It's been a long week since Monday's update at Patreon... I guess this will be the only PUBLIC update... I may have to change the way I do things with my updates. The goal is to make Patreon the only place for my Challenge news... but, then how will I find people. It's a real decision-making process to try to overcome the info connections. You'll find out when I finally decide. This may be the APRIL decision.
I ordered a book by Phyllis Schlafly (The Power of the Christian Woman) and received it (finally) yesterday. When I started reading it, I was amazed at how great she shared the details of being a woman in GOD's Kingdom... wanting to be a "Mom At Home" and happy there. I suggested to the Eagle Forum they need to share the first chapter, at least. (If they don't, I might.)
I haven't finished the first chapter yet, but I am working to get the book read. I seem to be "distracted" by any little thing, and real needs. I had to take two naps today because my body just wouldn't keep going. I guess I have an irregular schedule... I end up being up in the middle of the night and sleeping small amounts over the course of each 24-hours. I do what I can in the up hours, and take short naps. The "distractions" are the main problem. I have to find a way to get through them.
So, the book. I am glad I bought both of the titles I did. The other book was, "A Choice, Not an Echo" and it is about electing Presidents. Some of the browsing bits I discovered are from before I thought of elections and what they mean. As a child, my main memory of politics is a wonderful vinyl recording of President Kennedy's speeches. I don't recall if I had it before or after he died. I was very young when that happened.
I have seen videos or photos of her with Reagan. I don't really know her politics. I am not sure I will read that book right now. Moms and the freedom to be at home are my interests. I tried my whole life to be one... without poverty.
I just checked the copyright for the Christian Woman book and it was published in 1981... what was happening then... I don't know. I had two sons by then... I think I was fighting poverty somewhere... maybe it was Lincoln City (Oregon) then.
My CHALLENGE is focused on right now. I am wondering if it could work as my one-time $5.00 payment option. It is a new payment idea for me this week. I have to find out how I can make it work for my needs.
I was already signed up when I checked, but I hadn't been able to decide how to use it so it went out of my daily thoughts. I guess you can just provide the link and anyone can make a payment to your account. If you want to do that, my account link is :: :-)
I have tried to contact for more information and to make sure my plans are within their general guidelines, and to make sure all my links go to the right accounts... but contacting big sites is like trying to fly from the west to the east without a plane.
I don't see posting it at Patreon will work... because of the fee issues, I suppose. I still want to make it part of my selling options. So far, I plan to post it on my social media sites with things to sell.
I had a problem with FACEBOOK MARKETPLACE this week... they decided my digital download for Etsy, SERVANTS, was objectionable and I am having to appeal that decision. I mentioned that their actions are very unclear... they just tell you "it might go against their policies" and expect you to delete it. I shared that when people get a ticket they at least know what law they have broken. They need to decide what specific "Law" at F/B has been transgressed so that the persecuted can appeal the right policy.
I vaguely recall having another problem like this... but I think the same thing happened with ETSY and my writing about the Rapture to Christians. There's no real appeal process at Etsy. I have always hoped GOD would bless so I could create a fair and protected selling place for Christians... probably WT Members, but maybe open to the public. If GOD provides the funds, I'll make those decisions then.
The main cause is the gay community, I think. If it's not the employees, it's media pressure, which the gay community uses so well.... as they are doing with Phyllis Schlafly these days, and the rainbow, and Christian businesses, and.... No one knows how to deal with them... I call it Bible prophecy coming true. They are bringing the future into being. And this is why WT was created.
So, what else has been happening...
It's all a blur. :-)
I keep trying to keep my Journal up to date, but it ends up with lots of missed details. I will work through this year, but may have to go back to my other style of keeping track of things. :-)
EARTH DAY is next week. I was looking at my calendar and realized how fast the month has gone by. I like my tote design. I keep trying to decide if I should get one for me, or wait until I design more and pick one of them. I guess Earth Day will be lost in the VIRUS CRISIS as well.
There are only so many things one person can do. The rest of the battle has to be put into GOD's Hands. I know that one day GOD will make everything right... how, when, I am not sure... before we die, after we die... I don't know. It's His decision. My faith is in GOD. I trust Him.
I have tried to find one way to explain how this works but so far DAVID is the only story I can think of... We wonder why he chose to sin with Bathsheba, but he did. When GOD made sure there was no way to hide it, but the pregnancy, he thought there was some way to hide it. WHY he thought that would happen, no one knows. We can be sure the staff and lots of other already knew. He chose to try to hide it. That choice cost lives and took the Hand of GOD's protections from David and others.
Eventually, GOD sent someone to make sure David knew that GOD wasn't letting it go. How long that took is not known -- I have never heard a real verified timeline. What I like to say is that we also don't know if the judgment GOD made for David's sin would have been different if David had made things right with GOD before the prophet was sent to him.
There is always a consequence to sin. It goes on forever I have decided... like the popular "ripple" effect (Think "'Pocahontas" movie for an example.) --- everything we do affects others... expanding into the future.
Maybe you can see it as the "domino fall" -- when you topple the first domino, the rest follow in quick succession... Life is a domino fall that never stops... each day is a domino...
I guess I am saying I have to do my best to reach the future by GOD's path, and leave the details of that journey to Him... It matters what we choose... as individuals and as families and as communities and as nations. I guess business decisions are in there somewhere. Money is not the right goal. What is good is the right goal. I have only found one place to know what is good - the Bible.
I hope you read it and discover what I mean.
In Christ,
Deborah Martin
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