27 September, 2024

Our reason for being alive.

This is the reason we don't always understand it when He doesn't answer our prayers the way we think He should, when we think He should, and the way we want Him to.  I imagine this is the hardest part of being a Christian.  Something happens and we think GOD should have stopped it.  We think our lives are different than others.  We have some kind of protection against the tragedies of life.

We do, in a way.  But it isn't from all hard things, bad times, and consequences.  I don't think the Bible says that anywhere.  The lives of those with faith are filled with suffering, and lessons of their faith help us see how GOD works in our lives.

We learn the promises of GOD are serious, true, and can be depended on.  We are told about what lies ahead and can rely on it because we discover GOD doesn't lie, keeps His Word ALL the time, and is more powerful than anything else that exists (including Satan and his fallen angels (demons).  

We are protected from the assaults of Satan until it is our time to die, after our purpose has been fulfilled.

I have been thinking a lot lately about GOD's power in our lives.  The details above are some of the things I decided.  

I noticed a magazine at the grocery magazine racks called WITCHES.  To me it is a sign of the End Time prophecies and how a world becomes evil.  Evil becomes something we don't notice, can't fight against, and begin to suffer from more and more.  I am seeing how everything changes over time.  The TV show BEWITCHED made it funny, we embraced it.  We responded to TWILIGHT, THE GOOD WITCH, video games, movies, DVDs, websites created by WIX, and (especially) HARRY POTTER.  Disney movies can be added to that list.  This all makes the spiritual realms seem less threatening.

I don't think we understand how this all changed our world.  The saying about a long journey begins with the first step is true for prophecy as well as our goals. 

We may not think about it, but Satan has been orchestrating his plan to fulfill the prophecies GOD has shared in the Bible.

I have been watching short videos about all the terrible things that happen in our world, crimes, murders, child abductions, rapes, and what families do to each other.  It has really affected my perspective about what the world will become as it fulfills Bible prophecies.  As a Christian, I don't know what we can do to help and protect ourselves.

For myself, I don't know how much time I have left.  I am just trying to prepare for that path.  There isn't anything I can do to help us.  I don't have any money.  I am not a high-energy "power person.  I am wondering what GOD has planned.

I hope you think about these issues and figure out how to best protect your loved ones from the prophecies we know about.  We can't stop them, we might be able to fight against their implementation in our world and find a way to gather together to be more powerful.

GOD tells us what is coming because He loves us and wants to make sure the world sees how powerful He is.

Getting closer to the end of this part of my goals.


I hope.

All my sorting is going in this direction.  


I will get there - or at least keep trying.  Pray for GOD's blessings on my efforts.  Thanks.