I was watching NBR and they had a segment on San Francisco wanting to tax robots because they take away jobs... desperate government... beware! The people discussing the topic were also wondering how this would work... what would be next... how they can justify this approach. I think we need to get rid of all taxes except ONE... and sales tax is the only one that would apply equally to all income levels. TEN percent, maximum, forever. The government would have to learn how to budget, and they wouldn't be able to bargain for votes... maybe... but it would also tie every decision they make to the health of the economy.
I write about this when I can... I'm sure it is somewhere in my blogs, and on Facebook, and on Twitter, and.... who knows where else.
Imagine no income taxes or property taxes or estate taxes or capital gains taxes or foreign taxes or lots of other taxes... many I don't even know about. It would mean a seriously reduced government payroll... and office overhead... and policing. I suppose the government would still be able to investigate businesses, but personal lives would be more free. No reporting, the business would be linked to the government... no receipts, records, etc. No need for tax incentives, subsidies, limits on your retirement accounts, sudden incomes, expenses, dependents, and.... You pay your tax bill when you buy something, it gets adjusted when you return something, the government shares the collected funds equally (federal, state, county) and international costs get their own 1%. Everyone pays the same amount... no more fighting over loopholes, rich and poor, middle class, etc.
I get more convinced it is the best future for America (and everyone else, eventually) every time I think about it.
Rain is coming this weekend and staying for awhile! Today I started cleaning up all my piles of yard debris by different areas. What a big job, tiring, and more than I expected... but, I am going to do as much as I can before the rain gets here. It will be nice to see what it does for the plant life, and if we still have a small river passing through our yard still... :-) The groundwater here is something I have never seen before in my entire life. I'm waiting to see what it does this winter.
Part of the area I am cleaning out is a path where the water is suppose to go... pre-sewers, it runs in gullies, downhill, in large and small amounts that depend on the rain. The area has well water, so when I first saw how much water came above ground, I thought it must be from a full well. I know nothing about these things... no real details, just big picture concepts from city life.
I think we need to make this problem work for us... make little pools of water for the gardens and animals, create electricity from water wheels or something like that, maybe a water-feature for the beautiful effect it has. :-) I love water features.
Last winter the chicken cage was in a spot away from the broken pipe area in the yard, which was blamed for everything involving water. The poor chicken had clean feet even when it didn't want them... I never saw a chicken with feet like that... and when I had to pick it up for some reason, it was so strange. The chicken space has moved now, so I am wondering how they will do this winter.
The weekend is near. There's a list of things to do. I'm working on how to get it all done.
My FIMO projects are coming along. I have been filing them down and they are beginning to look really good. I am getting excited. Once I have the process figured out, it will be easier to get them done, faster. I will spend more time on pre-bake details so I don't have to fix the designs after baking.
My salt dough efforts are beginning to figured out. I see painting as one of the issues for these possible products. I may tackle that this weekend... maybe.
I want to mail an auction donation to OREGON RIGHT TO LIFE for their annual auction, and that has to be done soon. I am trying to get something finished and mailed to them by the 20th or 21st. I am not sure I will make it, but I am trying to see what I can make that would be good for their auction, within my meager talents, developing skills, and limited supplies. :-) I can do this!
Well, the terror of the hurricanes is leaving our attention span and other tragedies are replacing it... another school shooting, government debt ceilings and walls around our borders, elderly people dying needlessly while being housed across the street from a hospital... that's all I can remember right now.
You have heard a goldfish has a longer attention span than we do... sad, don't you think?! Sesame Street has been blamed for that pathway. Now it is technology... or maybe technology just encourages it.
I read my book one chapter at a time... as a daily goal... do you think that counts as a short attention span?
Time to go.
Enjoy your weekend.
Spend time with your loved ones.
Give to as many needs as you can afford to give to.
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
May God bless our efforts to care for each other.
May life be good to us, and may we be good because of it.
Help the world to slow down, to enjoy the people that matter.
May our goals be God's goals for us.
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