07 May, 2020

Today was the National Day of Prayer in America!

I stayed up until midnight last night because I signed up to pray then... I ended up entering a prayer on their Facebook page


Then I went to bed and did a lot of house stuff when I woke up.

That was my prayer in the middle of night.  I don't remember what I was doing but it may have been my thoughts about the world when I donated to Polar Bears International at Facebook earlier.  I shared how the world is an eco-system and we have destroyed a lot of that ecosystem already, because of many things, a lot of government "permission" … I don't think I was feeling very good about our government when I wrote my prayer.

And I worry about the Christian Body every day.

I just finished watching the replay of the National Prayer event at
… twice, at least. I may watch it again tomorrow.

I'm not sure GOD will change all the big problems we face,  but the ones we need Him to help us with in our small part of the BIG PLAN might be eligible for His interventions.  When our leaders pray, there is a bit of drama in it... and they can't really call out the really hard needs we face, but I find it very good for my faith to see them praying.

I always wondered if I prayed "the right way" in my Christian life... maybe because GOD didn't provide the things I thought He would.  Now, I'm not sure there is a right way.  I think GOD already knows what is in our hearts so we are just sharing it with Him.  I wonder if our honesty in our prayers matters.  Whether we are trying to "bribe" GOD with our requests.

I think I have heard this bribery effort in a lot of sermons... we all seem to think it will work.  :-)  Our hearts cry out for the thing we want, and we are willing to say and do anything to convince GOD that we will "pay" for it.  I think we use this tactic in our lives, too... bartering for favors, looking for a sale, kids and parents....   :-)

That really isn't how GOD works.

Today was a big day for me in the food department, too.  I only had less than a teaspoon of yeast left so I decided a cup of flour would work with it.  It's a good thing I only used about a quarter cup of warm water proofing the yeast!  That was all I needed for the one cup of water.  I left the very wet dough to rise without kneading.  It made a great small piece of FLATBREAD for today.  Next time I will try a whole teaspoon of yeast and see what happens, make a thinner flatbread, and make a pizza out of it.  This is great for me.  I have wanted a small amount to make so there aren't a lot of leftovers.  This experiment today is just the start!  :-)

I also wanted to use my extra polenta today, so I made it into the creamy stuff and spread it thin on a pan, with lots of oil.  (Well, not LOTS of oil, but more than I would normally use. -- must be my drama gene talking.  :-)  I don't know if I needed the oil on the pan, but that's ok... I wanted to make sure it didn't stick.  I had written the cooking instructions wrong on my jar lid so I almost cooked it for 30 minutes instead of three or so.  I had just bought a Red Mill bag of polenta because I want to try some ways to make it, so that saved the day.

This is actually the FIRST time I have eaten polenta.  I saw some videos on YouTube and decided it would be a good pizza option for the food choices I was trying to change.  It was pretty good... with all the stuff I put on it.  :-)  I eat Malt-o-Meal these days, sometimes, and it reminds me of that.  Maybe Malt-o-Meal is white corn grits.  Polenta is yellow corn grits.

I am trying to use up my food stores... so that is why all these crazy food options.

I am making MUNG SPROUTS right now, too... trying them in a larger jar this time, and trying to get them to grow longer.  I tend to eat them before they get big like they have in the stores.  I was watching a YouTube video on growing micro-greens this week and the link to their supplier was amazing.  I discovered people actually sprout some of the grains I have that I have been trying to figure out how to eat!!!  So I started a small jar of BUCKWHEAT SEEDS and some GREEN LENTILS.

I have a new bag of MASA now, so tortillas are in the near future for me.  I have never used masa before, that I can remember anyway.  I have always wanted to try it, but don't think I actually bought a bag before now.  I like flour tortillas better, but I decided to see how hard it is to make these.

I'm not sure when I will go shopping... I am trying to decide how long I can go with this quest to use up my stored foods.  I may have to move again, so it's a way to empty my jars and pack them away.

I ordered some video making equipment from AMAZON finally... I'm thinking about what to try first.  I need to make my Introduction video for my  PATREON  page... but I want to edit it before I upload it if I can.  There must be a way to do that... I have to find it !!

I am really not looking forward to getting in front of a camera, and I am having a really hard time thinking of what to say.  Everyone I see at YouTube does it so well...

I know we all have to start where we are.

I'm thinking of audio only until I get use to it.  :-)      [I think they call this cowardice or escapism... I'm sure there's a "category" for it somewhere.]

I guess that's enough for today.
Yes... you can pray for me.

In Christ,
Deborah Martin

PS : No stimulus check for me yet...  Where could it be ?!?

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