22 February, 2024

Food and prepping - big topics in my life.

Seems I am still working on my schedule.  

I get involved in YouTube videos at night and lose track of time.  I was watching some garden and prepping videos tonight.

Today I started working in my container garden space for this year.

In my downsizing efforts I rediscovered my larger (older) plastic containers, which are what I wanted to do this year.  Now I won't have to buy new ones.  I'm working out which ones to use and which ones not to use.

I have to uses a soldering tip to make drainage holes in the one's I finally decide on.  So, this becomes a permanent decision.

Way back when I discovered you could buy your own recycling bins.  Those would be my ideal container.  Thick, hard plastic, with drainage holes already placed.  Maybe in the future, after I win a big lottery prize.  They are costly.

My recycling side also wanted to collect the newspaper delivery boxes to use in my gardens.  They also are sturdy thick plastic with drainage holes already placed.

One of the videos I watched tonight used old Styrofoam boxes (like shipping boxes for cold food) to grow sweet potatoes (which looked like yams to me) over 60 days.  He seemed to grow quite a few in one box.  I don't know if I want to use Styrofoam for food, but I use to think that was what the little white things in bagged soil was.  I thought that would be a good way to reuse Styrofoam and help soften hard soil, mostly for houseplants.  I have a lot to learn still.  :-)  

I will use my smaller containers for growing other things... maybe all the trees I am working on.

Food is such a big issue for everyone.  I know that much of the food I have to buy is modified, but I don't know how.  I notice it in the skins of potatoes and tomatoes, in the lack of the right smell in some apples, and other things.  If I could grow more, I would know where the food was coming from and it would be as organic as I can make it.  Organic seed is also important.  Heirloom seeds are the historical plants that existed before modern efforts to make production changes that help the shipping and selling issues of foods we buy in the stores.

I watched a video awhile back by Jeff Smith, of Genetic Roulette (movie) fame, which shared that the changes made for these selling traits have also changed the health benefits of our foods.  They aren't as healthy as they use to be, before they were modified.  We don't really know about these things unless the food is tested and labeled.

At my age, I wonder how much it matters for me.  I don't really know.  I just know I haven't been able to build the life I wanted to.  I wish more for my children and others in this world.

I always come back to the place GOD has in all these things.

And I wonder how different our world would be if I had been able to create the life I hoped for my children and me, and for Working Together.  (https://work2gather.us) We never know how much our lives affect this world.  This is one reason I love "It's A Wonderful Life" and watch it over and over.  We are becoming Pottersville instead of Bedford Falls.  

I continue to work on the details for this year.  My hope is to find the things I need to do the tasks I want to accomplish.  I am trying to find the place to start, how to continue, and which destination is the most important for GOD's Plan for my life.  

We all seem to be doing the same search.  It seems like that to me, anyway.

In Christ,

Deborah Martin

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