I am up early today. I was lying in bed with the radio on for company when the David Jeremiah program came on. He was referring to the new series on TV called "Lucifer" and how the culture has come to embrace Satan through various media, including music and video games. The words that Jeremiah used to describe the process are what caught my attention. I was so impressed by them I got up to write them down.
These three words are an easy way to remember the process Satan uses to lead us into hell forever.
DECEIVE :: Deception is the heart of Satan. He is a "liar and a thief" in the Bible. No matter what he might tell you, it isn't true, he is just telling you what you want to hear so you will do what he wants you to do... and that is always something that will harm you and the ones you love.
Remember the temptations of Christ when Jesus was at His weakest point -- Satan offered food and power, he tempted Jesus to test GOD's protection. These are common and repeated themes in the actions of Satan to deceive us.
DIVIDE :: I have seen how Satan lures people away from those who love them. It is the tool he uses in families, in businesses, in churches, in as many places as he can. Our nation is divided these days, more and more we are becoming polarized by party, by issues, by finances.
I found a writing once that described the way Communists overcome their enemies and achieve their goals...I think it was called the "Little Red Book." One of the points I noticed was the focus on isolating and overcoming those who are on the fringe, who don't have anyone else, who can't fight back. It seems to be a tactic that comes from Satan.
DESTROY :: This is just the final step in the process, like the Communists in the preceding explanation. After you believe the lies, and no one wants to be around you anymore, there is no reason to keep you alive... Satan's goal has been achieved. If you die in your sin, you will spend your eternity in hell and the lake of fire. Your soul is the prize that Satan is after.
I hope you will remember these three words and consider them each time you are facing questions about which way to go. Deception is the hardest thing to discover... and the most painful. It seems we all have to learn these things by experience, but I pray yours will not be too traumatic. Learning through the experiences of other (biographies, sermons, testimonies...) may help you to avoid some pain, but we humans are difficult students... we tend to want to find things out for ourselves.
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