose in the fall from our higher goals of service. I guess I haven't digested the film yet. It is still in my thoughts.
When I watch so many movies at one time... one weekend... I forget all the names and details. I have to keep notes to remember. I don't always remember to write the titles down. I did focus on ones with ties to prisons, and poverty, and the battle to survive and change. Some had better endings than others.
The internet, Wi-Fi, and technological advances, are changing our lives in ways we never considered. I don't know how we will deal with the criminals who want to take advantage of these benefits for their own uses...and our abuse. It has been a prayer concern of mine for some years. There are things we will not be able to fight... at least for awhile... that means suffering, and trying to find solutions, and hoping to win, and wanting a freedom and independence we can't have. The old movies I watched as a kid are coming true...
I don't know how to make my own path through them, especially without funds... so how will everyone else survive? I'm trying to figure that out.
In the rest of my life... I have to make gifts for my mother and one of my sons... need to do other things I am in-progress with, and still need to find solutions to my ongoing problems with shipping and income. That is my day today.
I may have to take a break and do some yardwork. :-) Those weeds and vines are growing fast with the warmth of the sun!
I hope to feel better about the world by tomorrow. I think I will stay away from the TV today.
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May GOD help us find the solutions we need as individuals and nations... to choose good, to fight against bad, and to trust GOD for all the details we don't know. Amen.
03 May, 2018
Thursday, 3 May 2018 - National Day of Prayer for America
Today was a different kind of day...
I have been busy getting some things done, but they were/are more organizational... sorting (finding!) different places and trying to get my supplies into a final resting place so I can find them when I need them. I am planning the next changes to make... finding a way to make this room work for me. :-)
It was warm to day... nice outside. I finally went outside in the afternoon and finished cleaning up my yard debris. One load with the little thing they have here for the riding lawnmower... It's like a mini trailer... a truck bed without the truck... very small, but bigger than a wheelbarrow.
I had to rest after that.
There are always household chores to do.
I turned the radio on after my rest and the local Christian station was airing the National Day of Prayer program. I cried for America at one point. I think it was the song "God Bless America." I am reminded about what I heard on the topic of UNITY in the church... in the Body of Christ. We live in such an angry part of history... a time when Satan is rising and doesn't want to back down. The topic of unity in Christ has to be clearly defined because those who hate GOD like to make Him powerless, disabled, unheard of, not an authority, and more.
Recently, I heard a comment on the rise of "ecumenical" groups and how they are not about unity in GOD or Christ... more about making all faiths equal... and, after thinking about it, I realized that is true and why I haven't ever felt they were truly godly. Many communities are trying to bring the different denominations together, and so am I, but it won't make the problems go away. I remember thinking, today, during the program, that the unity we need is better based on the fact that we are all in different places on the growth chart... even in a single church. Getting into arguments over the different ways we see the Bible won't help. We do need to discuss these things to understand and talk about those differences, but getting to that point is the main challenge. Faith is so important, we have to discover our answers personally.
This led to me thinking about my own desires for the Body of Christ within Working Together. I have been praying about how to share my reasons for starting Working Together... I am thinking I should make short PDFs on the different topics that are part of the whole story. I am trying to build up an email list for Working Together, so I want to create some "free downloads" for signing up. I don't know if this series would be the right offer, but I still want to create them. I am pondering the options this week.
No one wants to think about what might happen... if we aren't taken away in a pre-Tribulation rapture. If the Antichrist is the way we "leave" this earth, it will be a very difficult reality to face. it's a hard battle to fight. My poverty experiences make me want to create resources that will be needed as we go through the downward steps to the Antichrist. No one can help solve every need, but I hope to create as many resource links as possible.
It's going to be an early night, so I will end here.
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May our hearts be right with GOD, and kind towards mankind.
May the love that makes us a good nation keep us alive as a powerful force for GOD.
May time allow me to establish WT, and GOD provide what it needs.
May the issues we face in our tasks for GOD be small and easily overcome.
May our world remember that "safety is of the Lord," and keep its priorities right.
May we find a way to live together without hate and fear and anger and violence.
May GOD bless those who love Him so we can make the world better.
I have been busy getting some things done, but they were/are more organizational... sorting (finding!) different places and trying to get my supplies into a final resting place so I can find them when I need them. I am planning the next changes to make... finding a way to make this room work for me. :-)
It was warm to day... nice outside. I finally went outside in the afternoon and finished cleaning up my yard debris. One load with the little thing they have here for the riding lawnmower... It's like a mini trailer... a truck bed without the truck... very small, but bigger than a wheelbarrow.
I had to rest after that.
There are always household chores to do.
I turned the radio on after my rest and the local Christian station was airing the National Day of Prayer program. I cried for America at one point. I think it was the song "God Bless America." I am reminded about what I heard on the topic of UNITY in the church... in the Body of Christ. We live in such an angry part of history... a time when Satan is rising and doesn't want to back down. The topic of unity in Christ has to be clearly defined because those who hate GOD like to make Him powerless, disabled, unheard of, not an authority, and more.
Recently, I heard a comment on the rise of "ecumenical" groups and how they are not about unity in GOD or Christ... more about making all faiths equal... and, after thinking about it, I realized that is true and why I haven't ever felt they were truly godly. Many communities are trying to bring the different denominations together, and so am I, but it won't make the problems go away. I remember thinking, today, during the program, that the unity we need is better based on the fact that we are all in different places on the growth chart... even in a single church. Getting into arguments over the different ways we see the Bible won't help. We do need to discuss these things to understand and talk about those differences, but getting to that point is the main challenge. Faith is so important, we have to discover our answers personally.
This led to me thinking about my own desires for the Body of Christ within Working Together. I have been praying about how to share my reasons for starting Working Together... I am thinking I should make short PDFs on the different topics that are part of the whole story. I am trying to build up an email list for Working Together, so I want to create some "free downloads" for signing up. I don't know if this series would be the right offer, but I still want to create them. I am pondering the options this week.
No one wants to think about what might happen... if we aren't taken away in a pre-Tribulation rapture. If the Antichrist is the way we "leave" this earth, it will be a very difficult reality to face. it's a hard battle to fight. My poverty experiences make me want to create resources that will be needed as we go through the downward steps to the Antichrist. No one can help solve every need, but I hope to create as many resource links as possible.
It's going to be an early night, so I will end here.
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May our hearts be right with GOD, and kind towards mankind.
May the love that makes us a good nation keep us alive as a powerful force for GOD.
May time allow me to establish WT, and GOD provide what it needs.
May the issues we face in our tasks for GOD be small and easily overcome.
May our world remember that "safety is of the Lord," and keep its priorities right.
May we find a way to live together without hate and fear and anger and violence.
May GOD bless those who love Him so we can make the world better.
02 May, 2018
Wednesday, 2 May 2018
I have food again!
Simple pleasures.
With my new (used) mini-fridge, I have to be careful what I buy. I used some of my rice for lunch, from the day before, and it was FROZEN! So I turned the dial down, and waited. Now it is relatively full of food, and by tomorrow morning, I will know if it is a lost cause. I have a fridge thermometer I bought to check my last fridge temps with, so I am using that... and looking for the best place to put it for a good reading. Food is money. Money matters more when you are poor. Food money is especially important for the survival of the poor.
It has been a big day for me... my body is telling me how much I did more than I should have. :-)
I actually made it into the yard for about an hour later in the day... about 5-6pm here. Right before going shopping for food. I felt the effects of exercise on a previously, generally, dormant body. I have to clean up the mess tomorrow... so, I hope I survive. :-)
I finally decided to register as a Republican so I could actually vote in a primary and other things. I keep getting these opinion surveys from the Republican Party saying how desperately they need to know my opinions (as long as I agree with their choices), with a plea for funding to actually complete the survey. I didn't notice that last stipulation until today. :-(
I tend to send my surveys back with lots of unwanted comments about the questions they provide. I will be doing this again, but I am addressing the envelope to the listed Chairman's (Chairwoman's) name as the intended recipient. Tomorrow I plan to add a letter detailing some of my opinions. I don't know if the people in charge ever get my responses, but I feel it is my responsibility to share them.
I am an American. I care about my country. I care about issues. I want us to survive what our government has done to our nation. I want our leaders to care about our survival as a nation, and to make better decisions, and to represent the people who put them there... It is hard for me to deal with all the issues I have discovered since becoming poor, government funded, and unable to find solutions that are what we think America stands for. In the process of the years, we change. I still want to find a way to help America and its citizens. In my life, that seems to be an impossible dream.
So, I keep writing about my perspectives, my solutions, my desires for answers, my anger at the way things are. I use to just write letters to whomever I could, then emails, then I discovered social media, and commenting, and things I never thought of discovering before. In my senior years, it will be my purpose in life... to find out how to do these "political involvement activities" better.
So, what else... I have reorganized a lot of the spaces in my room, to help me do my crafting better. I am still working on it, have a bit more moving around to do, but it is getting workable... for now. I hope to get some of my projects listed on my selling sites this month. It is still a problem with my shipping process, but I can do what I can all the way up to that part.
I was on LINKED IN today and noticed a really nice post there by Forbes... It was a video on what makes for the best chance to succeed... as opposed to education and intellect... They shared reported findings of a psychologist named Angela Duckworth. Her perspective was that "grit" was the secret; and "Grit is the ability to persevere, to be resilient, passionate, and hardworking." What I liked the best was this combined "formula" about the topic of who succeeds ::
Talent x Effort = Skill
Skill x Effort = Achievement
I hope that encourages you. Sometimes we don't think much of ourselves when we don't rank high on the social curves of success. I do the "grit" part, but haven't made it to the achievements I want to reach... so I guess I will just keep going. :-)
Until next time...
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May the GOD of heaven help our country.
May every citizen find a way to do something to make us better.
May our churches reach out to those who need them.
May our wealth be in goodness and charity.
May those who see us from the internet see a better display of our nation.
May America matter more than our personal goals.
Simple pleasures.
With my new (used) mini-fridge, I have to be careful what I buy. I used some of my rice for lunch, from the day before, and it was FROZEN! So I turned the dial down, and waited. Now it is relatively full of food, and by tomorrow morning, I will know if it is a lost cause. I have a fridge thermometer I bought to check my last fridge temps with, so I am using that... and looking for the best place to put it for a good reading. Food is money. Money matters more when you are poor. Food money is especially important for the survival of the poor.
It has been a big day for me... my body is telling me how much I did more than I should have. :-)
I actually made it into the yard for about an hour later in the day... about 5-6pm here. Right before going shopping for food. I felt the effects of exercise on a previously, generally, dormant body. I have to clean up the mess tomorrow... so, I hope I survive. :-)
I finally decided to register as a Republican so I could actually vote in a primary and other things. I keep getting these opinion surveys from the Republican Party saying how desperately they need to know my opinions (as long as I agree with their choices), with a plea for funding to actually complete the survey. I didn't notice that last stipulation until today. :-(
I tend to send my surveys back with lots of unwanted comments about the questions they provide. I will be doing this again, but I am addressing the envelope to the listed Chairman's (Chairwoman's) name as the intended recipient. Tomorrow I plan to add a letter detailing some of my opinions. I don't know if the people in charge ever get my responses, but I feel it is my responsibility to share them.
I am an American. I care about my country. I care about issues. I want us to survive what our government has done to our nation. I want our leaders to care about our survival as a nation, and to make better decisions, and to represent the people who put them there... It is hard for me to deal with all the issues I have discovered since becoming poor, government funded, and unable to find solutions that are what we think America stands for. In the process of the years, we change. I still want to find a way to help America and its citizens. In my life, that seems to be an impossible dream.
So, I keep writing about my perspectives, my solutions, my desires for answers, my anger at the way things are. I use to just write letters to whomever I could, then emails, then I discovered social media, and commenting, and things I never thought of discovering before. In my senior years, it will be my purpose in life... to find out how to do these "political involvement activities" better.
So, what else... I have reorganized a lot of the spaces in my room, to help me do my crafting better. I am still working on it, have a bit more moving around to do, but it is getting workable... for now. I hope to get some of my projects listed on my selling sites this month. It is still a problem with my shipping process, but I can do what I can all the way up to that part.
I was on LINKED IN today and noticed a really nice post there by Forbes... It was a video on what makes for the best chance to succeed... as opposed to education and intellect... They shared reported findings of a psychologist named Angela Duckworth. Her perspective was that "grit" was the secret; and "Grit is the ability to persevere, to be resilient, passionate, and hardworking." What I liked the best was this combined "formula" about the topic of who succeeds ::
Talent x Effort = Skill
Skill x Effort = Achievement
I hope that encourages you. Sometimes we don't think much of ourselves when we don't rank high on the social curves of success. I do the "grit" part, but haven't made it to the achievements I want to reach... so I guess I will just keep going. :-)
Until next time...
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May the GOD of heaven help our country.
May every citizen find a way to do something to make us better.
May our churches reach out to those who need them.
May our wealth be in goodness and charity.
May those who see us from the internet see a better display of our nation.
May America matter more than our personal goals.
01 May, 2018
Tuesday, the 1st of MAY, 2018
Another month is here!
I have been going over my goal pages... and deciding where to focus my energies. It is still a work-in-progress, but I am also in the process of moving things around in my room again... The addition of the mini-fridge has prompted other changes. It is getting better with every change. I am finding permanent places for my supplies and making crafting spaces I can use. I hope I get this all done before the CHRISTMAS selling season!
I haven't looked elsewhere on the internet yet... I just logged on. I thought it might be better to get this done first.
Not much to share... I don't even know what the weather is going to be, but it looks overcast and possibly rainy. I better put that on my "list" :-) for making plans.
Shopping is a necessity this week... I have to make my list of foods the have to be gotten, if possible. My budget is very tight this month, I think I shared that, but I have to decide what is essential to buy with my cash budget. Food is always under my SNAP/Food Stamp allotment... which is $192... for one person with a small income. I have to be very careful... it doesn't go very far. I can't buy everything I want to.
I took a shower a bit ago and it has renewed my energy a little. :-) I was up in the night, up early, then took a very brief nap... very brief.
Earlier I made some of my rice mix to eat with the roasted veggie packs I was trying. Three of them took 90 minutes in aluminum foil in a toaster oven at 350 degrees. Interesting. Next time I will try putting the food in parchment and later in a cover of aluminum foil. Just to see what the difference is. I had about a cup of carrot sticks, two small beets, and a quarter of a medium white onion in each package. I still have enough for one more packet, but I can use that for soup. It really tasted great! I had some soy sauce in the rice, and I mostly just use my homemade garlic salt and pepper from one of those mills. I got mine at the Salvation Army store and it works great (so far).
After I go shopping, the veggies in the next packages will be different. It is really filling. I have to learn how to NOT eat now... to wait until I am hungry... and see how that goes. I tend to eat just to eat something I want to eat, whether I am hungry or not... mostly popcorn, but sometimes other foods. I think I am losing a little of my extra weight, but I can't be sure. I need more exercise... somehow. :-)
This is my life right now... food changes, better health, exercise, crafting challenges, trying to increase my income, and other things. It is a daily process, and trying to make it to my goals is a battle.
So, it is MAY and I have to start on my letter list all over again.
If I make it to JUNE, I will consider that a great WIN... :-) --- without destroying my budget... which I am working at in a different way this month. I'm sure I will be telling you about all my drama. :-)
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May the GOD of all be kind to us, help us to know Him, discover His love for us, and willingly give our lives to His Plan for us... with salvation through Christ.
I have been going over my goal pages... and deciding where to focus my energies. It is still a work-in-progress, but I am also in the process of moving things around in my room again... The addition of the mini-fridge has prompted other changes. It is getting better with every change. I am finding permanent places for my supplies and making crafting spaces I can use. I hope I get this all done before the CHRISTMAS selling season!
I haven't looked elsewhere on the internet yet... I just logged on. I thought it might be better to get this done first.
Not much to share... I don't even know what the weather is going to be, but it looks overcast and possibly rainy. I better put that on my "list" :-) for making plans.
Shopping is a necessity this week... I have to make my list of foods the have to be gotten, if possible. My budget is very tight this month, I think I shared that, but I have to decide what is essential to buy with my cash budget. Food is always under my SNAP/Food Stamp allotment... which is $192... for one person with a small income. I have to be very careful... it doesn't go very far. I can't buy everything I want to.
I took a shower a bit ago and it has renewed my energy a little. :-) I was up in the night, up early, then took a very brief nap... very brief.
Earlier I made some of my rice mix to eat with the roasted veggie packs I was trying. Three of them took 90 minutes in aluminum foil in a toaster oven at 350 degrees. Interesting. Next time I will try putting the food in parchment and later in a cover of aluminum foil. Just to see what the difference is. I had about a cup of carrot sticks, two small beets, and a quarter of a medium white onion in each package. I still have enough for one more packet, but I can use that for soup. It really tasted great! I had some soy sauce in the rice, and I mostly just use my homemade garlic salt and pepper from one of those mills. I got mine at the Salvation Army store and it works great (so far).
After I go shopping, the veggies in the next packages will be different. It is really filling. I have to learn how to NOT eat now... to wait until I am hungry... and see how that goes. I tend to eat just to eat something I want to eat, whether I am hungry or not... mostly popcorn, but sometimes other foods. I think I am losing a little of my extra weight, but I can't be sure. I need more exercise... somehow. :-)
This is my life right now... food changes, better health, exercise, crafting challenges, trying to increase my income, and other things. It is a daily process, and trying to make it to my goals is a battle.
So, it is MAY and I have to start on my letter list all over again.
If I make it to JUNE, I will consider that a great WIN... :-) --- without destroying my budget... which I am working at in a different way this month. I'm sure I will be telling you about all my drama. :-)
Until next time,
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May the GOD of all be kind to us, help us to know Him, discover His love for us, and willingly give our lives to His Plan for us... with salvation through Christ.
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