It's only 8pm, but it feels like bedtime. I went downtown today, and it took a long time...
bus to the Mall transit center to catch the MAX into town,
MAX into town, stopping at the Farmer's Market by Lloyd Center,
MAX again, into the downtown area to go to the SCRAP store,
MAX from the SCRAP store area into the downtown transit office for directions to the USPS,
MAX from the downtown area to the USPS area,
MAX from the USPS area back to the Mall transit center to get home,
bus from the transit center to my home area,
stopped along the way for a sale item at Safeway,
bus again to the end of that line,
wait for a ride home, so I shopped for food until it came.
I left my house at about 10am, made it to the end of the line near my home about 4:30pm, but waited until after 5:30 for my ride to get there. Home by 6pm, unloaded the things I bought, put them away, ate something, and here I am. This is why I can't go that far all the time. It is a major event! I will be happy to make this trip once a month... if I can.
Public transit is great, but you can't travel out of your home zone much. I'm working on a solution for me, but haven't found one yet.
I got some great farm produce today.
I found some wonderful deals and things to experiment with at SCRAP (a reuse thrift store kind of place... recycling anything they can for use in any way you can, but mostly focused on art, crafts, and things like that. I love it!
I ended up eating my meal out for the day at Carl's Jr again... the two meal deal... for me, anyway. I eat the burger and fries and drink right away, and save the chicken sandwich for later. I had it for dinner, with some extras from home. I saved the cookie for tomorrow. My $5 meal goes a long way! :-)
My frig is stocked for the week or more. This is good. Lots of fruits and veggies, with a few treats, and time to make a list for the big shopping trip later in the month.
I guess this is a success to me.
Tomorrow I will catch up with the budget. I have $2 cash left. $5 left in my emergency money. And toilet paper still on the mandatory list for this month. I need to make some money!! Selling online is my goal because it fits for me. PRAY! I am very close to getting my shop filled with things to buy. :-)
Have to go...
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings of the day.
Thank you for life, for safety, for food, for rest, for the ability to shop.
Thank you for legal folders, a strange electrical thing I get to discover, silly putty, a wonderful egg-shaped pencil sharpener, a great small brown glass jar, highlighters in the colors I need, crafting ideas and supplies, and finally getting to SCRAP.
Thank you for farm sourced organic produce to eat, and finally getting to the Farmer's Market.
Thank you for public transit... walking would be even more restrictive.
Thank you for matching dollars.
Thank you for finding the post office and getting my packages sent today.
Thank you for everything.
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