03 January, 2019

2019 is finally here! - Thursday, 3 January

It has been a long transition to this new year... I have been busy thinking about goals, finishing up the details to end my 2018, and seeking GOD about my life.  I think of lots of great things to share, but never seem to get them down on the posts... maybe I can do better for this year.   :-)

I decided I want to enter prayers at the FB Prayer page.  I always feel a burden for people that come across my path... people I have already put on my prayer lists and new ones.  I recently started to write monthly letters to a man in Pakistan.  I think I shared about that here.  It is a new focus for me and I will have to start learning what you can send to international prisoners.  He was arrested just because he wants to believe in Jesus.  I wrote to him that I hope for the day when each person will be free to choose their eternity. We have issues in our own country about matters of faith, but not as bad as some other countries.  I wonder where the Antichrist will rise from... it will make a difference.

Today I have been reworking my budget record pages.  My computer doesn't seem to like my budget work... it develops problems now.  I am not sure how to deal with these computer problems -- I can't afford decent equipment, but that is not a guarantee about not having problems.

I am going to try to get a smartphone this year.  It is close to the least expensive goal I have.  I am hoping it will solve a lot of problems in my life... with photos, selling, etc.

I was able to buy some badly needed supplies with Christmas and Birthday gifts... storage shelves and a great file for my yearly records.  A little at a time.  I am reorganizing my space to fit them in as my body allows me to.  :-)   Aging has its down sides.

Back to the monthly letter routine.  I have 30 regular letters to write now, and still building up my family contact information.  Still praying for GOD to solve the problems of no replies.

I am going through my books and other possessions to reduce the overload in my small living space.  I decided I need to get brutal and will try to get my books down to one main bookshelf.  As I use my craft supplies I will be looking for better ways to organize them, too.

I guess I am finding a way to the future for me and my goals.

I hope you are doing that, too.
New beginnings are always a wonderful thing.

May GOD bless us all with His love and abundant provision for our needs and the needs of His Body in this world.

I will be getting back into my old routines and creating new ones.  Keep in touch, share your thoughts, and lets find a great way to use the time we have in this new year.

Until next time,
In Christ,

Deborah Martin

Working Together Inc
Building for the End Times

Prayer stated above...
Lets find a way to make the world better.

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