22 July, 2024

A lot seems to happen in a short amount of time these days

I spent a long time today going through my ETSY listings.  (https://etsy.com/shop/work2gather)  I have been trying to decide the direction I want to go, changing my content, thinking about a better future.  

I deactivated all my listings except for four of them.  Then I updated each of them.  Then I explored some of the suggestions ETSY has for its sellers.  I will have to return to my shop and look at my keywords again.  

I can see how I need to review my listings, not just put them up and leave them.  How often to do that is the question.  

I am seeking GOD for money to change all the things in my life that need to be changed.  I have been praying for the way to do that.  My part: to do what I can.  GOD's part: to bless my efforts.  (I hope.  After all these years of trying, it is hard to have a strong faith that GOD will provide what I think He should.)  

I have been listening to Joel Osteen sermons.

I have been listening to old books about faith issues.

I have been thinking about what I should do to change the way things are.

I have been seeking GOD for direction. 

This is another starting point for my efforts to make things better. 

We will have to see what the rest of this month brings.

I watched some of the news programs for today after working on my ETSY plans.

Kamala Harris is now officially going after the Democratic bid for President.  It is the expected path, but I am not sure what it means.  I don't follow all these politicians that closely.  I think about our nation, about the battles between the main political parties, about the needs of the poor more than other income groups.

I suppose we will all find out where our nation is heading now.

What the news showed us tonight was an ordinary woman calling the police for help and ending up dead because of the policeman that answered the call.  Video in our lives is filled with real pain in the lives of others now.  Her life is over.  She has no option to recover from what a policeman has done.  She was murdered, he was not protecting himself from a dangerous person.  

When you watch the video, you can sense his need to kill someone, anyone.  I don't know what they call that, but it happens all the time.  I think it could have been a Black issue or a GOD issue.  He got mad when she called on GOD to help her.  The policeman was agitated, she sensed the need for protection.  He is charged with murder.  He should be. 

It's a very sad situation.  We see what happens in the video, but we have no idea what made these people the way they were at this moment in time. We don't suddenly become a killer.  Our lives change us into good or bad people.  Every day, every month, every year.  We slowly become different people.

What keeps us good people?

What makes us turn into people who do things that hurt us and others?

In my life, it was my faith in GOD, my salvation, my hope for the future that kept me from becoming a person that would hurt others.  I looked toward GOD in my hard times, in my pain, in my struggles to become better. 

The death of this innocent woman made me think about my own death.  We never know what a day will hold.  GOD warns us that the only time we have is right now.  

I hope for much, but I don't know what GOD is going to provide.  GOD provides for His Will, His Plan for us and for the world.  GOD lifts one up and lets another fall.  Everything is heading toward the fulfillment of prophecy in small and large steps. 

This is a very important election year.  It will decide the direction of our nation.  The goals of the Republican and Democratic Parties are very different.  This election is now, what happens after the election may change everything again.  

I can't support the Democratic agenda, but I don't agree with everything the Republicans stand for either.  Mostly, I hope America survives.  Mostly, I hope I survive. 

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