27 June, 2024

Prophecy and Politics, Religion and Culture - what we are becoming


I have been thinking about this post for the past several days, since my last post.  I see things, read things, think about things, and wonder what (if) I should say about them.  There are too many issues within the church and outside of it to comment on.

I recently watched a video or videos on the Southern Baptist Convention voting on women as ministers.  The Bible says women are not to be in that position, so it is a win for Satan when they do.  I always think about the judgment of Eve in the Garden.  GOD told her we would always strive with men in this way.  

And the Women's Movement is a very powerful force that has seeped into every church and pushed us into these leadership wars.  GOD doesn't mean women are not good leaders, good people, valuable in ministry, or any other viewpoint.  It just means that GOD said it would be our forever judgment.  

I prayed about this issue a long time.  I decided it is acceptable for women to operate businesses as an option for supporting the church.  This was part of the reason I started Working Together.

When I was young, I thought about becoming a nun because I was so focused on GOD.  But I wanted to have a family more.  Later, I read the Bible for myself and became a Christian.  I never wanted to lead a church, but I did think of other ways to become a blessing to God and others.  Bible Growth Groups was one of those other ways.

It's hard to think about the ways my life strayed from the path of GOD, but it did.  The teen years are so vulnerable.  The Enemy knows this.  Now the Enemy is going more and more into the younger years of kids.  And then there is abortion - killing kids before they can be born.  I think this is the modern form of child sacrifice, in spiritual terms.  We don't think of these battles as spiritual, we call them political, human rights, discrimination, oppression, healthcare, and more.  The government sees the costs of caring for another body and the inability of the budget to do so.  Women see their future destroyed instead of seeing other possibilities that might be even better.  I remember one woman who had a baby that had physical issues and then aborted the second pregnancy she had.  I thought she probably killed the person who would have cared for the first child when she was gone.  God says our babies have a purpose.  They are not just an inconvenient problem.    

Today, just before starting this post, I watched two videos about Pride Month.  One was Cissy Graham Lynch, the other was a street preacher at a Pride event.  

Cissy's post was the more acceptable format.  And some of the points she made hit me.  She said we all know someone in the gay community now.  The numbers have grown that much.  I thought about the End Times and us.  

The latter video showed how hateful the gay community is, while it claims the Christian community is the voice of hate.  It is amazing to me how they act.  The Bible tells us their eyes/minds are blinded by the Evil One.  This can be true of Christians on any topic they don't want to deal with.  We all want acceptance of our sin, not judgment.

The truth is the world is becoming the place it is prophesied to become.

I don't know how to watch someone I love choose evil.  I think about their eternity.  I pray to GOD for mercy, to find a way to reach them.  GOD has until the moment they die.  Maybe my prayers will keep them alive until they do change their path.

There is so much deception in sin.  Like all those young people who were hating the street preacher.  They are only surrounded by people like them.  There are no real conversations about God and salvation. 

It's like countries where the main religion forbids any individual choice about where their citizens want to spend their own eternity.  Women in those countries are mistreated, abused, and killed for reasons I cannot comprehend.  What would we do if we were born in one of those countries?  I often thank GOD I was born an American, and in the time that I was born.  My childhood was very different than the world now.

The next election is frightening for our nation and the world.  We have two people who represent very different paths forward.  I don't know how committed either one is to the principles GOD has shared in the Bible.  I don't know if they have ever read the Bible.  I don't know if they were recently saved or think they are saved.  By their words and actions, we have to wonder about both of them.  I wonder what the next President will do to our country.

I hope the Body of Christ can prepare for what is ahead.

Pray for all of us.

In Christ,

Deborah Martin


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