29 April, 2024

Pondering what has to be done first to save America...


New design for this election season.

I have been thinking about our nation and all the problems we face.  This happens at the end of every month when I wrap up the current month and start planning for the next one.  All of my income is controlled by the government.  I never really know if I will have my retirement funds or my food benefits.  I live at such a low level I can't get ahead of living needs to protect myself.

For me, the most urgent problem is the DEBT of our country.  It pays for those who have no other options.  It isn't only me. 

I imagine this creates ongoing stress in my body.  I don't know how to evaluate it.  

This repeated danger is why I prep as much as I can.  I don't have enough food to last one month, but I try to figure out how I would survive if there was a real crisis.  I don't have extra funds to cover my cash expenses.  I fear being on the streets again.

This is another reason I am trying to use up my collected supplies from earlier efforts.  Sorting through my belongings to reach the least amount.

There is no warning if banks close, if benefits stop, if the power goes off for a long time, or any other unexpected disaster happens.

As long as the government keeps printing more money, our nation is in greater and greater trouble.  Printing more money makes what we have less valuable and creates the inflation that hurts us all.

Lowering the DEBT is the best thing we can do to help all of us.  What does that mean?

When everyday families have to fix their budgets, it means spending less, doing without, saving more, finding alternatives for the things they need, and more.  Reducing, not increasing the things they spend money on.  No credit.  Prioritizing.  

I think reducing some of the wages in government, not increasing them, would be a good start.  Reducing benefits to what is most essential.  If poor people can survive on the little amounts they do, then others can too. 

Minimum wage for our government legislators and employees might get it raised to a decent level.  

The same medical benefits as the poor might be fair for government legislators and employees.  

It all depends on what you call fair.

This all leads into the idea of socialism, but the cause is different.  We are trying to save our nation for a better future. 

I tried to suggest selling a collectible coin to raise funds ONLY for eliminating the DEBT, shoring up Social Security Retirement Benefits, and saving money for the next disaster, but no one seems to think it will work.  One trillion coins, packaged and numbered, for a minimum price of $50.00 USD, with the better numbers selling at a higher price for the wealthy to purchase.  Selling them before the economy falls is essential.  It doesn't matter after we see bankruptcies.   

It would be an historic event.  

If it works, it will be even more historic.

What do you think is a fair amount for people on government benefits to receive?  It is a small amount for me, but when it is multiplied by millions in need, it becomes a large amount.

The government has decided what is necessary.  We have no say in the process.


Shelter.  With Kitchen and Bathroom.

Utilities.  Water.  Heat.  Cooling.

Clothes.  Shoes.  Warm coats.

Transportation.  By public transit or personal vehicle.


Household items.

Cooking and Refrigeration.


Basic medical benefits.  Like eyeglasses.  Hearing aids.  Dental care.  

I think that is about what poor people are allowed to have, or receive from the government if they qualify for it (medical, food).  The government doesn't just give people what they want, or think they need.  You get what the government has decided it will provide.  This is important to remember.  

What happens in countries where socialism is the rule?  I have no idea.  What is it that some in our nation want us to become?  How do they measure BASIC human needs in the countries that already operate by government control?

If our government succeeds in making our nation a socialistic way of life, what will it look like?  The government will control everything and provide what it says we need.  

It's a scary thought.  Freedom is very different than Socialism.  Or Communism.  Or any other form of government.

We are getting less and less free as every year goes by.  It's a very slow change I see... like the frog in the kettle that doesn't know it is being cooked.  The water just gets hotter and hotter and hotter, until the frog dies and becomes a meal.  

It has always been a battle.  I think the idea of socialism is what makes it so desirable for some... it sounds good.  The problems come in the real application of it.  It becomes something different -- people in government get a lot and the regular people are kept poor, under control by what they don't have.  

How can we save our nation?

Who will lead us in the direction of freedom?

How do we get rid of our current DEBT and become financially healthy, strong enough to overcome whatever lies ahead?

We better find an answer soon.  

In Christ, 

Deborah Martin


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