04 March, 2024

Planning for the Future

It seems we are always thinking about our future... expecting it... never thinking about death, anyone's death.

Tonight I watched an old movie (1993) with Michael Keaton and Nicole Kidman (My Life).  It was about cancer, about death, about resolving life issues.  We all have unfinished business in our lives.  Having time to think about things before we die is a gift.

In watching a lot of movies I never watched before, or watched a long time ago, I am seeing new parts of them.  Moral details.  This one was marked PG13.  I didn't see any deep bed scenes, but they inserted a "dream sequence" with a naked man.  It seems to me that was frivolous nudity.  He could have had clothes on in the dream.  There were other parts with suggestive nudity.   

Then there was the Asian medical affiliation.  Not just about medicine, more about mystical powers.  I'm not sure what the purpose was in this part of the film, but I won't share any thoughts about it.

I understand that no details escape Hollywood opportunities for suggestive selling.  

Before watching this film, I watched one about teen pregnancy issues, called FOR KEEPS.  Molly Ringwald was the star.  It was also filled with suggestive sex and nudity... and was labeled PG13.  This film was made in 1988.

In discovering these things about Hollywood movies, I have become aware of how our lives are changed over time... one small step at a time.  Sandra Bullock made this obvious in one film I watched (I don't know if it was The Blind Side - 2009).  She purposely walked to the front of a large painting with some kind of nudity.  

I was very surprised to see this same activity in a very, very, very old movie one day... maybe from the 1940's or around that time.  Hollywood has been moving in this direction a long time.  We just didn't notice it.

I don't know how to give up movies.  I never think these kinds of scenes will be in every movie.  Even movies that are supposed to be from Christian sources seem to have questionable scenes.  I am wondering if there are tares growing with the wheat.

I am writing all this because I wonder where we are heading as a society, as a civilization, as a world.  I am wondering what I will do about these paths in my own life.

I feel a big choice is coming my way.

A decision.

A spiritual fork in the road.

I'm not sure when it will be.  

I don't know how to move forward with Working Together, stay true to GOD in my daily life, find current news, look for answers and do research without the ease of the internet -- which is not a reliable source of anything.

How do we exist without it?

That is The Question we need to answer.

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