25 October, 2017

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Another computer gremlin day... I will try to remember what I had already written...  but, remember, nothing is exactly the same as the first time.  We have to deal with these things, whether we like it or not.

Today was my day out for shopping... long day!  tiring day!  glad it is over day!  :-)  I went because it was the sale day at the Salvation Army, but I got a lot of other things in there, too.  My November budget started today, too.  I did pretty good! 

I found Bill Bennett's "The Book of Virtues" at the thrift store today.  I grabbed it up and will read it as my next book.  It was published in the early 1990's and I heard only good things about it.  I am happy to be reading it now.  I hope to be a better person by the time I finish it.

It is a huge book, with ten chapters on ten virtues.  The first chapter starts at page 19, the end of the main part of the book is at 819.  Here are the ten virtues, in the order the author presents them...  Self-Discipline, Compassion, Responsibility, Friendship, Work, Courage, Perseverance, Honesty, Loyalty, and Faith.  I am wondering if the order is important, and why.  I will probably browse through it  in the days ahead... just to check out his writing style... maybe read the Introduction.

This is a great find for me... I am very happy.  :-)

You may be happy to know I actually looked for some clothes.  I need jeans the worst so I went to that rack first.  I grabbed a pair in the size I think I am, in a S-T-R-E-T-C-H jean  (haha), and bought it after trying it on.  Only $2.50 on the sale day... my kind of price!

I found a wonderful vase, ceramic, lovely colors.  I would share a photo but I haven't found the photo process yet.  I may post it at Facebook... maybe.  I don't know how important it might be to anyone but me.  :-)  I am happy.

I also found two new eating plates to replace the ones I got last time because they developed cracks in them somewhere along the way.  I moved them to my crafting activities.  $1.25 for both.  Nice pattern, Corelle, medium size.

I grabbed up a great throw I found there, nice holiday shades in a plaidish pattern.  It is very warm.  I tried it out watching TV tonight.  I am not sure what will happen to it when I wash it, but it looks sturdy enough... and it is an extra blanket for me right now.  If I ever get a couch again, it will look great.  $3.50 with the 50% discount.

I didn't get much today, but it was over $10... book, pants, vase, plates, blanket... and then my reluctant purchase of an unpriced metal pan lid... with a regular price of $1.88!!!!!  I paid 94 cents.  It didn't fit the pan I hoped it would fit, but it will get used.  I suppose the discount price is OK, but I wouldn't buy it for the full price... it wasn't that great a lid.  There was another one for less and some for more.  No continuity in pricing.  It's my main complaint with every thrift store... they think they have gold, and everyone wants to pay more.  The competition is that a lot of stuff can be found NEW for cheaper.  My fun is in the search for treasures that matter to me, things I need, things I want, a little at a time.

That is my thrift store saga...

I also took care of November bills, some food that wouldn't spoil while I was shopping, and crafting supplies to try out.  I am always happy to get things I really like. 

Christmas is in the mail.  I got my letters from INC and Fast Company magazines, owned by the same company.  :-)  Their very cheap holiday option gets me almost every year.  Only $5 to send someone a gift subscription.  I like both magazines in different ways.  I think they help to see what is coming into the business world.  I also have Entrepreneur.  I don't think I will keep my subscriptions because of my time issues and budget, but I am trying to decide if anyone would be good for getting them as gifts for 2018.

Lots of holiday giving appeals have been in the mail already.  I made my list, so that's what I can do for this year.  If God blesses 2018, I can do more next year.

I happened to see the last hour of the Humane Society's Hero Dog Awards.  I saw the commercials, but forgot to mark it down.  I didn't realize they had programs like that.

Facebook is filled with animal posts.  One of the two stories I was able to see was about an emaciated abused dog that survived and became a Therapy Dog... how they do it, I have no idea!  I cried at what the dog suffered, how badly it looked.  I don't understand why people do these things.

Life is important.  Animals are important.  Babies are important.  Old people are important.  Disabled people are important. We are all important.  We have to find a way to be better than what we have become.

Today was a necessary day for me.  Not easy, but it had to be done.  Now I am more than ready to go to sleep.

See you tomorrow, GOD willing.
In Christ,
Deborah Martin

May we all become better tomorrow than we are today.
May our world not overcome our hearts with the great needs there are.
May we find a place of peace in what we can do.
May we trust more in GOD to provide through us.
May we begin to see that GOD moves things around to accomplish His Will, and sometimes it is our stuff that He needs to use.
May life be good, and our hearts be filled with love, and our dreams be good for everyone.
May we count our blessings every day so we don't think our lives are worse than they are.
May we all have a wonderful holiday season, and be ready for 2018.

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