24 September, 2024

What do you want for your life?


I found this design again.  I made it when I was trying to reach college kids.  I hoped to publish it in a local paper, maybe the college paper where I was at the time. 

College kids just want to fit into their new "home."  They seem to think alcohol and drugs and parties is the way to go.  It isn't.  It only leads to problems.  Sometimes these problems last the rest of your life.  What you think is "fun" becomes a tragedy that affects many lives.

There are tons of people who don't choose that route.  They live their entire life without alcohol or drugs ("recreational" drugs).  You can choose that path.  It isn't mandatory that you choose the party life, bars, and the unwritten activities of that lifestyle.  It can be hard to stand against them, but it is possible.  You have to value yourself to say no to the pressures you encounter.

I would think media influences, movies, and peer groups create the idea it's how to be "cool."  Really, they just want to profit off your weaknesses or find approval for their own choices.  Life is better without losing your future, or your life.  Your good judgment goes when your brain is compromised by alcohol, drugs, and bad company.

I hope you are strong enough to save yourself and change your future.

On to other things... 

It was very hot here today.  I stayed in for most of the day.  I did my outside chores in the cooler morning.  That works for me!  I don't do hot very well.

It wasn't an amazing day.  Just a regular day.

Those are very nice.

I hope you had a good day too. 

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