I just finished watching a replay of the DC Memorial Day Tribute. I usually watch it every year, but the last few (with COVID) I don't remember. I think they were cancelled, but I can say that for sure. Sometimes I miss the day. This year I cried almost the whole way through it.
They showed a lot of pictures of each war, starting with Vietnam. I remember Vietnam from the few TV news reports I saw. I remember sharing somewhere that it was the first war put on TV. It was horrible. I remember some of the movies about it... anti-war media in movie formats.
I guess they had newsreels for WWII. I don't know how much death they showed on those. Vietnam was terrible. New weapons. Really terrible battle strategies of the enemy in their familiar territory. Lots of drugs and suffering.
The fear of nuclear war I suppose.
I joined the Women's Army in 1973 and was the last group through Basic Training under Vietnam. I got a small medal for being in the military at that moment in time. I didn't understand why. I thought medals were for doing something extraordinary.
I didn't do too well in the military because of other issues. I wish I had been wiser at that age. I learned some important lessons by being in the military but I was so not ready for other parts of it. It is still a memory of regret.
I cried watching all the stories of soldiers who died. I cried because of our country right now. I cried because America is not the great country it was. I cried thinking about what it is becoming.
Knowing the Bible it is hard to watch the destruction of this nation, and wondering if we can slow it down or if there is no hope for us. I always saw the eagle as America, as a strong and majestic bird, powerful, a warrior for what is right and good and godly.
Now I see that all the countries of the world are struggling to survive. We are among those. Our economic problems make us weak and vulnerable to our enemies. Our political parties are so embattled for power that it is destroying us. Paul Harvey has a speech on YouTube called FREEDOM TO CHAINS and says that all the great nations that fell after being in power for a long time did so because of the disintegration from within, not the attacks of outside enemies. We are destroying ourselves.
In my years of pondering the problems and possible solutions we face, I realized morality IS the key to our greatness. As we have slowly lost our godly morality and viewpoints, we have slowly eroded into what we are today. GOD doesn't promise to protect our nation when it doesn't honor Him. Like He did with Israel, more than once, He judges sin. I see it as taking away His protection and allowing judgment through other sources, like 9-11.
Because prophecy tells us the world will become filled with sin and its consequences, I don't know that we can stop what we are headed into. I wonder if we can keep it at bay somehow. Then I wonder what we could do to accomplish that.
For myself, I have nothing. I don't know how I will survive the June budget crisis. I dream of things that could be done, but I am not able to even start them... to find others to help.
What could you do to stop the consequences of years of political mayhem, misjudgment, and even crimes... on both sides?
I cry for America and I cry for Christians.
I wish I could have done more.