26 December, 2017

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Christmas is over... 

Some have already cleaned their house of decorations.  (One year I did that... but usually I just let it stay until it is a fire danger.  :-)  )  I like mine.  I also want to see if I can afford some of those Christmas storage containers this year... so I'm waiting to get to the store.

The weather here is ICE and COLD !!!!!   Now that I am getting older, I am not so excited to slip and fall.  I hear it can lead to a hospital stay!  Yuk!  I was given a pair of spikes to put on my shoes... some rubber things that are easy to put on and take off.  I tried them.  They are good.  But, also like tires with spikes... they ruin the floor.  Carpet would be OK, but not soft flooring.  So... the rules are, on and off by the door outside.  They should be great if I feel courageous enough to go anywhere.  I walk home up a long hill... right by the busy road most of the way.  I don't want to fall in front of a car, and I don't want a car sliding into me!  I may have to wait to go to those after-Christmas sales.

Maybe I can check online... but it just isn't the same.  Wednesday is my thrift store day.

I hope you got a lot of good stuff.  I got some great things... cash is always good to have... especially for all those sales!  haha...  and I got a Roku thing... I'm still trying it out, but it sure is better than the antennae reception!  I also got the tool I wanted... and I am working on getting that tried out.

Christmas was a lot of movies on TV.  It was my theme this year.  :-)  Next year, I don't know what I will plan...  it all depends on what GOD provides.  I have tons of things on my list, just have to save for them... and pray.

My Working Together December Membership Drive is still going.  Not turning out as I would have liked, but I can see that a December event is going to be a big challenge.  I will be working on building my outreach for next December.

Only $100 per year per individual... which will become increasing benefits as you renew year to year...  In time, I will have all the options up online, including the installment plan of $10/month.  Right now, all I have available is the PayPal.Me/WorkingTogetherInc link, which will also take any donations you might like to offer.

Maybe this year, as I get the hang of video, I will be able to set up a crowdfunding site.  

PRAY for me and for WT... this is an important work for GOD's people... more important than they know.

I have been eating way too much the past two months!  So, by default, by need, by desire, my 2018 goal is to work on my EXERCISE activities.  So sad...

I have been trying the 4-3-2-1 plan from BIGGEST LOSER (the cookbook I found) and it is becoming workable.  I am slowly getting into the process of four fruit and veggies a day, three proteins, and 2 whole grains.  I have dubbed the one extra as anything I want outside of the healthy list.  Well... kind of.  I have been eating cookies and holiday goodies, and I always like to have popcorn.  I figured I would work on that part of the plan.  It's easier to keep track of.  And I am getting better at my portion controls.  I am also getting my fridge supplies down so I can shop once a week for the fresh food items I need for that week.  It may become the best thing that happened to me.  Maybe. 

January is the official start of this plan. And my exercise goal.  I am still working out the exercise plan details.  It is so easy to think of things to do, and so hard to actually DO them!  haha.


I have been organizing my workspace for getting my stuff into listings and selling online... 2018 is a goal year.  Hope I can find a way to make it all work... finally.

Time to go.
Hope your holiday was great,
and that you are planning a better year for 2018...
We do our best, but GOD is always in charge of what it becomes.
Trust and Obey... it really is true... there is no other way.

I like the statement that Charles Stanley created ::

Obey God, and leave all the consequences to Him.

(I'm pretty sure that is it... check at intouch.org )
Anyway... until next time.

In Christ,
Deborah Martin

May GOD bless all those who love Him.
May we all be able to share GOD's love with others.
May our loved ones all meet us in heaven.
May we find our purpose in the Body of Christ.
May our hearts be filled with love and joy and kindness... and every good thing.
May next year be our best year.

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